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Just Said Yes October 2019

Having a courthouse wedding for immigration reasons then planning a formal wedding.

Ryan, on September 12, 2019 at 4:58 PM Posted in Planning 0 8


Sorry for asking on this thread but it seems the most relevant one I could find...

I have moved from UK to California. SO and I are getting married this October. We didn't want to tell anybody apart from certain families and friends because we need to be married for me to legally stay in the country. I am a hopeless romantic and I wanted to propose to her with a ring in a beautiful location so she would remember this. However we simply cannot afford this due to immigration costs and the fact I cannot work until we are legally married and I have obtained a work permit.

We want to get married in secret in October but once I am working I want to "propose" and then have our wedding with all our families and friends to celebrate in the near future. We know we love each other and want to spend the rest of our lives together, I just want my to be wife to have the amazing wedding day she deserves and a romantic proposal without everything thinking, "Oh they are already married this is just a load of BS." Maybe I'm thinking about the social perspective too much but she really deserves a special day and I feel if people knew we got married (with no rings and it not really being special) in October and then we had our wedding the following year, it wouldn't be as special.

Just looking for some advice or if anyone has been in a similar situation.

Long distance: 3 years (saw each other for 1 month in each summer and 1/2 weeks every 3/4 months)
Living together: (2 months)

Thanks in advance.


Latest activity by Andrea, on September 13, 2019 at 9:24 AM
  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
    Caytlyn ·
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    There have been tons of couples here, and family members on the receiving end, who have been in similar situations. As with everything else in life, honesty is the best policy. There's no reason that you can't still have your special day, but someone will inevitably find out that you were already married and feelings will be hurt. It will go over much better coming from you.

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  • Erin
    VIP September 2023
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    You can always say that the wedding and reception you want to throw when you are able to is a vow renewal. Those are just as socially “valid” as the 1st wedding, and can be just as special and amazing. That’s basically what you’d be doing anyway, but it wouldn’t have to be a secret that you’re already married
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  • Ivy ORP
    VIP October 2019
    Ivy ORP ·
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    I am one of the brides that will be getting legally married before the big celebration. Ours is merely for the date but we are just too old to wait another year to be married. We are having our reception a couple of days later with a handfasting ceremony so our friends and family feel included in the marriage. We are being very honest about this and I have to agree that this is often the best policy. Most people call these vow renewal ceremonies. My brother tried keeping his first marriage secret and having the big ceremony later and it did not go over well with friends and family when they found out, these things always come out.

    I will ask though, I have heard that marrying a US citizen is no longer a guarantee that you will have that path to citizenship. Have you spoken with an immigration lawyer about this?

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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I see nothing wrong with having a vow renewal later! I agree that you need to be honest that you and your future spouse got married. It can cause lots of drama and hurt family members if you're not upfront about it and they'd probably be less likely to want to celebrate with you

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  • Chelsea
    Savvy August 2021
    Chelsea ·
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    Hi Ryan,

    I also agree that honesty is the best policy when dealing with loved ones. Because those closest to you will always love and support you no matter what. Just because you guys are getting married in a court house doesn’t make it any less special!! Marrying your best friend will always be special.

    Who cares when and where you legally say “I DO”. I think it’s smart to wait to have your big celebration when your financially stable. This way you guys get to celebrate the way you’ve always wanted too.

    Who cares what others think, if people are willing to talk crap about having a wedding after you’re legally married then they shouldn’t be celebrating with you anyway.

    At the end of the day do what’s best for the two of you.

    Good luck with everything!
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  • Kelly
    Dedicated October 2019
    Kelly ·
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    I agree with honesty being the best policy with regard to your friends and family. I would also suggest that you not keep the courthouse wedding be a secret. Take pictures, invite a couple friends or family members for witnesses, if you are on social media share your special day, go out to a restaurant or have a small party at home and celebrate. And again, take pictures!! Don't say you are getting married for immigration purposes! The first ceremony might be different than you would like, but you are in love and want to be married; your marriage -- not wedding-- is not just for immigration purposes. Lots of people are unable to have the ceremony they want for a lot of different reasons, but it doesn't make the marriage less valid. Best wishes, a former immigration lawyer

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  • Jazmin
    Super April 2019
    Jazmin ·
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    You can do whatever you want. I was in a similar situation with my husband. After being together for 3.5 years (2.5 of those were in a long distance relationship) we got married in the presence of family and friends this year. But we had already gotten married last year legally for immigration purposes. So we basically eloped and then had a wedding, both days were amazing and we enjoyed them so much.

    After eloping last year

    Having a courthouse wedding for immigration reasons then planning a formal wedding. 1

    On our wedding day this year

    Having a courthouse wedding for immigration reasons then planning a formal wedding. 2

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  • Andrea
    Dedicated October 2019
    Andrea ·
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    Hi Ryan,

    My situation was kind of similar in the sense that we had a long distance relationship (1.5 years) and were living together for a month before we got legally married at the courthouse with just my mom in attendance. Our wedding is coming up next month and we haven't told anybody other than my mom that were are already legally married for the same reason you hesitate to say anything: it might take away from the planned wedding day and people's feelings/judgments about having a wedding after being legally married already. My advise is to just go with your gut. We've been married now for almost 5 months and it's been the best kept secret. For all intent and purposes, to my guests our wedding day will be the day of our planned wedding ceremony and reception.

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