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Beginner October 2022

As a guest, what was the one bad/awkward event you witnessed/experienced when everything else was going great?

Kaytee, on November 3, 2021 at 3:47 PM Posted in Wedding Reception 0 13

This experience/event won't change how you interact with the bride & groom in the future (or maybe it did), but that moment made you think "Really? Everything was going great until THAT happened"

The most recent wedding I've been to had an open bar, food was decent, there was ice cream, and the wedding couple's grand entrance was unique in the past 5 years. Things were going great until the bouquet and not-garter toss (object was a baseball and there wasn't any hand-up-bride's-dress action). I just stayed at my table to spectate.

It wasn't enough that both tosses were clearly rigged/fixed so the bride and groom could toss their objects to the one person who's clearly standing further out from the crowd in each event. From what a cousin told me, the winners of each toss are already dating each other and may have already been engaged. Then the Emcee instructs the BF to give a lap dance to his GF and vice versa. This went over very well for the wedding couple's circle of friends and co-workers; For everyone else... it was just a strange sight to witness. The lap-dancing couple both looked like they were going to die from embarrassment so it's hard to tell whether or not they were in on the tossing scheme.


Latest activity by Becky, on November 6, 2021 at 2:38 PM
  • Samantha
    Super August 2022
    Samantha ·
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    I can't stand garget tosses in general and they always make me super uncomfortable... So for me most weddings are going great until the garter toss 😅😅

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  • Janet
    Expert October 2018
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    At my friends reception (at a nice gold course pavilion) a cousin of the bride and some guys were doing keg stands (Didn't know this as I was facing the other direction), there wasn't a whole lot of room in general, and as I turned around (I'm probably 6' away), the guy fell own and kicked me in the face. He was super apologetic.

    Then (same wedding) the grooms brother drank so much that he went out to the balcony emptied his stomach, then proceeded to go sit on the food table criss cross applesauce eating the mash potatoes. He is a big guy -_-

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  • Jessi
    Super October 2022
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    At my uncle's wedding years ago (they're divorced now) the maid of honor was a girl who I had graduated with and wasn't even 20, even though the couple themselves were 10 and 20 years our senior. She got WASTED during the cocktail hour while the wedding party took a bus to a couple of bars and to get pictures. Her speech was an incoherent mess and her boyfriend ended pulling her away before she fully finished whatever she was trying to say. Definitely didn't look good.

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  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    OMG on both of those incidents!!

    At my brother's wedding to a much younger woman (20-year age gap), the bridesmaids all came up together to give a speech and rambled on and on about how this event was long overdue and "15 years in the making!"

    So many friends and relatives came up to me to ask if it was true that my new sister-in-law and my brother had been seeing each since she was 15. All I could say was that I had no idea (which was true because bride and groom have very different accounts of the whole relationship and the story has changed multiple times). *awkward*

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Heh, I went to a wedding where the couple was very young. The bride got wasted and the groom high. The dinner was KFC, and it fell on the floor off of a folding table. I remember it to this day. The couple divorced soon after.

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  • Nichole
    Expert September 2022
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    The first wedding I was a bridesmaid for the bride let the guests dictate the reception.........the ceremony and reception were in the same building and reception was a potluck (food brought by family/guests). Everything was going fine until half way through pictures the pastor comes in and says the guests are bored (no alcohol or cocktail hour or music) so they are going to start the time we finish pictures everyone else had already finished eating and all the bride groom and wedding party had to eat was left overs and to add insult to injury the guests then demanded that the couple cut the cake before any of us even had a bite to eat for dinner. It was so bad. After being with the bride all night the night before and then all day long for hair make up etc all I had to eat all day was a single piece of wedding cake.
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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
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    Oh my goodness, some of these stories! I went to a wedding which was held very rural, on a property, in a field, in a really cool clear marquee. The guests are to stay in SUPER fancy bell tents, very glamping style, and overall I was like, this is the coolest wedding I've ever been to! I still probably would say that - the food was great, and overall it was really lovely.

    The only thing was, they had this female, but very traditional fire-and-brimstone pastor, who stopped in the middle of the ring exchange, and in a really aggressive voice told the photographer: "you are NOT to photograph this. It is an intimate moment and you are NOT to take pictures." Now, maybe the couple had told her to say that, or were fine with it. But I would have been livid and been like 'actually... we are paying this person insane amounts of money to document our day, and we definitely do want this photographed. Also, how intimate and private is it, when it's in front of 100 of our friends and family?' I was quite close to the front when this was happening, so apparently not everyone heard her say it, but I was looking around wondering, 'did I just hear that? Is no one else weirded out by it?' it was just... weird, inappropriate and bizarre. And then because it was middle-of-nowhere, and I assume this was their regular, family pastor or something... she came for the dinner portion!

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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
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    Thank you for saying criss cross applesauce Smiley xd

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  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    Absolutely beautiful wedding. Every single thing was top notch - the décor, the food, the ceremony, the bride's dress...

    And then they brought in Brazilian dancers. These dancers were fabulous! They were gorgeous! But the ladies were in what amounted to rhinestoned G-strings and nipple tassels. I, personally, saw nothing wrong with this - but a glance around the room made it clear everyone else was very uncomfortable. These beautiful ladies bounced their big, beautiful G-stringed booties all over the dance floor. Every man in the audience was awkwardly counting tiles in the floor, and every woman was either glaring at those men to make sure they continued counting tiles, or at the dancers.

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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    This one wedding i went to.. their online registry rubbed me off the wrong way. they straight up asked for money to pay for the wedding. literally each cash fund was for a different aspect of the wedding e.g. help pay for the photography, for the dj, for the hair and make up, for the florist, for the dessert bar, etc. I MEAN THAT IS SO TACKY. i typically give cash anyway ya know but i just found that to be kind of absurd? i mean sure i wouldn't care what they do with the cash after the wedding but to ask to pay for the actual wedding aspects straight up was kinda like... uh... no

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  • E
    Super July 2023
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    I've seen something similar.

    When I assisted my husband, we filmed weddings where the pastor/priest/whatever told us we were only allowed to set up a single camera, in the back of the church, and not permitted to move. We always told the couple when it happened - don't be disappointed when your ceremony footage is garbage.

    A few times we were told this, my husband basically just told them "what are you gonna do to stop me?" and walked up the aisle to get the kiss anyway. Never had a priest retaliate, though of course there was always the possibility.

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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
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    Ugh, I’d be so annoyed!! I do get that there are some sacred spaces in a church, temple, Synagogue or whatever and can totally respect that, but the presiding person should tell the couple as well as the photographer, and do so WELL before the day. Good on your husband I say!

    I also heard a story about one priest/celebrant telling the husband he was not to turn around to watch her come down the aisle and she was so hurt and confused when he didn’t, because she wasn’t aware of what he’d been told. It really ruined that very special moment for her. I mentioned that to my fiancé AND my celebrant and both were very clear that would not be happening at our wedding, thank goodness. But it’s not something you can account for, at all!

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  • B
    VIP July 2017
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    We had that happen at a wedding we were invited to. I was not a happy camper at all. We weren't able to attend, but I got the impression after the fact that they did potluck and byob - never mind that some of the "gifts" were supposed to be for catering and bar.

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