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Advice? My boyfriend is a groomsmen at his best friend's wedding, I'm not invited.

Salomé, on November 13, 2020 at 10:34 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 57

My boyfriend and I have been in a loving, committed relationship for the past 3.5 years. Living together for 1.5/ LDR for past 5 months (my partner received a job offer in his hometown, which is across the country from where we used to live). I’ve met my boyfriend’s best friend on numerous...

My boyfriend and I have been in a loving, committed relationship for the past 3.5 years. Living together for 1.5/ LDR for past 5 months (my partner received a job offer in his hometown, which is across the country from where we used to live). I’ve met my boyfriend’s best friend on numerous occasions, and we’ve always gotten along wonderfully! We also loved his girlfriend/now fiancée and genuinelly considered them to be very close friends of ours! Even though we didn’t live in the same city, we often came to visit and got along great.

They got engaged 2/3 months ago and we were simply overjoyed! We were hesitant to assume ANY form of invitation because of COVID 19, and knew it was a delicate situation. My BF was (within 2 hours of the engagement) invited to be a groomsmen, an invitation which he of course accepted. Assuming this meant we were both invited, my BF said we would be honored to join, hoping to get a clear and immediate confirmation/understanding of where the groom stood. We figured, if the groom is so confident and set on inviting him the day of their engagement, they’ll invite me too, right? Their wedding was going to be in 4 months and my BF and I would have to coordinate flights/accommodations/time off work quite in advance. The groom agreed and insinuated we were both invited.

We were thrilled that our friends were getting married, it was going to be a wonderful celebration, and a great opportunity for my BF and I to have fun together after months of LDR. We couldn’t wait.

Weeks pass, I’m still adapting to a LDR but thrilled my BF and I have a date to reunite now, and am genuinely super excited about the wedding. I even updated the bride about how excited I was to buy a new dress for the occasion, thinking all was well. Meanwhile my BF is making plans with the groom about the upcoming wedding/ bachelor’s weekend. They’re buying suits, booking flights, etc. My BF hasn’t received a formal confirmation that I’m also invited, but is quite certain I am. Over these past few weeks, he keeps hinting to delicately see if we are indeed both invited (He remind the groom that I am thrilled to join etc). The groom never corrects my BF and for weeks keeps dodging the question directly.

Eventually, my BF feels the need to clarify and asks him outright “Hey I just want to confirm X is invited?” At this point, the groom makes it clear that they don’t have the space to invite me, and that they aren’t giving anyone plus ones.

I understand space restrictions due to COVID, but am still shocked. Apparently the groom and bride ran the numbers down the line (closer to the wedding date) and realized they didn’t have space? I asked if only close family was attending, apparently not. Childhood friends, college friends, colleagues, couples, family etc. were all invited. I considered them not just my BF’s friends, but mine too? I’d understand if they barely had any friends and mainly family…

Somehow this feels disrespectful to our relationship. We’ve been together about 1.5 years longer than they have, and something about being called a plus one feels hurtful? What’s worse is my BF didn’t clearly verbalize his discomfort with the situation – he tells me they still go on as normal friends? Talk about plenty non-wedding stuff and pretend this didn’t happen?

A few weeks pass, I fly out to come see my BF as I had time off before the start of my research fellowship. The couple in question fly into town for an engagement party – which they invite us to – we go and celebrate with them, I feel uncomfortable but am still kind and sweet. I wish them the best. They invite themselves over to my BF’s place (without letting us know), and somehow don’t address the issue at hand? They tell us to come visit them in their new apartment…?

I don’t understand why my BF’s “supposed” best friend would put him in this position? Why not be honest from the start? We’re understanding people. It hurt to know plenty of young people / friends were invited and I somehow didn’t make the cut because I was friends with them, but not somehow good enough to be a stand alone invite? I thought it was rude to split up serious couples for formal events. I thought I wasn’t a “plus one”. One of the bridesmaids is bringing her husband, even though he’s never even met the groom. I’ve invited, housed, and served these people in my tiny student apartment countless time, even when I didn’t love the idea/was tired/on a student budget – to make my boyfriend happy. I thought I’d get some sort of affirmation and validation from him that this wasn’t respectful or ok.

