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Annie & Javi
Master October 2015

Contract AFTER the deposit!?

Annie & Javi, on February 1, 2015 at 10:07 AM

Posted in Planning 25

Found a MUA I love and want to book, but apparently she will only provide the contract after I put down the deposit. She has tons of great reviews, a slew of followers on Instagram and Facebook, etc. however I'm a little put off by this and expressed my concern when she told me this procedure. As a...

Found a MUA I love and want to book, but apparently she will only provide the contract after I put down the deposit. She has tons of great reviews, a slew of followers on Instagram and Facebook, etc. however I'm a little put off by this and expressed my concern when she told me this procedure. As a professional I have never asked any of my clients to provide me with a deposit before I gave them or even showed them the contract, nor have any of my vendors done this. Anyone have a similar experience? Advice please? Total deposit would be $140.00.


  • Mindi
    Expert May 2015
    Mindi ·
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    Do not do it. I was working with a makeup artist that worked this way and I refused to send money or give her my credit card number before having the contract. She broke down and sent the contract first. I signed the contract and was going to give her the deposit at my trial and she baled on me 3 separate times with various different excuses and now I read tons of horrible reviews everywhere for her (she previously had awesome reviews) where she took deposits and then just stood people up. Do not ever give any money without a contract first. Protect yourself.

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  • Monica SC
    Master October 2015
    Monica SC ·
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    You never give money to anyone without a signed contract. Tell her "let's compromise" I will sign the contract there in front of you and pay the deposit at the same time.

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  • StitchingBride
    Master October 2014
    StitchingBride ·
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    I wouldn't give anyone 2 cents before having a contact. wonder if those reviews are actually legit. regarless of the money and no matter how many alleged people she's made happy, they practice sounds shady to me, and I wouldn't trust someone wanting to do that.

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  • FutureMrs.DCT
    VIP March 2017
    FutureMrs.DCT ·
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    I wouldn't do it. It sounds too hinky to me. IF the deposit is refundable then maybe. Our wedding planner sent me a sample contract and then when I told her we had her deposit she sent the final contract (which was fine and we signed) and instructions on how to pay her. I'd be hesitant to pay then see the contract. Could she show you a sample of her contract?

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  • BWL
    Savvy October 2014
    BWL ·
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    Did they at least offer a written proposal first ? If not then I would also be uncomfortable. Most of my vendors generated it at the same time or provided a proposal first & then it became a contract with the receipt of my deposit.

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