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Just Said Yes September 2021

Brother's wedding reception

Doug, on August 21, 2021 at 5:49 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 22

My Brother got married last fall, and I went to both the wedding and the reception and all the events that go along with it. Here's my problem: They are having a larger reception this September, but I simply cannot go. I have a partner that I have been with close to 4 years now. She is starting Grad...

My Brother got married last fall, and I went to both the wedding and the reception and all the events that go along with it. Here's my problem: They are having a larger reception this September, but I simply cannot go. I have a partner that I have been with close to 4 years now. She is starting Grad school. Her move in date is the same day as the reception. We are driving across 4 states to move her in. This is a giant life step for her. She is nervous and I feel like I need to be there for her. Not to mention I will not be able to see her until Christmas again. I told my brother about this and he understood, but got a text from his wife saying about how sad he is about this. I get that he's sad, and if it was literally anything else I'd be there. I even tried for an entire week to shift things around, but it's a hard move in date. Am I being a bad person??


  • W
    VIP September 2020
    Willow ·
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    Your SiL is way out of line. You already attended the wedding and reception. The second one is more for people who couldn't attend the first time
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  • A
    Expert September 2022
    Allie ·
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    Totally agree with PPs that you are totally fine!! And your SIL texting you that she's upset or whatever.....don't love the guilt trip. You have already tried to make both things happen by moving things around, so you don't need a guilt trip on top of the guilt you may already feel! You have your priorities straight!! Good luck with the grad school moving trip!

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