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Super May 2010

Bells To Ring for Bride & Groom To Kiss????

May2010Bride, on January 9, 2010 at 3:24 PM Posted in Planning 0 14

Is anyone else doing this or did this? I bought then from another bride...all new in packages and sit about an inch tall. My FH thinks this might get annoying to have bells ringing the whole reception. We are having about 7 kids total and he thinks they will be going around ringing them all night which will drive all the guests nuts and have us ignoring them "to kiss". Anyone else using bells? Just wondering....our venue already said they would prefer our guests not "clink on glasses" so that was my thought in the original purchase. Thanks for your thoughts.


Latest activity by MNBride2010, on January 10, 2010 at 12:01 PM
  • M
    Super November 2012
    mayo ·
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    This seems to be popular more and more. I like this idea. As long as the children don't get ahold of it. If you are worried about the kids getting the bells have them have something like the blow in thingy I don't know what it's called. You'd use it at a birthday or New Years.. But the ones that don't wistle, they just make a low noise and wrap out and back.. Hope you know what I mean...

    It's fairly nice. The people don't tend to do it too much.

    I believe we'll be using bells, something other then the "clinking of the glass"..

    IT should go over well.

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  • Tori♥Nick
    Super June 2011
    Tori♥Nick ·
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    We are giving all our guests bells to ring as we exit the church instead of birdseed or bubbles, it's an old Celtic tradition that is supposed to keep bad spirits away from the couple!

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  • Mrs. Carmen
    Master September 2010
    Mrs. Carmen ·
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    Maybe just do one bell per table? I'm sure you could find larger ones at a pottery barn or hobby lobby.

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  • mellissamarie
    Super July 2010
    mellissamarie ·
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    I went to a wedding where they did this, and it worked well, even though there were lots of little kids around.

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  • mellissamarie
    Super July 2010
    mellissamarie ·
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    I forgot to say, that the couple had them inscribed with their names and the date, so it was also the favors...which I thought was a smart idea

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  • Brandi Thompson
    Brandi Thompson ·
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    I've been to weddings with bells and they weren't a problem. Check they probably have some inexpensive ones!

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  • poppyaka
    Devoted June 2011
    poppyaka ·
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    I am planning to use the bells as well...I have been to several weddings with the bells for each guest and I have never been irritated when ppl use them...I'm just hoping the two flower girls and the ring bearer will not go crazy with them at our

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  • May2010Bride
    Super May 2010
    May2010Bride ·
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    Thanks for everyone's input...I feel a little bit better hearing that kids didn't go crazy with them. I got a bunch really cheap with little silver bows on them and room on top to put a little card (or attach a card) with a saying....I have to find the saying again....but they should work well.

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  • Rae
    Savvy May 2010
    Rae ·
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    We went to a wedding and they gave everyone a bell and it was like every 2 seconds someone would ring it...and there werent any was like the bells turned adults into kids...when we sat down we were like oh cute but then after 30 mins we felt bad for the bride and groom

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  • Jennifer
    Devoted January 2010
    Jennifer ·
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    Im doing these! i got the bells for free from a friend. I tied a little saying on each of them too with ribbon that coordinated with our colors- " Ring the bells of wedding bliss to prompt the newlyweds to kiss"

    we are putting about 5 on each table and im not really worried about kids ringing them too much, counting on their parents (or my parents for that fact) to take it away from them or send them outside with them if they get too annoying. haha!

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  • Rosanna
    Dedicated October 2010
    Rosanna ·
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    I saw some of these at Wal-Mart the other day and considered getting them. They come in packages of 24 for less than $10 (I don't remember the exact price). They already have tags on them saying something about if you ring these the couple will kiss. The tags are removable so you can use them for any occasion.

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  • Traci&Bob
    Master February 2010
    Traci&Bob ·
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    I agree with Rae, every wedding I've been to, they were ANNOYING! I too, felt bad for the bride and groom, they couldn't even eat without people ringing the bell every 5 seconds! My God, why do people NEED to see the bride and groom kiss every 5 seconds, let them be! LOL You get to see them kiss at the ceremony, and trust me, they will kiss on their OWN throughout the day so you will get to see them Smiley smile

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  • FutureMrsHenry
    Expert September 2010
    FutureMrsHenry ·
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    I found mine on ebay 100 for $40 and they are adorable AND small lol less noise lol I just think is sooo tacky to sit there and tap a glass with your I figured if the guests are going to make noice at least this is nicer...

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  • M
    VIP July 2010
    MNBride2010 ·
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    I think the clinking of glasses/ringing of the bells to get the bride and groom to kiss repetitively can get rather annoying. If I think it can get annoying as a guest I wonder how I'll feel when I'm the bride lol. Oh well maybe I won't mind as much since I'll get to kiss my groom. I did go to a wedding once where every time they had to kiss they chose another couple amongst their guests that would have to stand up and kiss. I think to try to cut down a little on the clinking since people would have to worry if they would be called out haha.

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