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Savvy July 2021

Dress crisis

Adriana, on May 19, 2021 at 6:52 PM

Posted in Wedding Attire 21

I’m so upset and just need to vent...I bought my dream wedding dress last June off the rack (last one of its kind). The problem was the dress was too small but the lady at the store said not to worry and it could be let out for a little extra room. My aunt is a seamstress and looked at the dress...
I’m so upset and just need to vent...I bought my dream wedding dress last June off the rack (last one of its kind). The problem was the dress was too small but the lady at the store said not to worry and it could be let out for a little extra room. My aunt is a seamstress and looked at the dress today and said there hardly any material to let the dress out! The straps are also way too tight and I truly cannot breathe in this thing. It just doesn’t fit right and all the alterations it would need might affect the way it fits and overall shape of the dress. My aunt said it would probably be best to just find a new dress that fits better that I’d be comfortable in.

I’ve searched high and low and wedding is July 3rd. Everywhere I go says it’s too late to order something and I need to find something already in the store that I like. Finally found ONE dress that everyone says looks great so I impulse bought it. I’m looking at pictures and I think I look so horrible. Not flattering and I have no waist definition. I can’t tell if I just have a horrible self image or if the dress truly does not look good on me. To be fair, I don’t have any makeup on or hair done AND my mom is not a very good photographer...Even if it doesn’t look good, what can I even do at this point?? Does this dress look frumpy, or am I being over critical? Adding pics of the new dress below.



  • Maddie
    Expert February 2022
    Maddie ·
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    This is a beautiful dress (I actually tried it on too xD), and I think you look lovely. I get wanting a super defined waist (even though, as is, it looks fine) - I'm super hippy so NEED to have a waist or I feel like a potato sac - but that's nothing a nice belt won't fix

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