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Super July 2017

Wedding Horror Stories- What's the worst you've seen?

CuteNickname, on March 15, 2017 at 1:32 PM

Posted in Etiquette and Advice 114

I'll go first. My cousin had a courthouse wedding last fall. None of the family was invited. Fine. Then they had 2 receptions near home. One with his dad's side, one with his mom and her friends. Then, the couple proceeded to travel around to their out of town families. They hijacked the bride's...

I'll go first. My cousin had a courthouse wedding last fall. None of the family was invited. Fine. Then they had 2 receptions near home. One with his dad's side, one with his mom and her friends. Then, the couple proceeded to travel around to their out of town families. They hijacked the bride's aunt's 25th wedding anniversary party. Invited themselves and turned it into a joint celebration. Then they hijacked the groom's family Thanksgiving reunion and had a second reception with them. They kept bragging because they saved so much money and no one had to travel. The groom's mother texted her sisters before Thanksgiving to remind them to bring a gift from registry. It did not occur to them at all that their choices could be perceived as rude. Especially the hijacking of someone else's well-hosted anniversary party. The photos were non-pro 4x6's. They changed into cartoon character outfits after the ceremony.

I'm sure there are way worse stories out there!! Let's hear them.


  • RosesAreRed
    Dedicated November 2017
    RosesAreRed ·
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    I went to a wedding in the fall where the ceremony was in a barn. It was raining that day and when we went to park, all the parking was on a grass field. But there wasn't enough parking for all the guests, so we were directed to park in the woods, between trees that were spaced out enough to fit cars. Mind you, the whole field is a mud pit at this point. Ok, fine, whatever. She can't necessarily control the parking. But it gets better as we have to walk about a half a mile up hill, in the mud and grass with no cement path, to get to her ceremony location which was in a barn at the top of the hill. Ok, well, that walk sucked, but at least we can sit down now and wipe all the mud off our legs and shoes. NOPE, can't sit! The barn seated about 80 people, but there was close to double that amount of guests. So myself, along with 80 other people, had to stand outside of the barn during the 30 minute ceremony...with no the pouring RAIN. No joke. It was ridiculous.

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  • A&L
    Master April 2017
    A&L ·
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    I'm laughing but also terrified of the wedding nightmares later this week.

    -We were at this wedding that ran out of food. Not sure if it was a friendor or potluck situation, but there were a good 4 to 5 tables without food plus vendors(they had at least 2 photographer and a band). I remember the bride's mom crying and talking to my mom about the trays of food that smelled bad and she had to toss. So they sent someone to bring KFC or Chinese for them.

    -This is my fav! NOT. FH and I were invited to a "rustic chic barn" wedding in NY. They had ONE food truck that took 2 hours to feed everyone. We got 2 mini sliders and chips because they were out of salsa and guacamole. STILL that's not enough food. They had beer and wine, but wine was gone before the meal and beer was warm. Freaking hot day, half under a tent, other half in a barn, no AC no nothing. Not even cold bottles of water. We were asked to wash our own dishes in nasty buckets of dirty water. Yes, we left them dirty on the grass. I had such a terrible migraine that night and the following day.

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  • H
    Dedicated December 2017
    Heather ·
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    According to WW all the weddings I have attended would "suck". All were dry, only one was catered, and never a DJ.

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  • ShortStack
    VIP June 2017
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    FHs best friend got married in Florida and asked me to make the cake for her. I agreed after she told me that I won't have to worry and that I can make the cake the day before in her aunts kitchen. We drive from Virginia to Florida with a car full of baking supplies. The day comes to bake the cake and I have zero idea where the house is and the bride isn't answering her phone. After spending most of the day panicking the hotel said if I go to Walmart and buy closed toe shoes I can bake the cakes in their kitchen, so that's what I did. We finally hear from the bride who says they were out doing everything for the wedding the day before and she's sorry. We go to her aunts house super early the next day and I bake cupcakes they asked for and finish the cake. I had some left over icing so I threw it in the trash. Her uncle came in and tossed something in the trash, but got icing on his hand so I got dirty looks the whole night. Although I'm sure he was not thrilled about them getting married or it happening at their house.

