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Just Said Yes October 2020

fmil doesn’t like me but also nags that she doesn’t know me enough!

Adriana, on December 20, 2019 at 5:22 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 5

Does anyone else feel like their FH puts his parents on a high pedestal? I’m getting second thoughts on my FH because of the way he lets his parents treat him. I love him very much for being caring and always thinking about them specifically his mom but it’s getting annoying.

This is a little backstory on my FMIL. When fiancé and I first started dating and I would come over to their house I noticed he would always want us to spend most of our time together with his mom which was really cute at first but then it turned into this forced routine. When sometimes I would just want to lay in bed with him,m because I was very tired. FH & me are 23years old. Long story short, we moved out on our own, with only some months of dating. A month passed and FH proposed in July. His parents didn’t end up finding out until December even though they had already seen my ring MANY times. FH didn’t want to tell his parents because he didn’t feel as if it’s the right time *eye roll*.

One of our HS friends congratulated FMIL on our engagement and that’s how they found out. His mother got very upset because she felt she was the last to know which I completely understand. I’m not the most chatty person I’m very quiet but I always made sure to text her on special occasions and invite her over for our family get together ( she only came once ), I invited her to my graduation which was where she met my mom. Since then it’s been quick hellos and goodbyes, his parents live three blocks away from us and my mother lives 35 minutes away and we see my mother more often. I suspect this is because FH parents are very problematic and like to judge a lot and are just not the nicest people. For example, it was FMIL birthday and I asked FH to go see her he didn’t want to go because he didn’t have a present. But I convinced him because I had bought her a gift and card. We go and it’s nice up until they start to speak Spanish. Which was really insulting to me, idk if I have bad humor but the joke was in bad taste they don’t know how to joke around it comes off as mocking.

Recently, I got into a very uncomfortable argument with his mother in person trying to defend my FH. She explained to me that she feels like she barely knows me, she said she was the last to know FH was moving out , last to know about the engagement, and now last to know about my wedding plans. The only thing I’ve done so far is proposed to my bridesmaid which his sister was invited too. She said it’s very disrespectful for us to be wedding planning when her mother passed away last year. In Hindu religion you have to wait two years after a death to get married she said. Which is something FH and I had no idea about because his mother and family don’t practice the religion but his grandma was a believer. I feel like his mother doesn’t like me anymore, FH says she just wants to get to know me more but whenever we invite her over she doesn’t come and we’ve been around each other for quite some time for her to claim she “doesn’t know me.” All of this has been very frustrating FH doesn’t even talk about the wedding anymore I feel like she’s trying to ruin us. FH and I only fight when it comes to his mom. He keeps bad things she says about me which then makes me feel stupid for trying to establish a friendship with her. I have no tolerance for forced relationships. His sister unfollowed me on social media for no reason. I don’t even want to see them now. The day of the argument his mother threatened HIM to not show up to the wedding, if it’s done next year. I really don’t want to change my wedding date! His grandma passed away Dec 2018 after we iwere proposed, and our wedding is Nov 2020!

If anybody has any advice on how to move on from this, please please please let me know. Part of me feels like his mother is being petty towards us, but in actuality I feel like we don’t owe anybody anything we should be allowed to live the life we like. I was going to make his sister a reader but I don’t know now, do I even invite them wedding dress shopping! I don’t know what to do or how to act around them?


Latest activity by Veronica, on December 21, 2019 at 6:44 AM
  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    This is definitely tough. The fact that you hide your engagement from them only makes things worse. To me that would be a really big red flag that your fiance felt the need to hide his engagement from his family. I would be upset too if I found out the way they did. However, that doesn't give them the right to treat you badly. Your fiance needs to defend you to his family. Since his sister unfriended you that tells me she doesn't want to be a part of your wedding, but I would give it some time as you still have almost a year until the wedding. I probably wouldn't invite his mom to go dress shopping with you because it sounds like she would just be very negative about the whole experience. As for having to wait until two years after somebody dies that sounds ridiculous to me. You could forever be pushing back your date if anyone in the families die. I would keep with the date that you have. If his family doesn't like it then they can stay home and those that actually want to be there and support you will be.
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  • Jeanie
    Super February 2020
    Jeanie ·
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    I agree with the previous poster that there are some very concerning things about your story. But I think most of them are with your fiancé, not his mother. Why hide your engagement? Did he really not tell them he was moving out? Is he often keeping things separate between you and his family? His mother is 100% right, she should not be hearing these things from anyone but you and her son.
    Honestly I can understand his mothers actions much better than his. As far as not letting you hide out in his room when he lived with his parents, their house, their rules. I may be old school, but that’s just a matter of respect. And so her mother died and she wants to respect her with honoring the religion she practiced. While I agree that may be a bit extra, it’s her mother and she may be grasping at straws to have something tangible to hold on to. Everyone grieves differently. If it’s going to make your life easier, why not just push the wedding back a month.
    I don’t think you’re being petty with your complaints. You’re feeling strain on your relationship and you seem to really want to connect somehow with his family. Your heart is in the right place. But why isn’t your fiancé helping with this? It almost seems like he simply doesn’t want to put the effort in. Is this because he thinks it’s just never going to happen, or that he isn’t completely sure about your relationship? It seems the two of you need to have a discussion and approach his family as a united front to try and build a healthy relationship with his family. If he’s not willing to do that, you need to consider why not.
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  • Adriana
    Just Said Yes October 2020
    Adriana ·
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    Thanks so much
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  • Adriana
    Just Said Yes October 2020
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    I think he’s scared of what they’re going to say and doesn’t want any problems with them and that’s why he left them out for instance when he was moving out his dad was on board but he didn’t tell his mother because he knew she will be sad. It doesn’t make sense to me but that’s mostly his reason for leaving his mom out of things he worries to much of how she’s going to react forgetting that it’s not helping keeping her out in the dust also. I feel like my relationship with her strained a lot after he hid the engagement from them she used to call me, now she never does. With Christmas coming up he told me he’s visiting his parents alone, and then will meet up with me and my family. I honestly don’t think the situation is going to get better he’s trying to keep our relationship separate from his family.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    These are huge red flags to me. I would definitely not be okay with this. It seems like he has something to hide. I think you need to tell him how you feel.
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