I know we aren’t married or engaged, but anyone who knows us knows we are as serious and committed as any engaged/married couple. We’re waiting a few years (I want to finish graduate school and be financially independent before marriage) before making that step. I’ve been to countless weddings on my BF’s side of the family, have traveled and met almost his entire extended family. I guess it doesn’t help we’ve been together ages longer than they have… but somehow they felt it’s ok to tell me months after their engagement I wasn’t invited.

I will NEVER tell my boyfriend what to do, and don’t want to rob him of any happiness or any opportunity he wants. I don’t have a “my BF and I have to go everywhere together” attitude, but this feels rude. I know it’s not ultimately my place because it’s their wedding.

I just wish my boyfriend would feel hurt as well, and outraged, or something (he tells me he’s mainly hurt because he’s seen how upsetting it’s been for me). He says I have to look past it, accept no one is perfect. G-d bless him he’s a pacifist at heart.

My BF’s friend insists my BF come to the wedding – went out of his way to inform him it’s totally ok to come without me, he wanted to make sure I wasn’t forcing him to NOT go to his wedding. Said he was looking out for him as a friend?

My BF doesn’t want to lose this friendship, I don’t want to be in the position of asking/saying anything and coming off as the bad guy. I want my BF to make up his own mind – which is proving difficult.

Any advice or help? Much appreciated !!


  • A
    Super October 2021
    Ashley ·
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    That’s rude, plain and simple. Couples should always be invited as a unit. Relationship status means nothing, and it’s no one else’s place to judge someone’s level of commitment. You have every right to feel hurt.
    This happened to me before. My ex’s sister refused to let him bring me to her wedding (years ago, way before the pandemic) even though we had already been together for quite some time. It was a major, major issue.
    I don’t quite understand why your significant other doesn’t see this as a problem. They’re being disrespectful to you and your entire relationship. They’re acting like you aren’t an important part of his life, and the assumption that you would try to force him not to go is also quite hurtful. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this, especially since you thought they were your friends too.
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  • T
    Expert May 2010
    Theresa ·
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    Yeah, no, I'm sorry, it's not like they're just asking your boyfriend (or at this point, significant other) to attend, they're asking him to stand up during their wedding. Asking him to honor their marriage by being in the BP, while not honoring his relationship with you. Not cool. They have to know the terrible position that they're putting your SO in by doing this. If it were just Covid, it would be understandable, but as you said, they're inviting other non-relatives, so that isn't it. At this point, I'd be writing them off as "friends." Even if they do feel pressured and invite you now, too little, too late.

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  • Y
    Dedicated January 2021
    Yvonne ·
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    Right when I read this my eyes bulged a little. No bueno

    "Apparently the groom and bride ran the numbers down the line (closer to the wedding date) and realized they didn’t have space? I asked if only close family was attending, apparently not. Childhood friends, college friends, colleagues, couples, family etc. were all invited. I considered them not just my BF’s friends, but mine too? I’d understand if they barely had any friends and mainly family…"

    My fiance was a groomsman for his best man's wedding in Sep 2020 and I wasn't invited, but granted, no one's S/O's (including their siblings') were invited and it was close family only so it was fair across the board. I'm really sorry that happened to you especially since it was something you were looking forward to. I'm not sure what was going thru their heads, I feel like usually these things are accounted for.

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  • Kimberly
    Super March 2021
    Kimberly ·
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    I’m so sorry you are dealing with this hurt. It isn’t ok for your friends to do this. My FH and I are getting married at a venue with a maximum 40 person count. That includes he and I so we had to limit our guest list. Would we have liked to disregard a few SOs so that we could include a couple other friends? Yes we would have. But we knew that was wrong and therefore had to make sure all SOs of the VIP people were included before being able to include any others. Bridal Party attendees are always considered VIPs and should have had SOs included before others.
    I agree with the suggestion Claire made to reach out and express your hurt to your friends.
    Good luck to you!
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  • F
    Savvy May 2026
    Faye ·
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    Girlllllll..... this is one of those moments that God is trying to show you who is meant to be in your life and who is not. If your boyfriend chooses his friends over you, you know what to do. You gotta drop him. Because if you'd be enraged for him, stick with him, ride or die- then he has to return that. If not, get a new man who will. HIS FRIENDS need to be CUT OFFFFF. They're TOXIC. Fakeeee. How dare he be like is your girlfriend trying to pressure you not to go... LIKE after all you've done? And he's not condemning it? He is not a pacifist, he's a bystander. He needs to defend you. Holy.... He needs to step up to the plate or go and marry them.

