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Just Said Yes April 2020

$1600 for makeup i can’t get back.

Tara, on April 20, 2020 at 10:09 PM Posted in Community Conversations 1 38
Hello everyone,

I had to cancel my wedding; the venues closed, I had a military travel ban, and we were doing an out of state wedding during the COVID-19 outbreak.
We cancelled March 20th and our wedding was April 4th. All of my vendors have been wonderful and have refunded all money (minus deposits, rightfully so) with the exception of my makeup artist.
We paid $1600, and had only received emails and a wedding day timeline (hadn’t even discussed a look for my day). She’s refusing to refund any of the money stating that I didn’t cancel my wedding within our 30 contractual agreement. Her business and state were on shutdown on March 18, leaving her unable to fulfill her side of the contract. I’ve offered her to keep the $500 deposit and installment payments of the rest but she stated she could only refund 600$ and the other vendors only refunded money because they provide “day of services”..........
My next step is to contact small claims court, just looking for some friendly advice please.
Thank you!


Latest activity by Candice, on May 15, 2020 at 10:10 PM
  • A
    Super December 2020
    Anais ·
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    Does your contract say you have to cancel 30 days in advance? Does it have a clause for acts of god?

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  • Belen
    Savvy September 2020
    Belen ·
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    This sounds super shady. I would definitely look into legal action, as well as informing others of this MUAs practice. She broke the contract correct when her state shut down? This is super shady & unethical.

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  • A
    Super August 2020
    Alex ·
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    I would start by asking her what your options are (i.e. start off sweet and nice). Is it possible to apply that money to a new date? Is she able to work with you? I would say something like I know this is a hard time for small business and I want to work with you as best we can.

    Then if she still keeps on with not being helpful, I would do some research. How are her competitors handling this situations? If they are being more helpful, I would tell her that. I would then tell her that you are disappointed with your service and expected much more for the price point you are at and that you plan to write a review of your services to that affect.

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  • Autumn
    Devoted July 2020
    Autumn ·
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    Am I the only one confused why you paid $1600 for makeup?! I've had my makeup done professionally many times, even in MANHATTAN and never ever ever was it even close to a $1600... like at all!!! Hair AND makeup combined shouldn't cost you most than a couple or few hundred dollars per person depending on location! Girl you got played from the beginning!

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  • Sharon
    Dedicated April 2021
    Sharon ·
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    If her state was shut down how was she going to do your makeup? That's bad business on so many levels. It's not your fault everything shut down and she should have called you anyway to make other plans.

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  • A
    Super December 2020
    Anais ·
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    That could be the price for her, bridesmaids, MOB/MOG etc. $1600 is a lot but it adds up fast if you have a big bridal party.

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  • Autumn
    Devoted July 2020
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    The bridal party best be HUGE lol

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  • M
    VIP January 2019
    Maggie ·
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    She maybe quite literally be unable to refund your money. Her business has been completely shut down, for who knows how long, and she is using your money to pay her living expenses. I know this may not seem fair, but nothing is fair about this current situation, for anyone. Taking her to small claims court may give you personal satisfaction, but it also may send her into bankruptcy.

    I'm not telling you what to do, just cautioning that her refusal to repay you may not be because of "shady" reasons or have anything to do with you personally.

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  • Olga
    Savvy June 2020
    Olga ·
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    I'm so sorry about this crazy dilema, Tara. Oh my goodness. Well, definitely get all of your receipts and emails together in support of your claim. I will pray for your situation to be solved. God works miracles
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
    Gen ·
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    That's crazy. If her state is shut down, it's not even YOU who's cancelling. Theoretically she is the one cancelling and she should refund everything.

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  • Tara
    Just Said Yes April 2020
    Tara ·
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    Thank you everyone for the responses thus far.

