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Expert February 2020

Best man troubles

Sara, on January 26, 2020 at 6:59 AM

Posted in Family and Relationships 35

Hi ladies.. I need some input please My FH and I are pretty low maintenance, no frills, people when it comes to all of the wedding stuff that's goes along with getting married. We didn't want to register for anything, no wedding shower, and didn't want to have bachelorette/bachelor parties. When...
Hi ladies.. I need some input please

My FH and I are pretty low maintenance, no frills, people when it comes to all of the wedding stuff that's goes along with getting married. We didn't want to register for anything, no wedding shower, and didn't want to have bachelorette/bachelor parties. When asked about a bachelor party by his best man, my FH requested a blended game night that both he and I could be part of. He gave a list of dates that we would both be available (because I have a child from a previous relationship who I share custody with so the weekends with her were out..because I don't give up my time with her). He hadn't heard of anything from his best man on the game night, and seemed to be disappointed, so I took it upon myself to get my uncle to let us use his house (because it's in the college neighborhood where he and all of his friends met) to play board games and probably travel out to some of the bars. No one really responded to his texts on the matter.
His best man had mentioned something to him previously about keeping the weekend of the 7th open. When FH said that wouldn't work because I wasn't available, bm said that was fine. FH thought it was to help him with somethjng because this friend asks for his help quite a bit.
Well, it turns out that the best man planned a two night stay in a cabin for FH and 'some peeps' bm put it. While I'm so glad that FHs friends planned something for him..because he seemed to be sad that they hadn't...I'm very hurt. His best man purposely left me out after FH specifically said if he did anything he wanted me to be included. I haven't felt sad about being left out in a very long time and this just feels awful. I feel even worse because a huge part of me doesn't want him to go.

We had planned on getting our marriage license on the 7th and now I don't want to do it that day anymore. I don't want to associate the day we get our license with the day FH goes to a cabin for something I was purposely left out of. I'm pretty sure he's going to go. He's upset about it..but I doubt he will want to cause conflict within his friend group. He avoids confrontation as much as possible.
Am I wrong to feel this way? If FH hadn't said he wanted me involved, and told the best man I wasn't available that weekend and the bm said oh that's fine..i would be nothing but happy for my FH.. But that's not what happened and I feel terrible..


  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
    Sara ·
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    ...he didn't want to go. He cancelled it on his own velition. He didn't ask me if he should, he just did. He didn't want a bachelor anything he wanted a group gathering if anything was done at all. If that makes me look controlling..i can't help that. I didn't make the decision to cancel. I didn't suggest it be cancelled. I said that my feelings her hurt and left it at that. I said none of what I typed on here to him other than I was sad I was left out when his request was that I be included.
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    Well like other people have stated that this is something you should not stress yourself out with and that you are feeling bad when you shouldn't. At the end of the day your future husband is a grown man and he decided that he did not want to go. As one previous poster said usually the best man and groomsmen plan a bachelor party and the fiance has a right to refuse but that doesn't necessarily mean that the other people have to do what he wants. I'm not sure how your fiance feels but at this point he should not feel bad because I feel an offer was put out there and he declined it. I'm not trying to sound rude but truth be told if I told one of my girls that I was going to throw her bachelorette party and she said it will do if shebcould invite her husband then I probably wouldn't throw it because not that I have a problem with her husband but I don't see a bachelorette party where the husband comes. I personally think that your fiance has made this an issue and if there's a problem it has nothing to do with you and if it bothers him then he should clarify things with his best man just as if you had an issue with one of your bridesmaids or maid of honor you would talk it out with her. If he does not want a bachelor party that's totally cool but I think the plan that his friend wanted didn't match with what his plan was and decided just not to do anything at all.
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  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
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    I don't know. I guess I'm in the wrong since I feel differently than everyone here.