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  • M
    Dedicated October 2021
    Marie ·
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    Thiiiiis. Couldn't have said it better myself.
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  • Salomé
    Salomé ·
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    Hi there! Hmm, good question. I do know that once my BF learned I wasn't invited he somewhat reduced communication with the groom because he didn't really know how to manage the situation and didn't know what to say to him. The groom must have understood this meant something was going on / (maybe my BF was reconsidering attending?) so he reached out to tell he really really wanted him there for his wedding. The groom deducted that my BF's hesitations were coming from me and not him because the groom figured my BF would look past me not being invited and still join. I understand this is an important event and that my BF would love to attend and I don't want to take that away from him / I'd feel really bad if he missed his friends wedding because of me Smiley sad He does say he wouldn't have a lot of fun without me because he doesn't know that many other people at the event and would feel awkward. He was a bit bothered by this, but not really bothered, not totally / definitely bothered and upset.

    We were both invited to their engagement party yes Smiley smile

    No not at all! We've never had any problems. I think it's quite clear that they just prefered to give that spot to another friend instead of to my BF as a +1. They do have some space limitations due to COVID. I wish he wouldn't attend though because there still will be many people and he might catch/spread the disease Smiley sad

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  • M
    Super October 2022
    Michele ·
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    Well said. It's about respect, his friends don't have any for you and bf is not respecting you by letting them overstep boundaries and pressure him.
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  • D
    June 2021
    Dj Tanner ·
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    Well if that’s the case, Covid or not, you should have been invited. It’s really the most uncouth thing I’ve heard a couple do. All of us other brides are working under the same Covid restraints and we all know better than to not invite especially the best men’s partner! Especially when they’ve been together longer than the actual couple getting married! Especially the fact that you’ve hung out with them and served them at your house! it’s quite a slap in the face. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. And to be honest, I think you should put your foot down and tell your bf exactly how it makes you feel. I wouldn’t hold back. It sounds like your BF is trying to be the people pleaser here but what kind of friend does he have if the guy can’t even respect his best man’s relationship. I wish you nothing but the best of luck. And if all else fails, your BF can simply use the Covid excuse to not attend.
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  • Christina
    Devoted July 2020
    Christina ·
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    I agree with the PP. this is so sad and you are a hint. I don’t think your bf should go... that couple is completely rude for what their doing and your a unit regardless of how long. The way I see it is if ppl can’t have their significant other at your wedding then you need to just have a smaller celebration with just family. Period.
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  • T
    Devoted July 2021
    Ty ·
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    I am honestly so sorry that you have to go through this, my fiancé and I are currently having a hard time with our guest list ourselves.

    We have a huge bridal party, and with that comes children and spouses. We have included everyone as we could, but some family members are arguing that "they haven't received an invite but XXX "girlfriend/boyfriend" got one."

    It's a tough spot to be in, on both ends.

    I am really hoping that they are able to accommodate you.

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  • Salomé
    Salomé ·
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    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Wishing you all the best !!

    I didn't really make this clear in my original post, but I am incredibly aware of how stressful and challenging wedding planning is, and can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be during COVID. I do understand that they have to abide to some restrictions, even though they are still inviting quite a lot people. I actually would be rather uncomfortable attending such a large event because I don't think it's very COVID safe or responsible.

    I was mainly hurt because a- I love this couple and cherish our friendship, so I wanted to bring them joy on their wedding day. I'm sad I won't be able to see them get married. Is that weird?

    b- my boyfriend is the only groomsmen who has an SO, so I thought they'd be able to accomodate me (maybe invite one less friend/colleage on either side) Idk. I think there's 6 groomsmen and 6 bridesmaids?

    At the end of the day I know it's their wedding, I have no place to judge because they should who makes them happy. I just hate feeling like they coudln't prioritize giving me a spot when they know how much happier my boyfriend would be having me there to celebrate our friends.

    Hope that makes sense? I really do wish them the best and have communicated that clearly with them.

