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Expert November 2014

Do you and FH have a "rule" about how much you give as a cash gift?

cupcake_bride, on October 11, 2014 at 8:47 AM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 35

Just wondering if you base it on how well you know the couple, if there were travel expenses, per plate, etc, I always wondered though how are you supposed to know the price per plate. We tend to base it on how close we friends $200 and acquaintances $150...that may sound cheap...

Just wondering if you base it on how well you know the couple, if there were travel expenses, per plate, etc, I always wondered though how are you supposed to know the price per plate. We tend to base it on how close we friends $200 and acquaintances $150...that may sound cheap considering the price of some plates but it's our "rule".


  • Becky
    Expert October 2014
    Becky ·
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    Yeah these amounts on here seem outrageous to me. We give a gift off the registry. Close friend or family, $100 gift. Acquaintance probably a $50 gift. I've only been to one where I gave cash and that was because the bride didn't register and wanted cash. I gave her $50. I don't think I am cheap; judging by the wedding gifts I have gotten so far, that is about the norm. Seems like if you live in one of these cash-giving areas you can spend whatever you want on your wedding as you will make it all back with these cash gifts. You may even make a profit if people are giving $200 or more!

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  • F
    VIP October 2014
    FutureMrsS ·
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    I usually buy off of the registry. For a shower, I'd say $75-80, and for the wedding at least $100.

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  • KTSmom
    Expert February 2015
    KTSmom ·
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    Where we live, things on the registry are given as shower gifts and cash/check is given at the wedding. At my wedding, 42 years ago, most monetary gifts were in the $20-25.00 range. If someone gave you $50., you did the happy dance. How times have changed!

    We'll give at least $50. - 100. shower gifts, and $200.-400 wedding gifts, depending on how well we know the couple.

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  • Futuremrsw
    Super October 2015
    Futuremrsw ·
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    Wow I feel like I was always a pretty good gift getter, now if feel like a cheapskate!

    It depends on how close I am to the person/ couple. For example, we went to a wedding of FHs friends that I had never met before. FH didn't bother to look at the registry before the wedding so we sent a gift about a month after the wedding. I ended finding about $60 worth of stuff and sending it to them, and I didn't even know them.

    For my old roommate who I was close to for years and years and years got about $250 worth of stuff off their registry. Same with my cousin who just got married. Amongst the shower and wedding presents, I probably spent about $300 on my best friend when she got married and I was MOH. That doesn't count the grand I paid extra more than the other BMs to rent the limo bus to travel around DC bar hopping.

    When my older brother got married I probably spent about $650 on gifts off his registry including bar mugs and luggage sets.

    I'd say on average we spent about $50-$150 per couple.... Now I feel sheepish for being that cheap? However I didn't even realize that was being cheap... Well glad I know what the running standards are.

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  • Finally Mrs Gee
    Master April 2015
    Finally Mrs Gee ·
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    To be honest I wouldn't say anyone on here is cheap! Your presence us a gift in itself and whatever someone decided to give is appropriate I think. If FH and I have it, we will give more. If not , we give 50-100 it all depends! Also it's a region thing on boxed gifts vs cash

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  • Emily
    Master May 2014
    Emily ·
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    I don't think any amouts listed here are cheap or outrageous - this topic varies so much by region. Some places have higher costs of living and higher incomes and that factors into gift giving norms, and well as what individuals themselves can afford. Wedding costs also vary dramatically by state and city vs rural areas. There isn't an "typical" amount for the entire country.

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  • mrsg
    Master September 2017
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    We are both graduate students, so we don't have much to give, especially when we have to travel for a wedding. It always depends on how close we are to the couple, but so far we have given $75- 150 (from both of us). We really can't afford this "cover your plate rule" because that would be closet to $200 per person for some of the weddings we have attended. Our close friends know the situation and have always been sweet about it, even telling us that they understand if we can't afford to give anything. One couple who we were not close to didn't even bother sending a thank you note for our gift, which stung because we gave what we could and it was clearly "not good enough". After we graduate and can afford it, I think we will give more like $200, and more than that for best friends/ family.

