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Beginner July 2023

Wedding Party refuses to help with anything

Milo, on July 12, 2023 at 5:01 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 39

Hello! I wish I didn't have to post this, but my fiance and I are really stressed over this. Our wedding is coming up very soon, but to keep costs (and stress) lower, we're doing a very small wedding at my step mom's place. We've told everyone from the beginning that while it would still be somewhat...

I wish I didn't have to post this, but my fiance and I are really stressed over this. Our wedding is coming up very soon, but to keep costs (and stress) lower, we're doing a very small wedding at my step mom's place. We've told everyone from the beginning that while it would still be somewhat formal, most everything will be DIY– decor, dinner, cake, sound, lighting, and flowers are all being done by my partner and I, step mom and her new husband. It's a lot of work, but all we have left to figure out are rentals, and wedding party attire.We only have 4 people in our wedding party- we each get a person of honor, and one more. My MOH has been amazing so far, helping me with organizing and just being a good friend as always. The other 3, however, have not.We tried to help them figure out their attire as soon as possible, but we're still having issues. We don't expect them to spend more than about $40 on their dresses, but they've made it clear that they think we're in the wrong for this. We know their financial situations well enough to know that that's a very reasonable price for them, but they still coerced us into buying their dresses and shoes, and even some makeup for them. We have done our best to tell them that we were not and are still not comfortable with that, and they make it seem like we're the jerks in this and that we should just deal with it. The receipts were also lost, so there's no chance of returning any of their things. We also let our closest friends know from the get go that we will need some help in setting up, minor yard work and whatnot. It's a lived-in house, and so far, I alone have been doing all of the manual labor. My partner is out of town dealing with the wedding party and other errands, so I understand why they can't help. I've offered to pay for gas and everything, but our friends are using any excuse possible to not help, even though they agreed to earlier on.
Because we spent so much on their attire, we now cannot afford to rent chairs and tables, or the marriage license. We only have 2.5 weeks and $20 left, and we're losing our minds trying to make everything work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated 🙏


  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
    Cece ·
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    I think at this point you need to stop focusing on your disappointment and who said what, and just focus on your wedding. Figure out what needs to be done (and what can be eliminated), and construct a realistic plan to execute it yourselves. I have to be honest, it is incredibly concerning that you're going into a marriage prioritizing insignificant things (like decor and wedding party clothing/makeup) instead of important things (like chairs and a marriage license!). Marriage requires maturity and responsibility. The focus should have been on making a lifetime commitment to your partner (the marriage) not the party (the wedding).

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  • C
    CM ·
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    "We also let our closest friends know from the get go that we will need some help in setting up, minor yard work and whatnot. It's a lived-in house, and so far, I alone have been doing all of the manual labor. My partner is out of town dealing with the wedding party and other errands, so I understand why they can't help. I've offered to pay for gas and everything, but our friends are using any excuse possible to not help, even though they agreed to earlier on."

    I'm confident that no one offered to help you with any manual labor or expected that you would ask. Also, "paying for gas" indicates that you also expect people to drive a distance which is not reasonable. The fact that you aren't asking for parties, showers or gifts is irrelevant as you're not supposed to be asking for those things regardless.

    With two weeks to go, not enough tables and chairs to keep your guests comfortable, no license and $20 left in your pockets I would postpone and start over again with the attitude that all of these things are your responsibility.

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  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
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    Agreed. Also, OP if you have money to pay for their gas, I would put those funds towards the marriage license and chairs.

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  • P
    Devoted April 2023
    Peyton ·
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    Yes. I would imagine it being very stressful and difficult. Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure makes life a lot easier. So sorry to see you in this tough position

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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    Look, my partner and I are both ADHD. We were never going to be able to afford a wedding planner, and obviously we should've done the bigger stuff first, but I think we've done a pretty good job so far considering how hard it usually is for us to plan things. Like I said though, I postponed getting rentals because I didn't know what we'd need yet. We're doing our best, but it feels like we're horrible people for not doing better.
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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    They live like 10 minutes away, still in town, but that's how hard it is to convince them. I had offered to help pay for gas when I could still afford it, and they've been blowing me off since.
    We don't have any vendors to worry about (I'm making 90% of the food, my partner is pre-mixing drinks, we have a set playlist for music), but our options are to keep our date and have a half-assed wedding, or to postpone and have our close friends and family yell at us for wasting their time. My step mom is already the only parent between us that will be there, because the rest don't approve of our marriage, and neither of us have the capacity to deal with my step mother when she's pissed off, especially since we are living with her in the short term.
    It's a bad situation all around.
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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    Thanks. It's been a lot recently.

