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Devoted October 2017

Hair loss/thinning

Kathleen , on October 23, 2016 at 7:01 PM Posted in Fitness and Health 0 8

I have hypothyroidism and I'm working with my endocrinologist to get my levels in check. Recently I've noticed a significant increase in hair loss, and while my hair was never particularly voluminous, it is now noticeably thinner. It's relatively long now, and I have my heart set on a long hairstyle for the wedding so I'd really like to avoid having to cut it all off. The picture below is how much I lost after one shower yesterday, not even counting whatever was in/down the drain (I know, gross, sorry). Can anyone give me any advice on this? Either to stop the hair loss or possibly to increase thickness? Please help! Smiley sad


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  • Bailee
    Devoted December 2017
    Bailee ·
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    I have the same problem. Honestly I stopped using heat on it. I never blow dry my hair or straighten it or curl it. I just shower, put some of that It's a 10 spray product and leave it like that. I've done that for almost three months and it's a lot better. I also put some mousse in it as well so my hair doesn't get frizzy. Biotin helps too.

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  • Must Love Cats
    Master October 2017
    Must Love Cats ·
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    I have Hashimoto's. Hairloss is a common symptom. Biotin help like Bailee said. I agree too about not using heat. I air dry. I very rarely ever use a dryer or apply heat on my hair unless it's a special occasion. Are you on meds? I am on Synthroid and Cytomel. Being on both a T3 and T4 medication should help you and other symptoms too. I used to have really nice long and thick hair but when I got diagnosed that all went away. That's okay though because I actually like having short hair if it's easier to maintain. FH loves my short hair too. I had my heart set on having long hair for the wedding but after a while it's just like I don't even care anymore I'd rather have shorter hair and less weight on my head then possibly making my symptoms worse with longer hair. I would check your levels to see where they are so they could adjust your medication appropriately. Also don't wash your hair every single day and definitely try to eat more vegetables and fruits.

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  • MNA
    Master April 2018
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    I highly recommend asking about switching to a natural desiccated thyroid replacement rather than the synthetic thyroid medications.

    I'm subclinically hypothyroid, as my body does not process t4 into t3 consistently: too often it will process it into reverse t3, which the body cannot utilize. Without enough t3, the body continues to exhibit hypo symptoms. Therefore, if conversion is your issue, treating with synthroid alone can make symptoms worse.

    At the very least, I would get your free t3 and free t4 (NOT total t3/t4 levels!) checked and ask about having rt3 checked, and ask about whether adding cytomel would help.

    I used to be on a regular daily dose of the NDT (which suppresses the body's natural thyroid production and acts as a full replacement) and started taking n-acetyl cysteine for its help in glutathione production. I found out afterward, when I ended up really hyperthyroid, that glutathione is one of the substances the liver uses to break t4 into t3. It aided my issue enough that I now take 1/4 grain of NDT every 5-7 days as symptoms return. It's made a HUGE difference in my symptoms and how I feel overall.

    Definitely talk with your doctor. Thyroid medications should help the symptoms, not make them worse.

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  • Kathleen
    Devoted October 2017
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    I very rarely use heat anymore either, though I put it up in a loose bun after I wash it which might not help. I'm on levothyroxine. My doctor added two extra pills a week to get my levels better, which is when I started noticing this change. She since decreased it to one extra a week and put in a prescription for synthroid as some people react better to the name brand. Will have to wait til I can refill to start that though. If this doesn't work, the next step would be T3/T4 combination therapy. I a taking a women's multivitamin that contains 400mcg biotin. Should I increase that? It's all just so frustrating and discouraging.

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  • Kathleen
    Devoted October 2017
    Kathleen ·
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    @mna thank you for that advice, I'm having bloodwork done again in December and will ask her to add those tests

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  • S
    Just Said Yes September 2017
    Spanky ·
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    I had very thick curly hair. But around the age of 32 I started noticing my hair loss from time to time. Slowly my hair was noticeably thinner on both sides of my head.

    I was really shocked and then I consulted my doctor about the same. Initially , I started with the home remedies like hot coconut oil massage, use of Aloe Vera but didn't noticed much difference.

    My doctor then recommended me to go for best shampoo for thinning hair i.e PURA d’Or Anti-Hair Loss Premium Organic Argan Oil Shampoo and a good condition with it.

    I really noticed a drastic change in my hair texture and now recommend my friends to go for the same!!

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  • Stacey
    Super October 2018
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    Unfortunately the only way to really stop it is to correct what is causing it. In the meantime you could try Rogaine, it can help regrow hair and stop the thinning. It takes a few months though. The good news is that this type of loss is reversible, you just have to get your hormones balanced. I feel ya, I have chronic telogen effluvium. I never know when it is going to fall out or when it will stop. After 2 years of no shedding, it started up again 2 weeks ago. My wedding is in 6 months and I have no idea what I am going to look like.

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  • M
    Mariya ·
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    I bought biotin drops to improve the quality of my nails and hair. My hairdresser said the only thing I could take to make my hair grow faster is Biotin. I will not say you'll go from short hair to hair down to your waist in a month because nothing can do that. But since having to stay home and not being able to get my nails done or hair cut I have noticed a difference. Also the taste I thought was good. I would put it under my tongue and count to 30 then swallow it.

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