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Devoted January 2022

Butting Heads

Shelly, on October 16, 2020 at 11:11 AM

Posted in Family and Relationships 21

So my mom, FH, and I have all been butting heads on the topic of flower girls and ring bearers. My FH has 1 niece and 2 nephews, while I have 3 girl cousins and 3 boy cousins. By the time we get married in 2022, we'll have 2 girls that are eligible to be fgs and 4 boys for rbs. To make it fair for...

So my mom, FH, and I have all been butting heads on the topic of flower girls and ring bearers. My FH has 1 niece and 2 nephews, while I have 3 girl cousins and 3 boy cousins. By the time we get married in 2022, we'll have 2 girls that are eligible to be fgs and 4 boys for rbs. To make it fair for both sides of the family, my FH and I agreed that we do one each. Youngest from each side. So one of his nephews will be the ring bearer, and my youngest cousin will be a flower girl.

My mother (who is Filipino), insists that we have 2 flower girls and 4 ring bearers...which we think is overkill. She keeps telling me how 'they'll look so cute and love walking down the aisle', but I honestly could care less. I've told her that it's not the fgs day, it's our day. Our wedding is very minimalistic and simple, and to have that many fgs & rbs is just mind blowing to me. She even went to my aunts who are each a mother of a fg option, and tattled about me not wanting them both. I don't want their feelings to be hurt, but doing one of each just seems the fairest way to us. My mom even went so far as to bribe me, saying that she'd send us wedding money monthly until our wedding day, but only if we made both girls a fg! I told her I was disappointed at her actions and appalled that she would go this far just because she thinks it 'will look cute'.

Has anyone dealt with this? I'm just getting frustrated with her belittling our decisions and opinions.


  • Shelly
    Devoted January 2022
    Shelly ·
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    I understand where you're coming from, and all the PP when talking about the children's feelings. We aren't too concerned about them because we know all of the kids and my FH family, and it's not them that will be the issue. We've already spoken with his family about it and all of them were very understanding and didn't see a problem with it. It's just my mom that is making a big fuss. My aunts aren't even making it a big deal, so really if anyone's feelings get hurt, it will be my mom's.

    I've taken everyone's advice into account, and spoke with my mother again on the subject, and she is now understanding why we are doing it this way. She even said she'd rather us have one from each family than none at all (which is what we originally wanted)

    Thanks for the input!

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