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Just Said Yes November 2020

Groom's Twin Sister

Emma, on January 1, 2019 at 6:56 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 13

This is a complicated one so TIA for reading and any advice is welcomed!!!

My fiance and I met in 5th grade and I was best friends with his twin sister. As we grew up (middle school and high school) we grew apart and were friendly, but not so close anymore. My fiance and I started dating our sophomore year of high school. His sister and I ended up going to the same university and have been in similar friend groups the whole time. She has changed a lot since we were little (obviously) so we are so different now! When we got engaged in October, she didn't seem excited at all and would actual say negative things about weddings and getting married around us. This past month, we have been choosing and asking our wedding party and we asked her to do a scripture reading at the wedding rather than be a bridesmaid. This decision was made for many reasons but the main ones are: we had grown apart, she didn't seem to be interested in participating in bridesmaid activities, and she had a different but important relationship with both of us (twins/old friends). Yes, I didn't want her to be a bridesmaid when I have much closer friends, but we also made that decision based off of what we thought was best for her personality and interests.

Long story short, we found out from my future MIL that the twin is super upset and "hurt" that I didn't include her. When my fiance talked to her about it, she basically said she understood our reasons but was still hurt. She doesn't know how we could fix it AND she doesn't really approve of the marriage because she doesn't like me (she thinks I am mean and she doesn't like the way that I handled a situation with a mutual friend who is battling severe depression). She thinks that her twin deserves better and doesn't want me in the family. This was obviously so horrible and painful to hear. I knew we weren't close (why I didn't include her in the bridal party) but I never thought that she thought I was not a good person or that she was against our marriage. Now I feel like I have two options - I know both of them will hurt in some way but I can't decide which one is better:

1. We could leave her as a reader and deal with all of the other family (MIL, FIL, etc.) who will be confused and disappointed and potentially hurt that I didn't include her in that way. The MIL has already confronted my fiance about this and I'm 100% sure that she will not be the last one. We don't want to include her more so this is a pro in that aspect but she would get to continue complaining and others would be upset which would keep coming back to us.

2. I can add her to my list of bridesmaids - bringing me to a total of 6. She wouldn't take any of my close friends out and would get what she apparently wants, meaning that she theoretically couldn't complain to others or bash me. This could be seen as a nice gesture and then maybe she won't think I'm so mean - we've really been thinking about her and other's feelings so much through this whole process. I want her to like me and I don't want to hurt anyone but a huge con is that she doesn't support the wedding. That hurts so much and I know there's nothing I can do to change her mind with my words so I just need to deal with this and be the best person that I can be. Hopefully she will see that soon.

Thank you so much for reading all of this and really any advice or comments would help a ton. Smiley heart

P.S. My wonderful fiance is totally on my side of things and wants whatever will make us the most happy overall.


Latest activity by Mim, on January 2, 2019 at 1:33 PM
  • Rebecca
    Devoted May 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    I mean where I am from its absolutely custom to include your FH's siblings... Maybe it is a southern thing but My brother is one of FH's groomsmen and even FH's brother's long term girlfriend is included in mine because to us, that is what you do for family. Just add her. She is his twin so she is NOT going anywhere, so what is the harm in her being in some wedding pictures in a wedding dress? It will only help with family stuff in the long run.

    Honestly though in your FSIL and FMIL the damage is kind of done, at this point you kind of want to try and make up for it and save face with the rest of the family.

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  • Arkilia
    Super November 2021
    Arkilia ·
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    Oh wow, I'm going to say this, this day is about you and your fiance and you should not be bullied into putting someone in your wedding who doesn't support your marriage.

    I will also say that the wedding may not make your relationship any better. Sometimes weddings can bring out the very worse in people. Have you thought about discussing the friend situation?