    There is a 30 cancellation policy in our contract however this I would feel are extremely circumstantial. I have gone back and fourth with here (very very politely) and things have gotten worse. I’ve sympathized with her as a small business, offered to let her keep the $500 dollar deposit for emails and timeline we shared, and offered installments for a refund.
    She is charging for me for the following: $75 for gifts I never received, $600 she already paid her artists, and countless amounts of money for creativity and trials which I elected not to have.
    She offered to send invoices but I’ve only received two receipts that do not justify anything. She offered some of the money back asking if I would not pursue legal actions making her actions seem even more questionable. She has now shut off any communication stating it’s costing more money (to email me.....) and has said she will be keeping everything. I’ve have been more than reasonable, and yes my bridal party was quite large haha.
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  • Modesty
    Savvy July 2020
    Modesty ·
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    Hello there. I am a former makeup artist. Makeup for $1600 is very expensive. May I ask how many bridesmaids you have had? Usually the pricing per face is $65-$75 and they charge the bride $90. Also what does the contract say?
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  • Andrea
    Super May 2020
    Andrea ·
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    I would think you should get all yours deposits back too. We did. We only had to argue with the venue, but everything in our state is closed. If they can’t hold your wedding (what are your stages guidelines?) then ALL money should have been refunded, deposits included.
    Absolutely ridiculous about the makeup, definitely don’t let it go. I would send another email telling them you’re not letting it go and then start telling your story on Facebook, writing reviews for them EVERYWHERE. You’ll get your money back. No business wants to look selfish at a time like this. Fight for all your money back girl!
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  • Karla
    Super February 2020
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    I think it depends on where she’s living too. I paid over $3000 (that’s including tax) for my bridal party — 12 people including myself. That’s pretty standard (if not on the lower end) for where I live in California.
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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    If you can consult a lawyer, I would. If your contract has an "act of god" clause your payment may be non-refundable, but you might have more legal standing if the vendor is unable to uphold their end of the contract. Also, usually a deposit may be non-refundable but the balance of services should be refunded if the services aren't rendered. Since the vendor was unable to perform her contracted services, I think you should get a refund for the balance, but may have to forfeit your deposit. Additionally, how the heck is wedding day makeup not a "day of" service? That makes zero sense, which makes me think the MUA keeping all of your money is also BS.

    The MUA definitely sounds a bit shady. At the very least, her customer service is awful. For $1000 ($1600 minus your $600 deposit), I'd at least call up a lawyer and ask what it would cost to have them review your contract.

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  • Autumn
    Devoted July 2020
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    Ahh yea I would never for 12 people's hair and makeup lol
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  • R
    Super September 2018
    Rachel ·
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    Many jurisdictions that have closed non-essential services are accepting calls to the local police regarding non-compliance with local ordinances. And the police in the city I live in have been going to check out those claims. Local news stations as well are doing investigative work and stories on bad behavior during the pandemic. Just throwing some other ideas out there. Even if you want to go to court, the courts might not even be open right now and you might have to travel to her location if the suit moved forward?
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  • Venus
    Beginner May 2020
    Venus ·
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    It sucks. I get it. I have had to postpone my reception. Think about it this way. That is her livelihood as well. Not only did she lose that money, but money on future cancellations and dates that they have to reschedule postponed weddings. As much as it sucks, I say just eat the cost.
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  • Ashley
    Savvy September 2020
    Ashley ·
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    So sorry you are having to deal with this. She offered you back $600 but not full amount? I can understand keeping the $500 deposit but that’s only $100 loss. Honestly I would accept the $600 back and look for another makeup artist in the future. I would also advise to never pay it all upfront until services are done for makeup and hair.
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  • Sherry
    Master September 2019
    Sherry ·
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    I would obviously suggest you contacting someone in the legal field as any of us here are only going to give opinions. That being said, a contract is a contract and if the event wasn't cancelled within the 30 days, technically she doesn't have to give a refund. Of course with Mr Covid19 messing up the worlds plans and forcing things to be cancelled, there may be that chance that she does have to give you your money back or at least the deposit and move her services to a different date, something because it was not anyone's fault or choice. Good luck. Sorry you are going through this and hopefully a professional can give you some real answers.

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