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Just Said Yes June 2023

Do my friends hate me or they just like this?

Lola, on January 12, 2023 at 11:34 PM Posted in Planning 0 13
My bridesmaids are one of my closest friends. I knew they were always "busy" that if they have an exam in three weeks, they won't even meet up for my birthday so I always shrugged it off despite it did hurt me a little. Now that I'm getting married, I wasn't really expecting them to be any different. But after a few events, I'm not sure if I'm being petty or if they're maybe not good friends for me.

My partner threw a surprise engagement party for me and none of my friends showed up because they were all busy. Two had valid excuses. The other two was because it would inconvenient them very slightly so they decided not to show up. This did upset me and I cried quite a lot mostly because from past events that my other friend who lives interstate was pointing out they were bad friends who were not there for me, could not do anything to help or even inconvenient themselves a bit. They made picking out the dress very frustrating and they were shocked why I was getting annoyed at them about how they were demanding a dress colour but I said I couldn't tell until I picked out my dress first (I was not going to wear white). They said they thought they were making it easier for me but I honestly cannot understand their logic behind this because it limited my choices.
But after the engagement party, after hearing how none of them were even helping out to make a single phone call to a vendor, or ghost the MoH each time my MoH would talk to them about the wedding, I was absolutely devastated when they didn't show up because I kept defending them saying they'll be there when it mattered.
I raised it to one of the friends saying I was really sad by it and whilst I didn't blame them cause I knew they were busy, I was just really devastated to see none of my friends there. But she essentially turned it around saying it's not fair of me to be sad, and that she got distant from me after the first encounter saying it's not right for me to get annoyed and frustrated even if things get stressful.
I spoke to the MoH and she told me to ignore it that they probably just too young and have different priorities than to try be there for friends when they need to. Like people I'm not even close to was more eager to help out. So I stopped trying to care but I was feeling off about them because I kept hearing they were being super difficult in the bridesmaid group, in that if they couldn't do a particular joke they refused to do the whole thing. I think they may have gotten jealous about how excited I was when my bestie from NY surprised me when she came earlier than she said she would, and my bestie was telling me that during the event to the ceremony, they were being very petty.
Like one time, she raised the topic of dispute about the joke, and they all stood up simultaneously and walked out while she was talking. Apparently they were criticising the gifts the groom got me, and even were being rude to the other bridesmaid (I knew they hated her but invited her as a bridesmaid because she was a close family friend).
At the ceremony, they were having fun amongst themselves and I barely ever saw them which I'm glad they were having fun but they were shunning my bestie the whole time. Even apparently shoved her aside once. But near the end, when I was saying goodbye to everyone, my cousin overheard them saying to each other whether I wanted to say goodbye to them as well. One of their mums told them to say goodbye so they approached me and said goodbye.
While one is now helping me with the dances for the main events in June, she was telling the girls in the group chat how she might not be able to do it cause of a dress her mum got her. The girls were telling her that she shouldn't feel compelled to dance and should respect her mum (which is fine) but was completely being rude on the fact there was going to be a dance saying no one would even be watching the dance, and no one will care, that people will be bored of it etc. I know they were trying to make her feel better but don't think they realised they were saying my vision for my wedding was going to be trash. I was shocked when I read that and called them out on it essentially saying that it was hard to read this and that it was my choice to make.
They all never responded to it. I told one of the girls and she said she didn't get why I was offended. And when I explained it, she was telling me that they were doing it to make her feel better about not dancing and that it's their opinion and I should respect their opinion. I disagreed saying it was criticisms and was quite offensive especially since they're my friends and I thought they'd be supportive of what I wanted for my wedding, but she told me not to care about what they think and they can say what they want.
I absolutely gave up on them after that. Any time I raise any wedding topic, like asking their opinions about a make up look etc, they ghost me. But sometimes they talk to me normally when it comes to any other convo. Sometimes they make jokes that I'm not part of the singles group now and that I've been shunned but it feels like it's kinda truly how they feel.
I keep overthinking about it that they're annoyed at me with how stressed I've been and I called them out when they were rude to other people, etc. I definitely need help for this wedding but I'm too scared to even ask for their help because they always just ghost me and I just feel worse. I've been trying to mend the relationship by asking them about their lives etc and trying to be there for them even though I'm stressed with my MiL and the wedding but I can't even go to them and rant about it anymore like I would've been able to because every time I have raised that I'm upset about something with them, they just completely make my feelings feel invalidated. I feel so lost and empty that I feel like I don't have my close friends anymore and I have no clue what to do anymore.
For context of wedding events:Engagement in MayCeremony in NovemberReception in June (It's an Indian wedding)