    ETA: Right now, I spend around $25 for a shower gift, but would like to spend more like $50.

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  • S
    Devoted September 2022
    Spara38 ·
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    Usually up to $150 for us as a couple (we're in the Northeast). Then again, both of the weddings we've been to as a couple were during our engagement period AND when my FH was on unemployment.

    The only time we did less than that was his brother's wedding, when FH was "fired" from being best man by the bride (b/c he couldn't pay $250 for tux rental and $400 for two MANDATORY nights at a hotel 90min drive away from our house, again b/c of unemployment) AND I wasn't invited. What a dramafest! Sent a $50 boxed gift to that one.

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  • Lisa
    VIP September 2014
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    Most people give way less than you think they would or should. At this point in our lives, DH and I give between 150 and 200 depending on who it is. Most people under 40 at our wedding gave us 50 each or even less...or nothing at all. Most over 40 gave 150 to 250 per couple.

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  • ELFie
    VIP August 2014
    ELFie ·
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    Clearly, based on these comments, it just depends. We give around $50 for gifts, combined, and that seemed to be the average from what we received.

    Many people gave $25 per couple, most gave $40-50 per couple, and there were only a handful of VERY generous cash gifts of $100 per couple or over. Those who gave $100 were close aunts/uncles or parents friends in their 60s. One friend gave us $200 between her and her fiance and we thought that seemed like too much. It was extremely kind!

    I don't think our group of friends/family goes crazy on gifts like all these WW commenters are used to. I will count my blessings that we have such a reasonable realm of friends/family, as I wouldn't expect anything over $50/couple.

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  • Northern MN
    Master November 2014
    Northern MN ·
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    When I was younger I think I probably gave roughly 50-100 for me or two of us to attend a wedding...and between 25-50 for a shower gift and a bach gift. So for a wedding I might give around $100-200 back in the day.

    Now my thought on this are different..... I now give $50 for a shower/bach party gift...and roughly $100 per person (so if me and my FH both go then $200).

    I would say for our engagement party (which was not about gifts) we got a lot more random things (not registry things) and about 600-700 in cash and gift certificates.

    For my bach parties and showers I would say that the range was huge....some people gave $25 dollar things or gift certs and others gave up to maybe $100 worth of items or gift certs.

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  • Bride2Be2014xox
    Devoted November 2014
    Bride2Be2014xox ·
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    We have never been invited to any out of town/DW's so I give a $50-75 shower gift if invited and around a $150-200 wedding gift... It's more so what we can afford to give comfortably versus a wedding gift rule. However if I was faced with the out of town or DW expenses... I'm not sure what I would give... it would have to depend on the person and finances at that particular time.

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  • MarriedJ!
    Expert June 2014
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    Some of you guys are quite generous! I was invited to a casual buffet wedding by someone that I have more of a business relationship with (like a personal trainer). It was at her parent's yard and I went alone. I already gave her a shower gift, so I got her a $30 gift card for the wedding gift, which is I guess still better than some household knickknack. For relatives that I am close to, I have given $200-500 cash. I recently got married for the second time, and a couple of my cousins came with their spouses and 2 children. Each family gave $100 total. One friend and her spouse gave nothing. That was a surprise and kind of insulting, but hey, you're not "supposed" to expect gifts right? On the other hand, some of my husband's relatives gave $500-1000. There's a huge variation.

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  • Jess D
    VIP May 2015
    Jess D ·
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    Thats alot of money!

    for the wedding gift i got my friend, a thirty one bag thats insulated (keeps hot foods, cold food cold) and its a pretty decent sized bag.

    a wedding picture frame

    a gift card

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  • Annie & Javi
    Master October 2015
    Annie & Javi ·
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    $100 a person typically and for those we are really close to we'll do $300-$400.

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