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Dedicated June 2019

Wedding Horror Stories/fails

Melanie, on April 23, 2021 at 11:01 AM

Posted in Community Conversations 31

Hello everyone, My friend is getting married soon, 5/15/2021, and is getting super nervous. She is wondering if anyone had any wedding horror stories or fails that would make her feel better about her own wedding. I can start with mine: the wedding venue I was at had this small room right before you...
Hello everyone,
My friend is getting married soon, 5/15/2021, and is getting super nervous. She is wondering if anyone had any wedding horror stories or fails that would make her feel better about her own wedding. I can start with mine: the wedding venue I was at had this small room right before you enter the main hall. As I was walking with my bridesmaids to the main hall, I almost fell over. Turns out, one of my heels got caught in a grate. Don’t ask me why it was right there. Thank goodness my bridesmaids were able to help me get it out, as I couldn’t with my wedding dress on. Anyways, the rest of the wedding went off without a hitch and the only people who knows that happened are my bridesmaids and my fiancé.


  • Melanie
    Dedicated June 2019
    Melanie ·
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    That is definitely deserving of a slap to the face. On another note, what did they serve at the kosher wedding if there was no dairy or meat kosher?

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  • Rebecca
    Master August 2019
    Rebecca ·
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    Waffles and bagels and I think it was vegan butter and cheese.

    But... not very good vegan stuff.
    It was a mess.
    Even the bride and groom high tailed it to a restaurant, after.
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  • Melanie
    Dedicated June 2019
    Melanie ·
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    Oh geez. These are definitely some stories my friend will use in how to avoid disaster at her wedding.

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  • P
    Devoted April 2023
    Peyton ·
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    This is unbelievable, but true. One of the ladies at my work followed through with her wedding even though her groom was 90 minutes late to his own wedding. I was speechless. This was about the time cell phones were becoming more popular but text had not yet come to the scene. It was an outdoor summer wedding and we guests were all standing around wondering what to do. The bride was bawling. Finally, the groom came roaring up in his ridiculously loud truck, parked illegally, and announced that he was present and the wedding needed to get rolling. His bride had no idea where he had been. He had no good reson for being an hour and a half late. I never could stand this guy. It was no surprise when he turned abusive and they divorced. The bride should have never gone through with the wedding. What a nightmare

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  • Rosie
    Master February 2022
    Rosie ·
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    Oh, there are a bunch from my sister's wedding!

    The day ended up being over 40°C (105F), and outside. It was just unbearably hot.

    My sister didn’t like the flowers when they arrived.

    Her other bridesmaid drank the Gatorade the bride had bought for the next day, so I had to ask my dad to go out in the heat to fetch more from down the road (he had to take his suit off after just putting it on) since we were all still having our hair and makeup done.

    The photographer called me when he arrived at the venue, told me the groom wasn’t there and nor were half the guests and to stall as long as possible. He said he’d message me when they arrived but he never did and he ignored my texts (I couldn’t call as I was in the car with the bride and she’d hear). Eventually the bride called the best man to ask what was going on. They had been waiting for us and were wondering where WE were.

    That photographer also stepped in front of the person doing the live stream for the groom’s whole family who due to covid couldn’t attend in person – he did this several times including blocking the kiss.

    The photographer then couldn’t remember the four formal portraits my sister asked for, even though she’d emailed them to him, printed a copy, I told him, she told him, the groom told him. He also wandered away for a good 40 minutes and no one knew what the hell he was doing.

    We couldn’t get the photos where we wanted because it is near a bat colony and due to the heat they were falling out of the trees and dying and the park staff didn’t want us to disturb them (fair enough – poor bats Smiley sad)

    A piece of my sister’s dress came loose and so whilst we were in the car I had to fix it – it was getting on for dusk, so it’s dark, my sister is wriggling around, I’m trying to sew through just the top layer rather than the underskirt so it doesn’t look weird when we pull it down, she’s panicking…

    we get to the venue and are supposed to just hop out but because I’m finishing the skirt we take a few extra minutes and a park ranger gets into a fight with the driver and is really rude saying we’re blocking the road, even though the park is closed and there’s room for them to go past.

    The air conditioning at the reception was really poor and we all thought we’d die

    We had to go and get water from the bar ourselves since they just kept saying ‘it’s coming (it was not coming)

    the mics didn’t work for the speeches, they lost/couldn’t find the wishing well my sister brought with the decor, and the photographer made the bride and groom do their sparkler exit twice since he missed it first time around.

    Oh! And at the last minute the venue decided they wouldn’t let the cake lady (a very old friend of the bride) deliver the cake early after all so she had to miss the ceremony.

    Phew – just repeating all of it raised my stress levels, haha! But hopefully I was able to sort out most of these problems so my sister was barely even aware of them. I so hope she had a beautiful day.

    oooh and I almost forgot. Since then, my sister and her husband learned that the photographer is basically a scam artist. They were lucky to even get their photos and he's disappeared off social media altogether, which apparently he's done several times. I haven't seen any photos from the day except still shots from the live stream. I feel really bad for them - I can't imagine how that would feel.

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  • Chloe
    Devoted February 2022
    Chloe ·
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    My cousin has married thrice now and each one was an absolute disaster... But it think the first one was the worst of all, because she insisted that her hen do HAD to happen on the night before the wedding. AND she wanted a night out in Manchester... Long story short, we came back to the hotel around 4am, all four of us completely drunk, and she the worst. We barely got her to get up and get ready the next day and we decided to skip the aisle walk because she just wasn't walking straight. And of course we forgot the bouquet, grandma's jewelry and everything. So we had her wait at the altar with the groom while her nieces did the flower walk... Suddenly she goes green, walks to the huge flower vase at the side, lifts the flowers and pukes inside... And then she put the flowers back in, straightened her back and came back to the altar. 😂 Btw, it was a Catholic church wedding, luckily the priest wasn't there yet and most people were looking at the cute twins with the flower baskets. The kiss went on the cheek, lol. And we all look half dead in the pictures, with smeared makeup and everything.
    The disasters on the other two weddings mostly involved the ex husband and other weird family members...
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  • M
    Melanie ·
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    I don’t even know what I would do in that situation. That man sounds like the worst. I hope she is doing better now at least.
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  • M
    Melanie ·
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    Oh wow. I love how she just played it off like nothing had happened. I can’t even imagine what must have happened at those other two weddings.
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  • M
    Melanie ·
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    OMG!!!! What a crazy day. I am just stressed from reading it. I’m glad you were able to sort out most of the problems. It’s truly awful your sister didn’t get her photos from her big day.
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  • P
    Devoted April 2023
    Peyton ·
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    He is a complete loser. He has made life completely impossible for her and their daughter. Nonetheless, I think she got the courts involved and it is a little better now. If the groom is 90 minutes late to his own wedding and doesn’t have a really really good reason….RUN AWAY very very quickly and don’t look back. RED FLAG!

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  • B
    Just Said Yes February 2024
    Belle ·
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    I was a Bridesmaid for a wedding where there was a food fight! It was one of my closest friends weddings and I guess the bride and grooms mothers are both very argumentative. I don’t know what was said during dinner but all of a sudden a piece of chicken was thrown in the air towards the mother of the bride. She freaked and started throwing stuff off her plate at the other family. This got both the families throwing stuff at each other. Eventually, the bride ran away crying and it was at that point where the families stopped throwing stuff. It took us about a half an hour to calm her down. The two mothers ended up leaving the wedding, which was the right thing to do.
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