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We met when we were teenagers; he was the cousin of a friend. He was staying with his father for the summer. We instantly hit it off and started dating.... View More

We met when we were teenagers; he was the cousin of a friend. He was staying with his father for the summer. We instantly hit it off and started dating. But when summer was over he had to go back to mother's house in Illinois. We tried to keep in touch but eventually we lost touch all together. We both went on to marry, have children and get divorced. I joined Facebook to keep up with what my kids were doing; little did I know I would start finding people I had long lost. I tried looking for him, but his name is so common it was impossible to find him. Soon after I had given up hope, it was he, that contacted me on Facebook. We chatted for a while and he told me that he had not seen his father or that side of his family in over 20 years. I quickly explained to him that I saw them almost every day. We decided to have a reunion for him on Thanksgiving day that year. I was excited to get to see him again, but didn't think anything would come of it. I was sure that I didn't want anyone at that time. We took a walk around his cousin's house and talked. When we finished our walk together he said. " I have been waiting 20 years to do this", then he dipped me and kissed me. I went weak in the knees, it was such a good kiss. That did it, we again instantly found that spark. We have been together for 8 years now and married for 3. We will be renewing our wedding vows in 2020 because we want to have the wedding we weren't able to the first time. Due to circumstances at the time, our first wedding was very small and we had no reception, not even a cake. This time we want to go big and have the wedding we always dreamed of.


June 13, 2025

376days 7hrs : 44min
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