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Expert April 2018

Honest opinion on chairs

@brd2be, on January 10, 2017 at 11:06 AM

Posted in Style and Décor 24

So these are the chairs that our venue offers for rent. We would get 135 of them for $150, which I am finding is a steal compared to what it costs to rent a garden or ballroom chair. I was dead set against these at first because they are so plain and feel more office like to me but now seeing that...

So these are the chairs that our venue offers for rent. We would get 135 of them for $150, which I am finding is a steal compared to what it costs to rent a garden or ballroom chair. I was dead set against these at first because they are so plain and feel more office like to me but now seeing that we would have to pay 4-7$ a piece to rent different ones, I am starting to reconsider. I really thought about every wedding I have ever been to and I cannot remember what the chairs looked like at any of them. And I feel like coats and other things are going to be covering them anyways. I don't know - am I overthinking it? Would love honest opinions. The venue is very industrial looking so I am thinking it might be fine. From pictures it seems like most people rent garden chairs for the venue but a few have used these and it looks okay.


  • Rachel DellaPorte
    Rachel DellaPorte ·
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    Now, let's see...what did those chairs look like at last Saturday's wedding? They had four legs, a seat, some kind of back, and they didn't wobble...hmmm...

    The only reason I remember chairs (and I remember everything about decor) is if they are truly exceptional -- as in the legs are a Queen Ann style -- or they are truly hideous -- as in the color makes them an eyesore.

    Your chairs are fine. What your guests will absolutely remember is the food, the alcohol, and the party atmosphere. Don't take any money from those budgets to upgrade a chair. It's honestly not worth it. As long as there are enough chairs for everyone, you pass Chairs 101.

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  • Anne
    Master April 2017
    Anne ·
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    I would try to get nicer chairs if you can find a good deal. I'm very detail oriented so I would notice the chairs, however as a guest it's a lot more important that the food/alcohol/music are all top notch. So if nice chairs have to be cut from the budget in order to cover costs of higher priority items, then it is what it is.

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  • Samtoine2017
    VIP May 2017
    Samtoine2017 ·
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    I had this dilemma too, and whether or not to get chair covers...ultimately decided not to do anything about them. They're comfy (they have padding, and I tested them at the site visit) and they kind of blend with the venue. So I'm just not going to bring any attention to them. No covers, no sashes, no bows.

    Unless those chairs are super uncomfortable, no one will care.

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  • kittycow
    Expert December 2001
    kittycow ·
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    My honest opinion is to try and find padded chairs. From experience these would be torture for people with arthritis, bad backs, bad hips, and other invisible disabilities.

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