I'm sorry if this seems like a downer. This problem has brought me down, amd I can't be the only one the last few years so maybe someone will read this and relate.
I caught Covid early November 2020. I had been dating my fh less than 3 months at the time. My Covid symptoms were not bad at all, however, I developed long covid symptoms that included daily headaches, rapid pulse rate, heart palpitations, dizziness, and exhaustion. Though most of my symptoms have disappeared after medication and time, I have never regained all the energy I had prior to contracting Covid and that, along with a foot injury last summer, a high stress job, and lots of changes has affected my weight. I have gained 30 pounds since catching the virus. My wedding is still 15 months away, but I am finding no energy and no motivation to lose the weight. All the positive self talk, motivational quotes, making plans, even meal preps and scheduling workouts are not really helping. Our schedules don't help much either because the times I used to work out, we are now on the phone talking about our day. We should be moving in together late summer, and I do think that will help. But, I am finding it very difficult to find the energy and motivation that I once had and preparing my house to sell isn't helping matters. It's hard to believe just 3 years ago, I had so much energy, and now I have very little. I've been to the Dr. All my hormone levels are within "normal" range. The only thing that was low was Vitamin D which was very surprising. I know I'm in a cycle, a catch-22. I'll feel better and have more energy if I get back to my healthy lifestyle, but I don't have the energy to do all the meal prep I once did to get me to that point. Maybe there isn't a lot that anyone can say that I haven't already told myself, but perhaps someone else is out there struggling like me, and we can just talk it over together and maybe our shared struggles will help. We can just talk it out instead of receiving well meaning, but really not helpful advice. We can get the stress and anxiety out without any judgement about our respective stories, challenges, and just plain old gripes. Everyone thinks of me as a positive person, and I generally am, but I'm feeling too physically and emotionally drained to be positive for myself. Maybe we can be there for each other.