Latest activity by jalisa, on January 14, 2023 at 5:59 PM
  • Jm Sunshine
    Jm Sunshine ·
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    You should not be asking nor expecting your friends to help with your wedding planning. That is what you and your fiance should be doing together and why vendors are hired. Their only obligation is to show up the day of the wedding in the dress you have chosen. If they are not cooperating with that then they should not be in the wedding.
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  • Lola
    Just Said Yes June 2023
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    I definitely am not expecting them to do anything. They're just busy with their own lives which is their right. My problem is that with the way they've been behaving, I felt my relationship with them has changed. Before I used to be able to tell them everything, but now when I just want to rant about wedding planning, I don't feel comfortable doing it anymore because they just ghost me any time I mention the wedding. I feel like maybe my expectations have changed so much after seeing how supportive other friends are. Like they're making plans to meet without me as well. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking it or have valid thoughts.

    Again I'm not expecting them to help, but my issue is how they're behaving as friends.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    Your friends aren't your volunteer workers at all. They sound busy.

    I assume you've had one wedding with ceremony etc already? They were there for that right?

    What's this dance you're talking about? Is it like a choreographed wedding party dance? If so, then I can understand them being reluctant to do it. Not everyone is comfortable with dancing.

    I would stop getting in the middle of whatever disputes are going on in the wedding party, and avoid talking negatively about your friends to others in return.

    You said, "I know they were trying to make her feel better but don't think they realised they were saying my vision for my wedding was going to be trash."--I think that's a huge leap from what it sounds like happened. Do you think maybe you're reading into that and assuming the worst?

    It sounds like you're overthinking a lot here, and without much actual evidence. You're reading a lot of negative intent into these situations. I would try and look for the positive things that come your way and be grateful for them.

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  • Lola
    Just Said Yes June 2023
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    I'm definitely not expecting them to do anything. None of them told me a long time ago they aren't and that's fine (btw it's very common and expected for the bride's friends to dance at the wedding). I'm bummed they can't but I never said anything to them against it. One who is a dancer says she won't cause of a dress she wants to wear at the wedding and I literally told her not to worry and it's ok.

    Maybe I am overthinking and probably is from all the negative comments from the other bridesmaids. But I never got involved. I never said anything to them unless I see them being rude to the bridal party in front of me. And I never yell at them either. I really try and be mindful of how I talk to them about it.
    Whilst I am 100% understanding that they're not obligated to do anything, and honestly the reason why some is unavailable is cause she just has a full time 9-5 job but even then I said nothing. If they didn't want to help, that's their choice. But I had hoped they'd be there for me emotionally like I've been there for them and they been there for the others in the group. They don't really check up on me either. The only time they talk to me is when I ask how they're doing.
    I may have read too much into the whole commentary about having a dance at the reception is going to be boring but it's what I wanted and they heard it's what I want. But their response is oh people will be like been there done that, people are going to struggle to even watch the dance (these are direct quotes). I know they didn't intentionally make it sound like they were saying my dance performance for the wedding will be boring but it did come across that and I can't read it any other way.

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  • Michael
    Rockstar October 2023
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    The whole wedding planning process and the wedding itself can draw out people's negative attitudes to these things. It is possible some of your friends aren't interested in the plans for it. And of course we can become too excited about our own plans and that then can make it harder for them. The basic idea is that they just can't set their hearts on the planning and pre-events. They may be fine with the ceremony and reception. They may be okay after it is all over.

    We can often compare our situation to the most social bridal parties who want to do everything together. That just is not something that always happens. Maybe you can doublecheck to see if they are fully onboard with being there with you at the wedding. As others will note, this is what they really signed up for as bridesmaids.

    The real goal then is the marriage.

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    "(btw it's very common and expected for the bride's friends to dance at the wedding)"--no, nope, this is not true. No-one is obligated to perform if they don't want to.

