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Expert October 2021

Family drama & issue with my sister....

Rabreena, on February 17, 2021 at 5:57 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 9

So I will go ahead and pre-warn that this will most likely be a long post, plus also a venting session. I won't mind comments, thoughts and opinions being shared from anyone with the "outsider perspective".

After getting engaged and taking some time in order to think about who I would like to have stand beside me on the wedding day, I decided I wanted to ask my sister if she would be my maid of honor. Even though I knew full well she does and would not have the money in order to pay the full price for the dress, shoes or probably anything else. So taking that into consideration my fiance and I discussed about coming to the conclusion that we would be willing to pay for half the costs of dress and shoes as well as covering the costs for all the girls to get their hair and makeup done, in the hopes of making it easier on everyone. I called my sister and asked her if she would be my maid of honor, then informing her that we would cover half. In which she said "yes".

Overall everything had been going fine as she would try to help when and how she could, and I would involve her in some discussions to get her opinion(s) on some things. There were times when I am in the thick of planning and thinking (being serious) asking for help and opinions, she would only provide joking answers. Which was super frustrating but I would eventually get over it and move on continuing progress with planning. There was a weekend that my sister, one of my bridesmaid, my mom and I went out to go shoe shopping for the ones we would wear at the wedding. Now when it came to my sister she picked out a pair that were on clearance but were still over $100, I didn't make a fuss about because I agreed to pay for half. Once we went to checkout she told me that she didn't have any money with her because her boyfriend needed some so she gave what she had to him. I told her no worries that I would front her cost for the shoes now but to pay me back. Mind you this happened months ago and she has yet to pay me back or even mention as to when I could expect to be paid back.

Now this is where the real drama and issue(s) starts.

Back on February 14th, I had received and email response from the hair and makeup artist/stylist I had hired to take care of myself, all bridesmaids and both Moms giving me some information to pass along to my bridesmaids and Moms. I immediately sent a message out in the Bridal Party group chat to inform the of what I was told. In which my sister replies with a picture of herself with crazy hair......that she had chopped all of it off, asking "do you think they can do anything with this?". I didn't panic at first because she had done this years ago and it looked exactly the same so I thought it was a picture from all those years ago. I eventually reached out to her personally asking if that was a picture from a couple years back, in which her response was " no that is right now from this morning". I was in absolute and complete shock!! I could not believe that she had decided to do something so drastic like that without even mentioning it to me, and I say that because I already had 2 of my girls come to me saying about how they were considering of doing something with/to their hair but wanted to mention it to me first due to the fact of the wedding being later this year. I felt truly grateful and appreciative that they decided to ask/mention it to me before just doing. Now I know it is their body and hair, so I do not have control over them/it, yet I am happy the consideration factor was there on their part to say something. Back to the deal with my sister is that also when I saw her hair I knew that she would have to be taken to a salon later on this year in order to get it cut/trimmed into a style that the hair stylist would be able to style so then the fee I paid would be able to be put to use. I even mentioned this to my sister and she said that I was overreacting and "there is 8 months until your wedding, it'll grow". I tried talking about it with her more, but she refused to respond to anymore of my messages, yet she didn't have a problem taking time to "style" her hair and putting makeup on in order to take more pictures of herself to post on Facebook stating "And to think I was crying over this earlier.....btw I regret nothing". Her "friends" commented on the post asking about why she was crying in which she stated that it was due to my messages/questions/comments to her. That is when more of her "friends" started tagging me in their comments, saying all kinds of horrible thing and calling me names such as inconsiderate, careless, heartless, only care about money, greedy" as well as making threats to crash my wedding, insulting me just because it will be my second wedding and saying that it will end in divorce and I need to be ready to pay for the divorce. I could continue on and on as to what all kinds of things that were said about and towards me. Honestly it was at that point that it did not even matter about my sister chopping her hair off, if she wanted it short then fine I don't care and it doesn't matter. But now the fact and issue has become of all her "friends" making these horrendous comments to and about me, and what did my sister do join in with them calling me names as well as not taking up for me and telling them to stop she only encouraged them by saying how appreciative she was with everyone showing how much they cared, loved and supported her and her decision and kept thanking them. Meanwhile these "caring friends" kept saying those comments. She never took up for me or told them to stop, they crossed a line, or that they shouldn't say such things about (me) her sister. I was in complete disbelief she allowed it continue without saying anything towards them, again it wasn't about her hair anymore I could care less, but now the absolute disrespect she was allowing them to do to me was "the straw that broke my back". I was done, apology or not I knew at that point she could have cared less as to how I felt and I was not going to have that kind or level of toxicity in my wedding party because I do not need her to disrespect my friends like that when they have done nothing wrong or towards her.

So as a result I decided to remove her from my wedding party, I have informed her of this and have not heard any response. I will be asking someone else to take her place in the wedding party but not with the maid of honor title, I decided I would change my son's title to "(little) man of honor". I have not chosen someone yet as I want to give myself time to calm down and recenter. As of now I do plan on inviting her as a guest, if she wants to come.

What I am wondering is, I am wrong in the position I have taken with removing her and deciding to eventually "replace" her? Or is there another way I should have gone about it?

If you have taken the time to read all of this, which I know is ALOT, thank you so much for taking the time to do so and thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and/or opinions.