    If a friend of mine, who I asked what they wanted to do for their party, told me that they didn't want a stereotypical bachelorette party and they wanted their future husband there..i would do what they asked. If I'm going to do something for them regardless and ask what they want, I feel I should do what they want. What's the point in asking, being told that if anything is done at all I would like x and y to happen and then do something different? That's like being asked how you want your steak cooked, answering with well and getting rare instead. Don't bother asking. Or at the very least, if you're planning something different that's going to require travel and take up an entire it by the person who you're supposedly doing it for. Make sure it's okay. Communicate. We have a lot going on with just work alone. He goes into work every weekend to catch up on stuff he didnt get to during the week because of emergency client meetings that pop up and whatever else. I know I wouldn't be able to just drop everything at a moments notice to go away for a weekend. We are adults who have responsibilities. If his friend hadn't drunk texted him about going over the ceremony drunk in the woods..he still wouldn't have known what was going on.
    It doesn't matter. The situation was rectified.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    I've just read the entire thread, and it's good the situation has been resolved the way you both wanted it to. The only thing I want to mention is that in your last post you mentioned how you'd react as the honor attendant in a similar situation, and that's awesome. I'd just say, I've been married for almost 33 years and one thing I've noticed in my experience is sometimes men and women just don't respond similarly in situations (not your FH -- who seems to be on the same page as you are -- but his BM). I don't mean to stereotype, but sometimes the men I know are fairly clueless about "event planning" and picking up on cues we might think are QUITE CLEAR.... SIL was in a wedding here the best men came up with this random plan that something like 20 guys were going to go to Vegas for a bachelor party.... They had no clear plan for how they were going to get there, exactly when they would arrive/leave, where they were going to stay, or what they were going to do.... That trip was on, and then off, so many times. They just had this idea that a "cool bachelor party would be going to Vegas!", but no concept for planning it. Try not to be upset with the BM; maybe he's just clueless (and/or has an idea in his head of what a "good bachelor party" should be) and thought he was doing something good, and ultimately, you and FH got what you wanted. Good luck!

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  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
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    Thank you. I appreciate that.

    I know everyone is different. FH and I were on the same page. So I'm thankful for that. I was upset in my Op but I posted it here because I didn't want to let it all out to FH. I also know I was a little extra sensitive about it because I've had prior issues of feeling rejected by this friend. I was happy that they did plan something. It was a nice gesture but it wasn't carried out in a way that worked for us. I told him if his bm brings it up again to just go if he can swing it with work. We're already taking off time to get our license and a couple of days before the wedding and one after to get things settled and visit with family members who are traveling we will both have a lot of work piling up. With our professions..the workload doesn't just go away and get done by someone else when we aren't there.
    I can try not be upset with him. Other comments he has made in the past to me about FH and him doing things but I'm not invited had me suspecting that he was going to plan something without me for awhile..which is why I was upset when I first got confirmation. I had been worrying about it for awhile. Ever since FH said he was told to leave the 7th open and he thought it was just to help his friend. I told him i thought he had planned something for that day since he hadn't heard anything else. FH didn't think that would be the case because he told bm it wouldn't work because I wasn't available and bm said that was fine. I do feel bad for him because what he planned was cancelled..but he didn't check in to make sure it would work for FH.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    That all makes sense. Do you think BM is perhaps jealous of FH's relationship with you? I know that can sound ridiculous, but if they've been friends for a while and have typically done "guy stuff" together, BM may truly be jealous that "you've taken away" some of his time with FH and that may be at the heart of some of his less than inviting interactions with you. Some friendships don't always weather major life changes very well. It sounds like you and FH have a great relationship and are on the same page. It's good that you've encouraged him to be open to BM's possible bids to spend time together without you. Honestly, one of the best things for a happy healthy marriage is when both parties make time to maintain and strengthen their individual relationships. That can be more challenging during wedding planning because there are so many demands on everyone's time and attention, but in the long-run it gives you both other outlets -- and, probably makes you appreciate what you have together all the more. Good luck to you! Smiley heart

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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    I agree. People react to different situations differently. Glad the situation has been rectified and the rest of the planning goes well.
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  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
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    That's very possible. Last may FH moved into the house I own and out of the city where all of his friends were close by (he's now much closer to work). They would all go to bars weekly. He would spend more time with his bm when he was closer. His bm moved before FH but in the other direction and it was still close enough that they saw each other some. His bm has recently become a father that could be the reason for the weekend away.

