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Beginner June 2024

Weight gain due to long Covid problems. Anyone else struggling?

Laura, on February 26, 2023 at 9:48 PM Posted in Fitness and Health 0 6
I'm sorry if this seems like a downer. This problem has brought me down, amd I can't be the only one the last few years so maybe someone will read this and relate.

I caught Covid early November 2020. I had been dating my fh less than 3 months at the time. My Covid symptoms were not bad at all, however, I developed long covid symptoms that included daily headaches, rapid pulse rate, heart palpitations, dizziness, and exhaustion. Though most of my symptoms have disappeared after medication and time, I have never regained all the energy I had prior to contracting Covid and that, along with a foot injury last summer, a high stress job, and lots of changes has affected my weight. I have gained 30 pounds since catching the virus. My wedding is still 15 months away, but I am finding no energy and no motivation to lose the weight. All the positive self talk, motivational quotes, making plans, even meal preps and scheduling workouts are not really helping. Our schedules don't help much either because the times I used to work out, we are now on the phone talking about our day. We should be moving in together late summer, and I do think that will help. But, I am finding it very difficult to find the energy and motivation that I once had and preparing my house to sell isn't helping matters. It's hard to believe just 3 years ago, I had so much energy, and now I have very little. I've been to the Dr. All my hormone levels are within "normal" range. The only thing that was low was Vitamin D which was very surprising. I know I'm in a cycle, a catch-22. I'll feel better and have more energy if I get back to my healthy lifestyle, but I don't have the energy to do all the meal prep I once did to get me to that point. Maybe there isn't a lot that anyone can say that I haven't already told myself, but perhaps someone else is out there struggling like me, and we can just talk it over together and maybe our shared struggles will help. We can just talk it out instead of receiving well meaning, but really not helpful advice. We can get the stress and anxiety out without any judgement about our respective stories, challenges, and just plain old gripes. Everyone thinks of me as a positive person, and I generally am, but I'm feeling too physically and emotionally drained to be positive for myself. Maybe we can be there for each other.


Latest activity by Laura, on April 10, 2023 at 4:49 PM
  • M
    Expert July 2023
    Michele ·
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    I hear you loud and clearly!!! Kinda in the same predicament but somewhat different. I too, have gained weight. Changed to a high stress demanding a little over a year ago. Lost my father five months before that. Finally divorced my ex after having been living separate lives for about seven years. Moved in with my mother to help her and now, here I am trying to plan a microwedding!! Through all of it, I have gained a considerable amount of weight. The more I try, the worse it seems. My fiance is an 18 hour drive away, so we talk literally for two hours every evening. He's a work so his schedule is not interrupted but I'm at home. Because we video chat, there's really nothing I could be doing. It's a tough situation so, I completely understand!!! I believe we're always where we are supposed to be all if the time. Relax and breathe deeply and then plan to set tiny goals each day.....very tiny and achievable. For me, I have been watching my diet more lately. With each little victory, move the bar. In time, you'll feel better and see some results. Hang in there, Sis!! Sending love and light. ❤
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  • L
    Beginner June 2024
    Laura ·
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    Michele, I'm sorry about your father. My mother moved in with me 13 1/2 years ago due to losing her business, then had her first heart attack 2 years later. She's living with me permanently now. My grandmother lived eith me for two years prior to her death. Working out is how I dealt with the stress.
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  • Cece
    Master October 2023
    Cece ·
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    This kicked me right in the feels this morning. Sending you a huge virtual hug Laura!
    I am in a similar predicament. I was born with hip dysplasia, and it ended up getting so bad it shredded my labrum and left me limping after walking only a block. I went from being a super toned athlete, to not even being able to walk around my neighborhood without being in pain for the next 3 to 4 days. I ended up getting major surgery, where they cut apart my pelvis, rearrange the parts, then screwed them together. I had massive complications, post surgery and nearly died. Because I couldn’t do physical therapy (due to the complications) my healing was stunted. I ended up having to relearn to walk. I was on a walker for 3 months, then crutches for another 6 months. I am now 2 years post surgery and I cannot run, jump, squat, lunge… none of the things I used to do daily. I have put on over 60 lbs since surgery. It’s a very helpless feeling watching all your years of hard work go down the drain and your body morph into someone you don’t even recognize in the mirror. I have felt really down about it lately, and just super unhealthy. Reading your post broke my heart for you because I know exactly what you are going through. I think the next steps for both of us would be to make a list of the things we CAN do, instead of mourning the things we can’t. Clean healthy eating should probably be the first step (maybe consulting a dietitian to help). And also making a list of the activities we are able to do and set realistic expectations. For instance, maybe the goal is to walk your dog 1 block every day after work. Then the following week, make it 2 blocks, then three…. And so on. Or 5 mins of free weight work. Then 6 mins, then 7, etc etc.
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  • M
    Expert July 2023
    Michele ·
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    Hi Laura, thank you so very much and my condolences to you as well. I definitely need to get more exercise in. Thank you for sharing. Best to you, your mom and family. ❤
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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Hi Laura. I'm currently reading "The Body keeps the score" by Bessel Van der Kolk, MD. It has put my feelings and my journey into perspective, and I've learned to be more compassionate with myself. Rather than believing a part of me is currently missing, I am learning to take on a holistic approach to regaining connection. Perhaps this may help you as well. Best wishes.

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  • L
    Beginner June 2024
    Laura ·
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    Oh wow Cece. I am so sorry you had to deal with so many issues.
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