Latest activity by Ava, on February 17, 2021 at 9:51 PM
  • Tory
    Devoted May 2022
    Tory ·
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    So from an outsider’s perspective I can see how you could have hurt her feelings about her haircut, BUT she never should have allowed her friends to talk about you like that. To me it sounds like she was being very selfish, from picking out expensive shoes, to never paying you back, to cutting her hair so drastically without even mentioning it to you. I will say not everyone in your bridal party may consider to talk to you prior to changing their appearance, but she should also understand why you may have been upset at first, and like I said never should’ve let it get so far to where her friends were attacking you. I’m not sure if you tried talking to her prior to cutting her out of your wedding party about how all of those things they said made you feel, but she might have thought it was drastic without talking about anything that was bothering you. However I do think that if it was stressing you out so much or hurting you by having her involved then you made the right choice. I’m sure your relationship with her would’ve been strained anyway after everything that happened, and she didn’t seem to be making a great effort as your MOH anyway
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I'm sorry this is happening. My sister is super difficult as well. However, I think both of you were wrong. Your wedding is still eight months away so I think it was wrong of you to get upset that she cut her hair. Eight months is plenty of time for her hair to grow so I think you made a big deal about her hair for really no reason. While it was nice that your friends checked with you, I don't think it was necessary. But I think she was wrong for not defending you to her friends. She never should've let them speak that way about you. My sister and I didn't speak for over a year after my wedding due to things that happened before, during and after my wedding, but there is no way I would've allowed my friends to speak that way about her especially on a public thing like Facebook.

    P.S. things could definitely be worse than a haircut eight months before your wedding. My sister got a very large ugly tattoo less than 48 hours before my brother's wedding. Her arm was sore, itchy and bright red at their wedding. She spent a good portion of the day complaining about her tattoo. My husband's sister chopped off her hair the morning of one of her friend's wedding because the friend was being a witch and she had enough. So keep these in mind.

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  • A
    Expert September 2020
    Amanda ·
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    From my perspective, she was kind of set up for failure. Yes, she behaved terribly and immaturely but prior to that I don’t think she really could have won. It sounds like you were very aware of her financial situation and in many cases the bride pays for the MOH/bridal party’s attire and HMU in full. I think you should have offered to cover the full cost for her if you knew it’d be an issue off the bat and wanted her engaged. Regarding the hair, it’s her hair. We do not know exactly what or how you asked her about it and it’s likely her feelings were very hurt by whatever comments were made by you. That doesn’t condone name calling but just lending my POV.
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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    When she started going along with other people's nasty comments about you, she did the unforgivable. You should tell her so. And not speak to her again for a year.
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  • C
    Dedicated November 2021
    Claudia ·
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    I agree with this. Seems like there was always going to be something to be nitpicky about. She should have, at the very least, not have publicly called you names though. Easy solution, block her friends. Then you don't have to worry yourself over the opinions of people that don't even matter to you.
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  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    "What I am wondering is, I am wrong in the position I have taken with removing her and deciding to eventually "replace" her? Or is there another way I should have gone about it?"

    Only you can decide if the risk of damaging your relationship with your sister is worth kicking her out. Obviously you two have a history, so these issues are about way more than your wedding. It's hard to tell, but it seems like this type of behavior is common for her. We should never make the mistake of thinking weddings will change people's personalities. Oh, and she's right; what she does with her hair 8 months before your wedding isn't any of your business.

    I definitely don't think you should replace her. There's only one way for that new person to feel: second class citizen. A maid of honor/bridesmaid isn't vital to a marriage, so there's simply no reason to replace your sister.

    I agree with Claudia that you should block all of your sister's friends on social media, and possibly block your sister as well (or at least mute her for now). Blocking toxic people is the best! You will never have to think about them again (this doesn't apply to your sister who you will see in real life, of course).

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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
    Kimberly ·
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    I’m sorry but your response to her regarding her haircut was wrong. Yes, you were 100% wrong. She doesn’t need to inform you of changes to her hair/body ever and she certainly does not need to ask your permission. You hurt her feelings when you not only didn’t support her choice to cut her hair or try to convince her it would grow and be fine. You instead told her how much it was going to cost (I assume you) to fix. Why would it cost you anything to fix her hair? You aren’t her mother.
    She was also wrong to take it to social media and to not stop her friends from calling you names. That is also wrong.
    No, I don’t think you should have cut her out of your wedding. That is something that will not be easily fixed, unlike her hair. I would recommend NOT replacing her and reach out after some time to talk to her and ask her if she would rejoin your wedding party. Sure it’s important to make her understand the vile things her friends said was not ok, but you have answered wrong with more wrong.
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  • Expert September 2021
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    Okay I’m torn with this!
    I’ll start by saying I’m sorry you’re having to deal with the drama and especially with family!
    Honestly, your sister seems extremely unstable in every sense of the word. I’m not sure that she’s someone I would have chosen as my MOH, sister or not, simply because of her seeming lack of maturity - and again, on every level possible. I agree with others that she doesn’t need your permission to cut her hair off, but I’m also thinking ‘she needs your money for everything with the wedding’ so I don’t think running that by you would have been too much to ask. You do have 8 months until your wedding and her hair will probably grow back, if it makes you feel any better! I’m not sure of your relationship or how close you two are, I would say to talk to her but again, she doesn’t seem very mature and I really don’t think that would do much. I’m sorry your dealing with that! I would definitely try to chose your battles. With it being your sister, you may have to bite the bullet some. She just seems like a lot of immature bottled up and needs some attention - as do her friends. I wish I had more advice for you! Family is harder to get a clear answer with!
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  • Ava
    VIP May 2022
    Ava ·
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    THIS! 100%
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