    I try to encourage him to go out with his friends without me..but we're both introverts so unless someone's asking us to go somewhere we usually just stay in. He said he wouldn't mind a guy's night if that's what they want but not a whole weekend right now.
    Thank you so much.
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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
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    LOL! As a HUGE introvert, with an extremely extroverted career (and a husband who is a GIANT extrovert), I totally understand.... I think you have a lot of good insights into their relational dynamic. BM's new baby almost certainly is a confounding factor in his desire to "get away." It sounds like it will all work itself out -- and either way your wedding isn't more than a month away, so WHO CARES?!?!?!? Hang in.... Smiley heart

    FWIW -- two weeks before daughter's wedding, everyone and everything seemed to be spiraling out of control and she was beside herself. Her incredibly sweet and very wise DJ told her to take a deep breath and let it go because once she was only one week out, he PROMISED she'd move on to the "I don't give a crap -- I'm getting married" phase. God love him! He was exactly right. In the grand scheme of things, none of this matters. Enjoy every second of your last few weeks -- in the end, it's all going to be awesome! Smiley heart

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  • A
    Savvy May 2021
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    BM sounds extremely selfish with FH's clearly demarcated time, but that's just me. If FH made it clear to his "best" man that he didn't want a traditional bachelor party, the best man should listen to that or he's not actually being a friend.

    I think it's awful of him to exclude you because it hurt your feelings. That's something you should point out to FH (because BM is in his life). FH and BM need to figure out the best way to have a relationship that recognizes and validates your role in FM's life. Hopefully it ends with BM apologizing for being thoughtless and asking how he can help with the existing party plan (e.g. bringing food or whatever).

    Your FH (and many other male-identified humans I know) would not ignore the express directive of a best friend as far as a social event goes. I'm sorry, being a man is not an excuse for being selfish.

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  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
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    That's how I feel. Being a man is most definitely not an excuse for being selfish.

    I'm not happy that I was left out and I'm really not happy that FH feels bad. He is bummed. He said any conflict could have been avoided if his bm had just listened or communicated. I just hope things get smoothed over.
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  • A
    Savvy May 2021
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    If FH feels bad, he should talk to BM about it and see what the real problem is. If BM continues to act/be selfish, your FH should strongly consider asking one of his other groomsmen to take on the role of being the best man and help you guys with the wedding and the game night and whatever else you guys choose to do. Best men exist at the pleasure of the groom and if my FH's BM was hurting my feeling, no way FH would let that go.

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  • Allyson
    Devoted February 2020
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    Well said!! I agree!
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  • Sara
    Expert February 2020
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    They do need to talk it out. FH sent a text that went unanswered as far as I know. He said he doesn't think bm was being malicious. He said he hopes bm didn't choose that weekend just to exclude me..but I really can't see why he would choose that weekend and say it's fine that I can't go if that wasn't the case. Honestly, after reading all of the comments and thinking hard about the situation, I don't care if anyone on here thinks I'm overreacting or being controlling. I know I'm not. FH didn't want a stereotypical bachelor party if his friends chose to do something and he asked that I be there. I didn't ask to be included. FH was upset about the situation too..especially since I camp more often than any of his friends and would have really enjoyed being out. I'm not one of those people who complains if their significant other goes out without them. I'm an introvert. I'm more than fine to have time alone to catch up on TV and just be by myself. But in this case, it was knew when I couldn't be there and planned it for then. It was crappy. He is the freaking best man at our wedding and he's pretty much rejecting my presence..which was requested by the groom.

    Anyway, I hope they work it out. I told him to go if it's still an option. I don't want him to miss out on a good time because his bm was a jerk. My FH did right by me by saying the way things were handled wasn't okay..and that's all I can ask for.
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  • A
    Savvy May 2021
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    You are 100% right and I'm glad you have a partner that values you.
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