    Those choreographed bridal party dances are not common, and honestly they sound better in theory than in reality. Unless you're all really good dancers and have lots of training, it will require hours of practice to look good. Otherwise they can look cringy. It's a solid sign that your one dancer friend doesn't want to do it, as a former dancer myself, I wouldn't either.

    Accept your friends for where they are at. From your perspective, your reception in June is so close etc. Likely for them, it's six months away, lots of time.

    What are you thinking they need to check in on you about? Is the reception in June a source of significant stress for you? If so, can you rely on your FI for support? If you're truly overwhelmed and needing help planning this event, consider hiring a wedding planner.

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  • Lola
    Just Said Yes June 2023
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    I want to clarify, yes it is very common for Indian weddings for bride's friends and sisters to dance at the Sangeet. Obviously not every one does it for religious reasons which is ok but it happens and is a cultural tradition for many many many years for there to be many many dances at Indian weddings. It's literally in all the Indian weddings I've been to and it's even expectations from everyone who's involved there will be dances. The groom's side is dancing too and there a few other females who will be dancing on my side. Just not my closest friends which I'm not even holding against them. These dances are not ever meant to look perfect, it's to perform and celebrate and have fun. There's even singing from relatives at these performances and as well small skits performed.

    My stress though mostly stemmed from the previous event which I'm fine about now. It's more about the stress from MiL and unfortunately can't talk to those girls but it's not a major deal for me if I can or not with them. I think my expectations behind it is that I have so many other people that are checking up on me and are helping me willingly and some of them don't even expect to be invited to the wedding and im so touched by it. And then I turn to my actual friends who i don't feel so close with anymore.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    My bad, I didn't realize you were talking about something culturally specific. I still think that people shouldn't be made to do things that make them uncomfortable though.

    I'm sorry you're not feeling close with your friends. Life transitions are tough and you're having a heck of a transition now. I would just assume and believe that everyone has good intentions toward you, even if they feel slightly more distant now.

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  • Alyssa
    Super October 2023
    Alyssa ·
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    How are these people your friends? They don't sound very friendly or nice.
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  • Erin
    Super May 2022
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    It’s good you’ve come to a place where you can accept the expectation of just showing up in the dress for ceremony and reception. I think movies and media have painted women a very inaccurate picture of friends dropping everything and helping the bride with a bunch of the planning. Reality is far from that. My husband and I did all research and planning (will add though that we were fine with that as we wanted to guard from outside opinions).

    As for the support part, I’m sorry you’ve felt lonely through most of this. I can say through my experience that honestly only those that have had a wedding or are planning one at the same time tend to come through as people who are willing to lend an ear or emotional support. Out of my bridesmaids, it was the one engaged at the same time as me and one who was already married that were the most emotionally supportive (with the exception of my sis, who is single but we are very close). It’s harder for those who are not currently in your situation or have been through it in the past to have empathy for you. As Jacks put it perfectly, life transitions can be tough. They can also put a strain on navigating friendships, especially when some in the group go through a life stage, but others have not yet (or have chosen not to) get to that point.
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  • A
    Just Said Yes December 2023
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    My personal opinion? Throw the WHOLE BRIDAL PARTY AWAY!!! Busy lives is no excuse. My maid of honor lives 3 states away is married with two boys, one of which is severely disabled. And she has already planned to the T My Bachelorette weekend! We just got engaged in October 2022 and wedding isn't until December 2023. I feel when it comes to an event as intimate as a wedding you HAVE TO put in positions people you know are going to get the job done with YOUR best interest at heart. And to alleviate stress stand firm on what you want and don't want. Anything/anyone that causes stress and drama? Remove them/it, period. This time, your wedding day is about YOU AND YOUR SOON TO BE HUSBAND,nobody else. And if whomever can't/doesn't understand that, was never for you from the beginning.
    I am truly sorry that you are experiencing thus, and I pray it all gets better for you. 💕
    Congratulations and many blessings on your union! 🥂
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    It stops being about just you and your spouse when you involve other people. Like a bridal party. Their needs and feelings need to be considered too. Throwing away all her friends might result in making things worse in the long run,

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  • jalisa
    Just Said Yes October 2023
    jalisa ·
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    Honestly!!!!! Is this is how they are acting in January you need to remove them!
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