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Just Said Yes September 2018

Fiance Called Off Our Wedding

Daisha, on September 10, 2018 at 8:23 AM

Posted in Family and Relationships 136

Hey everybody. First off, I’ll go ahead and apologize if this post is rather lengthy. I have a lot on my heart and I appreciate any and all guidance. So my fiancé and I have been together about 3 years now. A year ago, he proposed and we have been planning our wedding for September 30th, 2018. I...

Hey everybody. First off, I’ll go ahead and apologize if this post is rather lengthy. I have a lot on my heart and I appreciate any and all guidance.

So my fiancé and I have been together about 3 years now. A year ago, he proposed and we have been planning our wedding for September 30th, 2018. I might also add that we are 9 years apart (He is 34 and I’m 25) We met and immediately fell in love and knew we wanted to get married. He even tried getting married 2 months after we got engaged, but I couldn’t afford it that fast (my family wasn’t helping financially with the wedding). As soon as we got engaged, I ended up moving in with him (I know, I should have waited especially after all this mess).

Before I get into all the details, I want to point out that he can be a very good man. He is probably the hardest worker I know and dedicated to whatever he sets his mind to. Up until I went on the road with him, he treated me like a princess. He literally was the best guy I had ever met in my entire life. He treated me like I was gold and went out of his way to do things for me I probably didn't deserve. He's a very emotional man and will open up to me about his heart and is not afraid to shed a tear and tell me how he feels about me. I have never had that type of man in my life and I found comfort in that. I truly love him with everything I have and accept him for who he is...good and bad.

Here’s a little backstory on our life : he is a professional athlete and we are on the road 300 days out of the year. I own a furniture business and was able to set up a drop shipping service where I could start traveling with him in order to support his dream. While we were on the road the last few months, things started to get harder. We are in a truck or trailer 99% of the time, so if you have a problem it’s not like you can run away. Anyway, my fiancé is a very detailed, extroverted Type A man. I, on the other hand, fly by the seat of my pants and have a laid back and introverted personality. While being stuck in a pickup and trailer the last few months, he started getting extremely critical with me talking about me wearing too much makeup, how he’s “better than me” at this or that, how I am too messy, how I shouldn’t ever want to drink alcohol, how I cuss too much (I say a cuss word every now and then, maybe that is wrong.), how my clothes are too tight, how I had been with men before him (obviously???), how I had a terrible upbringing (his parents were extremely strict and “perfect” and my mom was laid back and my dad wasn’t around). Regardless, my upbringing was not something I could change even if I wanted to. He would hurt my feelings about multiple things and I would initially ignore it. Then it got to the point where he would upset me so bad I would just not talk at all. So while I was trying to withdraw and deal with my emotions, he would say I wasn’t communicating and would start to nag me about that! Once it got to this point, I lost it and sometimes would lose my temper with him. I won’t lie, I immaturely called him a cuss word or two out of anger. I honestly felt like I was being backed into a corner on a daily basis and no matter what I did, it was never good enough. For instance, if I cussed at him or did something wrong he would either take my ring, threaten us getting married or a few times he even kicked me out of his house. I really started withdrawing and felt that I couldn’t open up to him because he felt like an enemy to me for whatever reason. I do feel that being on the road like we were was not healthy and I should have never gave up my life to do that just for his dreams and goals. As I mentioned earlier, my fiancé is 9 years older and since I’ve been around him so much I’ve felt like he treats me somewhat like a child. If I don’t pick up a certain way or say something right I feel like I get in trouble. Maybe my perspective is wrong and since we have been together 24/7 I am just being ridiculous. I truly feel that he’s always on my case about something. And if he doesn’t have something of the present, he will go to my past and talk about my previous relationships. I am so laid back, his previous relationships never even cross my mind. So it really amazes me how he is able to pick fights about these topics. Regardless, I try to help him feel better and do all I can to make things right. BTW…I realize this is only one side of the story and I’m sure he has a list of things to say about me and my ways so I’m by no means trying to bash him. These are just some of the things that have gone on leading up to all of this drama…….