    If she doesn't want to read the scripture then just have her as a guest, and maybe sit down with FMIL & FFIL and just let them hear you both out. As long as your boo has your back its all good.
    Best wishes 😘
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  • Kaitlyn
    Dedicated May 2019
    Kaitlyn ·
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    Your wedding party should only consist of those you are closest to and support you. It's very clear the twin doesnt want this marriage to happen. I would think if the stress it might cause if you do add her as s bridesmaid and she decides to make things more difficult for you, like picking out dresses or planning. I always find it funny when others think they are owed a position in a wedding. In my opinion, positions are earned, not owed.
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  • Kelly
    Champion October 2018
    Kelly ·
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    I didn’t include any of my husbands sisters as bridesmaids. I didn’t even have my own sister as I have a lot of close friends that are more important to me. My husband had his sisters on his side as groomswomen. I don’t think you should make a decision based on someone else’s actions and emotions. Have who you want on your side.
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  • Abby
    VIP March 2019
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    I would never add someone to my wedding party that was not important to me and doesn't support me. Your party should consist of your closest and dearest friends and family. Don't let anyone bully you into including someone you don't want! They may get mad but that shouldn't be any of your concern. Hopefully you'll only be getting married once so don't bow to other people's wills about how they think it should be.
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  • Melissa
    VIP September 2019
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    I would not add her just to please everyone, especially when she has told you or FH directly that she doesn’t support the marriage. I wouldn’t want anyone with that vibe in my wedding party for sure. The family will get over it. It’s one day and it’s about you and FH, not her.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    Yikes! I'd tend to be more for the "olive branch" approach if she hadn't told you directly (or FH? I'm a little unclear on who she said those things to) that she thinks "you're mean" and doesn't "want you in their family." That's pretty bold and harsh, and, given her feelings, it seems somewhat bizarre that she even wants to be your bridesmaid. And, if she truly said those words to you and/or FH, then I think it is very fair and appropriate to tell his parents what she said if they continue to push. If they all still think, despite her negative feelings about you and the wedding, that she should be in the wedding, then FH can ask her to be a groomswoman. It makes NO sense for anyone to suggest you make her a bridesmaid given her feelings about you. Honestly, I think FH needs to tell her that you are his fiance and he expects her to treat you with respect. You don't need to be close, but if she can't be supportive of HIS choice in asking you to marry him, she needs to at least keep her feelings to herself because you are joining the family. Good luck! She sounds like kind of a brat....

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  • Caytlyn
    Legend November 2019
    Caytlyn ·
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    You made your decision, I don't think it should change because of someone else's thoughts or feelings. I understand wanting to have a good relationship with your FSIL, but including her in your bridal party isn't the way to mend that relationship. Stick to your original decision and talk with your FH about other ideas to work on things between you guys.

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  • Jennifer
    VIP October 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    Sounds like my “Darling” 21yo Stepdaughter to be.

    When we were in New Orleans this past weekend, I tried to have her and I go off and do a “pre-bachelorette” male stripper party... she refused, wouldn’t even respond to my text. Yet has gone around and bashed me to EVERYONE- family or friend that SHE isn’t a Bridesmaid, but her cousin is. Her cousin is because after 7yrs she still hates me( NO, no valid reason other than petty jealousy- and has said she will sabotage my plans.) and her cousin and I have always gotten along great. The other 3 ladies are friends of mine & NOT family.
    My son is NOT included as a Groomsmen for FH- so he really cannot ask me to add her & Not add my 21yo son. I feel we should leave all 3 kids( his 23yo son/21yo daughter and my 21yo son) OUT of wedding party.
    I have my grand nephew( well FH) and grand nieces as ring bearer and flower girls. As I have no small ones on my side of the family.

    I say “Do what your FH & you feel is the right decision. If MIL has a problem than tell her that there is a lot more going on here and this is NOT the platform to act like a spoiled 2yo. She IS included as a reader. But Attendants are the ones who love and Support you and the wedding- the ones you can’t possibly see getting married without. And, sadly, his twin IS NOT one of them”
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  • Joanna
    Devoted February 2016
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    I think your original decision is well thought out and the best considering the situation. After all, you didn't even have to include her as a reader. Does FMIL know she's expressed things like not wanting you to join the family and not liking you? If not, I think your FH should tell her this if the discussion of his sister being a bridesmaid is broached again. Explain the thoughts behind your decision and hopefully FMIL will understand. If not, she'll get over it.

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  • Denise
    Devoted May 2019
    Denise ·
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    The real problem isn’t whether you should add an additional bridesmaid. The problem is you have a broken relationship with this woman. While you say you aren’t close now, you’re going to be celebrating Thanksgiving with her from here on out. She’s going to be your children’s aunt. Your husband is going to need her as their parents age. Maybe it would benefit everyone for the two of you to attempt to cultivate a better relationship. Please consider reaching out to her to repair this relationship.

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  • N
    Just Said Yes July 2019
    Nicole ·
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    I'm going through something similar (my fiance chose not to ask my new brother-in-law to be a groomsman so he and his family now refuse to attend our wedding).

    I would not include your future sister-in-law as a bridesmaid because it will be clear to her and your in-law's that she is now a bridesmaid because she threw a fit. I think you should make it clear to her that you and her brother understand how she feels and explain to her your reasons for not asking her to be a part of the bridal party. I would still include her on the bachelorette party, if that has not yet been planned, as an olive branch and to let her feel included.

    Good Luck!

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  • M
    Mim ·
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    If she's important to your fh then he should ask her to stand with him. She's his sister not your.
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