    One of the main reasons we're suddenly so tight on our budget is that our now ex-landlord, who is also our friend's dad, doubled our rent on us with no notice, which is obviously illegal. I mentioned in another comment that we're currently living with my step mom in the short term, but we're still stuck paying while we clean our things out of there. It's just extra stressful to have both of these things happen at the same time.
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  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
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    You're definitely not horrible people. You just made some mistakes that have created an unfortunate situation for yourself. Just for the record, my fiance and are also both ADHD, and we planned our entire wedding without the help of a wedding planner. When planning events (and for just about anything in your future), it is going to be very important to ensure you are incredibly detailed and organized prior to jumping into things. Once you start becoming super planners, you will never go back! It makes life sooooo much easier!

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  • Cece
    Rockstar October 2023
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    I'm so sorry this has been your wedding planning experience thus far! Real talk... I would postpone. I know a lot of planning and effort has gone into the event already, but the fact that you have a small guest list, no vendors, and are DIY'ing everything, puts you in the fortunate position of being able to postpone without forfeiting money. I know your step mom might be irritated, but you have to do what is right for you and your SO. I would just go to her very humbly and tell her that you've made a mistake, you've bitten off more than you can chew, and you have to postpone. Apologize for the inconvenience and assure her you have learned from the experience, and want to plan an event for a time that will be less stressful for everyone involved, and when you can afford to do so without causing such intense financial hardship.

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    If you're self-catering it and self-bartending it, I would go ahead and postpone. It seems to make more sense. Self-catering will need things to keep food at safe temperatures, like chafing dishes and cooling equipment. There's a liability with self-catering, like what if the guests get sick, I know it's worst case scenario, but it does happen. People will need tables to eat on and plates and utensils.

    How many people are you planning for? Do you have adequate power? What if there is bad weather or sun? Do you have a tent to keep everyone comfortable? Do you have enough washrooms for everyone? Will parking be a problem?

    I'm not trying to rain on your parade, it's just that those are issues you need to sort out and if you haven't, you need to think about now.

    Another option would be to hold the wedding at a non-meal time, like 2 pm, and serve cake and punch/coffee/tea and maybe some veggie plates to the guests. That might be more within your budget and capability at this point so close to the wedding.

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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    We had plans for all of those things, but after talking with my fiance, we're just canceling the wedding entirely. We talked to our friend's more, and they now refuse to take part in the short blessings we had asked them to read (one sentence or so each) as part of our Jewish ceremony. We're just gonna go to a courthouse alone when we can afford it, because it seems like our friends really don't care. If our own parents don't even want to be involved (besides my step mom), then I think it's best that it's just us there for each other.
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    Sounds like there's a lot going on that maybe is too complicated to sort out on a wedding forum. My best to you both.

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  • P
    Devoted April 2023
    Peyton ·
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    Goodness. I am so sorry. That is a lot to bear. My sincerest apologies that your special day is not going to happen. God bless you.

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  • S
    Just Said Yes October 2024
    Susana ·
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    Can you return the attire they are refusing to reimburse you for or did you already give it to them and they wore it? If they are being difficult maybe they shouldn’t be part of the wedding party? I’m you should have people that will support you and honor their commitments, not just in your wedding but for your future.
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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    Bad news, they had already worn the clothes, cut the tags and lost the receipts. Good (ish) news, they definitely won't be part of the wedding party.
    I don't know how to update this post otherwise, but unfortunately we had to cancel our wedding completely. Half of our wedding party and I are no longer friends (unrelated to this), my step mother had some sort of mental health crisis and made some very serious threats towards me, my partner, and our cat. We had been staying with her while looking for a new place, so having to suddenly leave for the sake of safety became first priority. So now we have next to no friends, and definitely no family for support anymore. I'm... devastated, to say the least. We just wanted to bring our favorite people together and celebrate our relationship, and I honestly don't think it could've gone any worse. On the bright side, my partner and I came out of this as strong as ever, and I think we're just going to elope later this year, and one of the few friends we have left is going to officiate for us.

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  • C
    CM ·
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    Despite what I said earlier about not having any entitlement to friends working the wedding, etc. they sound like real pieces of work in general. You don't have to answer but why are your parents and friends so against your relationship?

    I'm sorry to hear about your step mother. That's so scary and I hope you are in a safe situation now. I'm very sorry your wedding did not go ahead as planned but with so much on your plates right now I think postponing was a very wise choice. Good luck to you.

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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
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    Sounds like you need different friends and to go no contact with your stepmother. I'm sorry things worked out that way.

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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    Yeah, those "friends" have since shown their true colors towards me, and I don't have the patience to spend time with people who don't actually respect me. My partner is tying up loose ends with them, but I hope we can be done with them after that.
    Parents are the bigger issue in terms of our relationship. We are both queer and trans, and none of our parents can really accept that, especially our birth moms. My step mom was the only one (I thought) that *was* accepting, but that's been ruined as well 😓
    Thankfully we are safe, and we are slowly but surely getting back on our feet. I'd agree that postponing was a good choice– much less to worry about.
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  • Milo
    Beginner July 2023
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    Yeah, I'm pretty disappointed in how everything worked out. I've already cut contact with all of them, and my partner is the one tying up loose ends with those "friends". I appreciate the sympathy 💜
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