On our way to an event, he started criticizing me and I immediately shut down. I realize this isn’t the mature thing to do, but being on the road, I had no “me” time and my personality couldn't handle the criticism. Without saying another word, he called his mom (he’s a BIG momma’s boy…that’s a whole other discussion) and told her to not send out the invites , that he was calling off the wedding! This happened 1.5 months before the wedding!! He even went into details with her why he was doing all of this while I just sat in the passenger’s seat bawling my eyes out. I couldn’t believe he would call his mother of all people and embarrass me that way. I was in complete shock and could barely look or speak to him. He immediately booked a flight for me and sent me home. I have to say. That was by far one of the hardest days of my life. To be so heartbroken and in shock, yet have to travel and somewhat function…I just have no words for how I felt that day. To top it off, as soon as I arrived home I got a text from his mom saying “Make sure to shut down all of the registries. I don’t want people sending gifts, so make sure to do that ASAP. “ Of all the things she could say to me, thats ALL she had to say???? I couldn’t believe it. I cried all night long. She went from talking to me daily about the wedding to immediately treating me like I was nothing to her and she didn’t care about my feelings. Anyway, a few days went by and he started bugging me like crazy. He decided he DID want to get married and had to send me our invitations out of the trailer. I started getting excited again and told my family, vendors, and bridal party it was back on. Within a few more days, once again he decided he wanted to cancel it. Side Note : Do you know what it’s like canceling a wedding , only to put it back on, only to cancel it all over again ? The poor vendors thought I had mental issues and my bridal party quit taking me seriously.

It’s been 3.5 weeks since he flew me home, and it has been extremely difficult. Every day I feel a different emotion. Some days I’m busy and can be somewhat nice to him while other days I am so angry with him I can’t think straight. He tells me he just wants to postpone the wedding and work on our issues, but I can’t even get past him calling it off in the first place. I realize there are times to call off weddings to get things right, but I honestly felt I didn’t do anything bad enough to deserve to get our wedding called off. When it’s brought up, he reminds me why I deserved to have it called off and what I did wrong, never looking at himself in the mirror. I feel that he almost did it as a way to discipline me. It’s absolutely terrible. After spending time with my family and friends the past few weeks, let’s just say they aren’t in love with him like they once were. They have all told me to run as fast as I can and move on, but I do really care for and love him with all of my heart. It’s not just something I can move on from overnight. This may be wrong, but to me, despite all his flaws that I don’t like, nothing he did was bad enough that I would ever even CONSIDER calling off our wedding. I accepted him for him, good and bad. I just feel that he didn’t do the same for me. I know I am not perfect, but in my heart I do not feel that I deserved this. I am a strong person, but this has to be the hardest thing I’ve ever gone through. I might also add : a couple days ago I got 3 texts from his mom stating that “all the gifts need to be returned to ______ & ______ immediately. They want their gifts back. It needs to happen quick.” I immediately texted her and explained that I tried to return them and couldn’t get a refund and I was going to be shipping them so that way they could keep them or gift them to somebody else. I also said I’m sorry, this has been extremely hard on me and I promise I would never expect to keep the gifts. Nothing was ever taken out of the box ( there was a $25 gift and a $99 gift, we only had received 2 up until this point). After I opened up and told her how hard it had been, SHE NEVER EVEN REPLIED. Anyways...enough with the ex future mother-in-law....

I am so lost on what I should do. He will be back in week and I have already started packing my things so I won’t be here when he gets home. Am I supposed to be the bigger person and let the postponed wedding go ? Or do I have the right to feel upset and confused ? Has anybody ever gone through something similar to this ?? I have so many questions.....I have never been so lost, embarrassed, sad or angry in my entire life. I am all ears and will gladly accept any and all advice. I’m so sorry for the long post, I am just so extremely heartbroken. Smiley cry