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  • Kristen
    Beginner October 2020
    Kristen ·
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    I agree with this 100% I think this would be the best way to handle the situation. However they choose to respond to this is on them.

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  • T
    Devoted July 2021
    Ty ·
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    I understand, and I too have had to sit out and its indeed hurtful. On one hand I think its just one spot, why not. I hope they can accommodate, even if at the last minute. Smiley smile

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  • K
    Dedicated August 2021
    Katie ·
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    I just want you to know.. I was in this pretty much exact situation, I ended up being invited after all BUT this situation really strained my relationship as it felt like he was choosing these rude people over me. If I were you I would have him make it clear that he is not comfortable going without you because it is just plain hurtful. If they are as good of friends as it seems like it would be awful to see all four of your guys relationships/friendships suffer because they don’t realize they are being rude
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  • Shell'a
    Dedicated May 2022
    Shell'a ·
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    Thats not cool. Not okay, i mean if they didnt want to invite you okay cool, so be it. But you dont treat people that way. Def not coming to your house, making themselves at home and feeling like family but then treats you that way AFTER the fact? Not okay, they wouldnt be coming to my house as if it never happened. If i were you i would maybe talk to the future wife, and be honest and let her know that you feel hurt and why. Honestly, your bf should have spoke up for you and let them know that you were hurt about how they went about it. I dont really think he shouldnt not go, because that is his best friend and hes apart of the wedding. But he could have handled it way differently. They all could have. On the other note it sounds like this couple wants to accept you in the real world but not as his SO that he loves enough to invite to be at their wedding. So thats where i would also be upset with. Sorry you went through that girl. I get hurt easy so i totally get it.

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  • Salomé
    Salomé ·
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    Hi there! Thanks for the kind words. Just to clarify, my boyfriend tried to ask if they could accomodate me and the answer was a hard no, so I'm not invited. It's ok though! Just a wedding

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  • C
    Savvy October 2020
    Chelsea ·
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    I was a COVID bride, and lemme tell ya, planning a wedding right now is really awkward. You have to balance your budget and your relationships as with any wedding, but then you also have to deal with following laws and very seriously considering your guests' safety. The truth is, it's impossible for anyone beyond the couple to understand all the hard calls they're making and why they're making them. I could list possible reasons for their choice, but I don't think that's ultimately helpful here, because, again, who knows?

    I definitely think it's worth re-evaluating how close you really are with this couple, and adjusting your future expectations accordingly. But if you are sincerely happy for them and wish them well, then in my opinion you need to tap in to some serious forgiveness here and put their needs/wishes for their wedding above your own.

    All that said, I'm sorry you went through this, and I'd be hurt, too. I did long distance with my fiancé for almost two years, and it sucked. And I would get super upset any time something got in the way of my seeing him. That said, consider how engaging in this as a conflict is negatively affecting your interactions with your BF at a time when interactions with him are so limited. All in all, I think you'll be happier if you just forgive the bride and groom and move on... and maybe don't put yourself through so much trouble for them in the future.

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  • Q
    Dedicated August 2020
    Q ·
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    This is SO RUDE. No etiquette here. You are a couple and a unit. They want you guys to accept and respect their union while disrespecting yours. If this happened to FH and I, I know for a fact he would not go. Same goes if I was invited and he was not.
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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    Oh gosh. I am so sorry you are being put through this. I pretty much agree with everything. It's typical for SO's to be included, and SO's are different than a plus one, which is pretty much just a random date or super new relationship that hasn't been established (I personally hate plus ones). In this case I would be more lenient about being included because of Covid, but if it isn't a super small, intimate affair and all of these other friends are being included it seems odd to exclude you, especially with your boyfriend being a groomsmen and having to travel to participate in the wedding. PLUS the fact that you've been included in the engagement party and they have failed to actually have a conversation with you and address the issue is just really disrespectful. In your shoes, I would absolutely be hurt, both that the couple is treating you this way and that your boyfriend doesn't seem more offended that you are being treated this way.

    I don't really have advice, but I would have a difficult time continuing to socialize with this couple until you can actually talk through what is happening. I feel like your boyfriend should stick up for you and at least address the situation with the groom, pointing out that it seems unfair (to both you and him) that you are not being included when so many are.

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