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Happily married 🎉

July 28, 2018

2151days 13hrs


Ice Cream Sundae Bar? Help!
AlyssaWynne in Planning, on September 27, 2017 at 7:03 PM

Neither FH or I especially like cake, so we are looking into alternative desserts. One idea that caught our eye was doing some kind of a make your own sundae type thing. Has anybody done this before?...

Judy, Nov 4, 2018 31 4,984
Is anyone else struggling to pick ceremony music?
AlyssaWynne in Planning, on July 6, 2018 at 9:29 AM

I’m 3 weeks out, and I can’t make a decision for the life of me! Mainly just the processional for everyone else and then song I’m walking to. I know I’m being overly picky; I want them to mesh, don’t...

Randa, Jul 6, 2018 21 239
Where to buy a bathing suit?
AlyssaWynne in Parties and Events, on May 10, 2018 at 8:22 PM

So I’m heading to the beach for my bachelorette in a little over a month, and need to buy a bathing suit. Now that my old stand by, Victoria’s Secret, no longer sells them, I don’t know what to do!...

Valerie, May 13, 2018 28 434
fmil told some people they were invited... Do we have to invite them now?
AlyssaWynne in Etiquette and Advice, on March 19, 2018 at 7:35 PM

So FMIL, in all her excitement has told multiple people that they are invited to the wedding (they aren’t). We are in the process of finalizing the guest list, and already have cut some people who we...

Rachel, Mar 20, 2018 15 503
Invitation Etiquette Question
AlyssaWynne in Etiquette and Advice, on January 21, 2018 at 11:07 AM

We are still a little ways out from sending invites, but a new guest list addition (thanks FMIL 🙃!) had us rearranging and making cuts. So my question is, should I send an invite to people who have...

earias, Jan 21, 2018 9 282
Honeymoon Recommendations
AlyssaWynne in Honeymoon, on January 2, 2018 at 7:55 PM

Hi all, I know that there are a couple of these posted daily, and I SWEAR I did lurk others first! FH and I are trying to decide where to go on our honeymoon. Unfortunately our dreams of going to...

Pegs, Jan 4, 2018 8 242
Make Up Advice
AlyssaWynne in Wedding Attire, on September 23, 2017 at 1:53 PM

Went to get my makeup done for our engagement shoot with an artist I was considering for our wedding day (decided against it). Found my bridal balls and was able to tell her exactly what I like and...

Mrs. Haug, Sep 23, 2017 8 16
What's that one service...
AlyssaWynne in Community Conversations, on August 23, 2017 at 9:42 AM

...That you can't for the life of you seem to find a vendor for? We're feeling pretty good, just under a year out and we've ALMOST have all of our vendors booked! The one thing I'm still looking for...

Brooke, Aug 24, 2017 29 42
1 Year to Go!
AlyssaWynne in Community Conversations, on July 28, 2017 at 1:47 PM

I've been browsing and commenting here for a few months, and have gotten a lot of great advice. Seeing as today marks one year to go until our wedding, I thought that I would finally introduce myself!...

Vicki, Jul 29, 2017 4 8
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