  • Chariece & Sterling
    VIP January 2026
    Chariece & Sterling ·
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    When I started reading this post I literally got sick and upset so I didn't want it to ruin my birthday. I came back the next day and I finished reading . Also the given advice, some mentioned it's better to leave now than get divorced later. Sadly with this kind of behavior she might not live to get a divorce. I got tears in my eyes because I too was in an abusive relationship. The really sad part there are so many forms of abuse. Physical, Mental, Emotional. Abuse is sometimes learned behavior. Because when I was preparing to respond to this post my intial reaction for his mother was you are worry about returning gifts you need to tell your son to go seek professional help. But sadly she needs to go herself because while a mother's love is unconditional. She is woman as well and you wouldn't want your daughter to be treated like this. However if the mother herself was a victim of abuse she might not even recognize that this is abusive treatment . I will keep you in my heart and prayers❤❤❤
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  • J
    Expert May 2018
    J ·
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    You have already gotten great advice but I just wanted to add please, please do NOT forgive him for all this terrible behavior, let the wedding go forward, and then have children with him!!! He will be a TERRIBLE father and may cause your children serious emotional damage if he treats them like he has treated you (being critical, manipulative, etc.)! I really hope you are strong enough to leave him for yourself, but if not please do it for your future kids! You are young and pretty, and seem very smart and kind from the way you wrote your post, and can find someone soooo much better!
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  • Tara
    Master September 2018
    Tara ·
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    So sorry you are going through this ive never had a wedding cancelled so i cant say how that feels but i do know how it feels to love someone that treats you like dirt and be stuck in that cycle. Its going to feel like the end of the world but you will be okay, and then one day you will see in hind sight how damaging he was to you and how happy you are to NOT be treated that way. Wishing you strength. You can do this, and you WILL be okay.
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  • Mrs Sullivan
    Expert June 2019
    Mrs Sullivan ·
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    I am so sorry you are having to go through this. It must be so hard and I can't imagine the swirl of emotions. As hard as it will be, I think you need to put as much distance between the two of you as fast as you can. He is emotionally abusing you.

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  • T
    Expert September 2018
    Tia_Fred ·
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    I'm sorry u are going through this. First thing firat is to leave the house pack all ur things up and go and second thing is its gonna be hard I know u love him but he isnt gonna change ita gonna get worse. Please liaten to all the ladies including myself its not gonna get better u have to leave before he does hit u or hurts u even more you dont deservw it at all. Personally if he is calling off the wedding twice apparently he isn't ready for marriage and he treats u like sh**. Please I know its hard but u need to leave and stay away. I promise it will get better over time when u are gone for a few weeks and movw on with ur life.
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  • T
    Dedicated September 2018
    Tiffini ·
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    I’m just going to be honest here. It sounds like you wanted to have the wedding so much you did not realize how horrible a marriage to this man would be! If he is this controlling and harsh to you, it would likely only get worse after the wedding. I understand that you love him but he is emotionally abusive and you NEED to run from that situation. You said nothing he did would have made you want to call off the wedding, so it’s clear you are a loving, kind and forgiving person who does not deserve that. If I were you I would cut off all contact with him and his family and focus on healing. Therapy might even be a good idea, even just a few sessions to get some outside perspective from a professional .
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  • Tina
    Super August 2019
    Tina ·
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    Baby Girl l agree with the other 90 ppl on here telling you to run far far away. My thought is to love yourself more. You show others how to treat you. He sees he can turn you on and off like a light switch. Just thank God he showed you this Now instead of later. And it is Not going to get any better. He sounds like a narcassist to say the least..maybe even a sociopath. Either don't need that. Best luck honey. Let your heart heal. Sometimes you have to kiss alot of toads to get your prince 💔
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  • LB
    Champion November 2016
    LB ·
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    OP, you havent commented once since you started this thread, please come update or answer people's questions.

    Agree with PPs, seems like you're dodging a bullet.
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  • Jessie
    Devoted May 2019
    Jessie ·
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    You don’t deserve that kind of treatment. My advice is to be completely packed up and out before he gets back from his trip. Avoid any type of contact and move on with your life. I know it’s harder said than done but it will be worth it in the long run. It sounds like you got out before it was too late (and at least you won’t have that MIL)
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  • Tanya
    Tanya ·
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    Hello dear I'm so sorry that he treated you so unkindly. I noticed you said he was a professional athlete. Well you know the pressure or stress from his profession maybe overwhelming for him. No excuses for him to treat you like that.
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  • firstoneat56
    Master August 2017
    firstoneat56 ·
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    My dear, you are in love with the man you want him to be, not the man he is. Get out now and get some therapy ASAP so you don’t fall into the same kind of abusive relationship again.

    Sending you lots of good vibes, support and love.
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  • FutureMrs.Jacobs
    Super October 2018
    FutureMrs.Jacobs ·
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    I agree with you. Run Now

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  • Stephanie
    Devoted July 2018
    Stephanie ·
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    GIRL RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! If you stay in this, I’m scared for you. That might sound harsh I’m sorry but this is classic gaslighting, emotional manipulation, and just so many other red flags!
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  • Future_Mrs.concanon
    Devoted April 2019
    Future_Mrs.concanon ·
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    I'm not the best at giving advice but I'd feel confused and hurt. *Hug* Smiley heart I hope everything works out. I feel terrible hearing someone going through this, nobody deserves that.
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  • Kayla
    September 2020
    Kayla ·
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    Firstly so sorry that you had to experience that. No one is perfect but have been raised he doesn’t need to continue to raise you. I’m sure he has so good qualities BUT he is manipulating you. He is controlling you by taking away something you love/ are very excited about. You said it right that he is trying to punish you. No one deserves that! I dated Older men and had similar experiences. They try to be your dad. (Not every one does) You deserve to be happy and mentally healthy and unfortunately he isn’t the one to offer you BOTH of those things. You should continue to pack and leave and take time for you to reevaluate him not he be in constant control. Because it seems deep inside you know he isn’t treating you like he should any longer. Good Luck I hope You find yourself again. YOU deserve that much.
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  • M
    Dedicated October 2018
    Melissa ·
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    WoW.. I'm so Sorry.. I'm going to be blunt.. Cut him loose AND ASAP! HE treats you terribly and that is ABSOLUTE ABUSE!! Get into some grief counseling and please do not go back to this fool no matter what excuse he gives you!! His lack of respect for you went out the window the second he put you down.. PERIOD.. PICK YOURSELF UP AND MOVE ON.. PLEASE KEEP YOUR SELF RESPECT AND DIGNITY AND KICK HIM TO THE CURB. HE IS NOT GOD'S GIFT, YOU ARE REMEMBER THAT!! HUGS
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  • M
    Devoted December 2018
    MissDec1 ·
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    You have every right to be upset! If you were just dating, and he had said all of this to you, would you haves stayed through all of that?

    I do undersyand thay living in supwr close quartes and not beung able to eacape can bring our the worst in people, but this is also a part of him. You can never I hear the things he’s said to you. Trust me on that last part.
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  • WagsToKray
    Expert November 2018
    WagsToKray ·
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    Oh, sweet Daisha... I am SO sorry that you have been going through this. My heart literally broke while reading this post.

    Most PPs have already stated what I want to say, but I want to echo it: Do not, for one second, believe that you are deserving of this type of behavior! You are not his child - he does not need to discipline you. In a relationship, you should be an EQUAL. It does not matter how many years apart you are in age, if it is not a solid and equal partnership, it will not work. Please do not blame yourself for the way that you are being treated.

    I know from an outsider's perspective, it is way easier said than done... but both his and his mother's behavior, having NO regard for your feelings, subjecting you to emotional abuse, while flip/flopping whether the wedding is on/off and talking about you as if you were an object, is not ok and you deserve SO MUCH more. The words he spoke to you are something that you will never un-hear... in any moments of doubt or anger, for the rest of your relationship, those words will play through your head over and over... Do not put yourself through that when he is already doing it.

    I wish you all the best and please do keep us updated. Smiley heart

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  • Daria
    VIP January 2019
    Daria ·
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    OP I hope that you are ok. I think you need some personal counseling so you can learn to see your own self-worth.

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  • Jazz
    Devoted June 2019
    Jazz ·
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    I'm sure I'm a little late with this but please please drop him! He sucks! I know it hurts to have loved someone so much and expected to spend your life with him but he is not good for you. I don't believe people change the way that he NEEDS to. Of course changes happen but he needs a complete personality check. You had me at taking away your ring as punishment?? That sound so degrading, and you're right: like you're a child. Please please don't go back to him. He is calling the shots and taking full advantage of it.

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