    I go change into a dress and get ready for the wedding. FH is supposed to stand up as her best man, but the ceremony has no planning what so ever and he's sitting with me and her grandmas at a patio table where he is then told "when I give you the ok please press play on the ipod." Her now ex husband rapped his vows and he was super, super into it.

    On top of all that we were told to take a cab there and her dad would drive us back to the hotel after the wedding. What they didn't tell us was that he was also driving the newlyweds back to their hotel. Guess who was in the back seat with the newlyweds? This girl. So awkward.

    ETA Now that I'm thinking about it, I don't think there was food except cake. There was alcohol, but I don't remember food.

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  • Punkin Beer
    Master October 2017
    Punkin Beer ·
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    I've told this story several times...but my cousin had a open bar for her mom's family only. Everyone else - friends, her dad's family, both sides of the groom's family - had cash bar. Tacky as fuck!

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  • Michelle
    Expert July 2022
    Michelle ·
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    These stories make me feel so much better. I'm so paranoid about my wedding turning out horribly but at least I know that I can't mess up as bad a some of these people!!

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  • Chip
    Master March 2018
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    I was a BM in a wedding for my college roommate this past fall.

    I was asked to be a BM two months before the wedding.. over text. and then couldn't get ahold of the bride for another month. I thought I was a replacement, but she really didn't think to ask any of us before.

    Wasn't invited to any of the showers she had (not that its required, but I saw them on FB)

    She asked my FH if he would DJ with her ipod, I didn't text her back on that.

    Never received a formal invitation

    Had to help set up at the rehearsal - where they figured out the ceremony, hadn't discussed it before that point. Outside at night in November.

    Didn't know what time it started after asking 3 people, her father didn't even know. FH showed up at 1 for a 2:30 wedding waiting for us.

    Self catered

    Dry wedding

    Drinks in iced-down animal water troughs

    DJ was horrible

    Cut your own piece of cake!

    I still love my friend, shes just really clueless

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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Administrator October 2016
    Lynnie ·
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    The worst I've personally experienced was a dry wedding with line dancing. I can totally understand if you're having a dry wedding for religious reasons, but please don't then ask me to line dance with strangers as a sober guest Smiley smile

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  • ShortStack
    VIP June 2017
    ShortStack ·
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    @ Chip cut your own piece of cake?! With my love of cake I'd be like this tier looks good to me lol

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  • RZ_ToBe
    Master July 2018
    RZ_ToBe ·
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    I will SO be back after work to tell my horror tale. It'll be a really long post!

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  • M
    Master June 2017
    Mrs ·
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    Ughhhh so I haven't been to that many weddings, but the one I went to recently was a complete mess. They did host alcohol which was nice, but it was on a Sunday evening and they did not serve an actual meal.

    They TEXTED us an invitation in a group message about 2 weeks prior to their date. The entire thing was thrown together at the last minute - they'd been dating for about 4 months before they randomly decided to get married. Both of them were DEEPLY in debt and the groom had been out of a job for several months yet they decided to throw this stupid party anyway.

    The bride wore an ill-fitted dress, they used leftover flowers from the wedding the day before theirs, the ever attention seeking MOG showed up late and kept everyone waiting so the ceremony started probably an hour late. Then when it was over they dragged us back to their house and literally would not let us leave despite many attempts, so we ended up staying with them until like midnight. Keep in mind we were never fed, and we didn't get home until about 1 am - on a Sunday.

    Not really the wedding's fault, but they are now getting divorced. They were married for about 1.5 years.

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  • Nicole
    Super September 2018
    Nicole ·
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    The only horror story I can think of off the top of my head is the wedding I went to, in the middle of November, where the reception was in a tent with one space heater. It was horrible

    ETA: damn typos

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  • Colleen
    VIP June 2016
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    Wow, some of these are crazy! I've been to a few not-so-great weddings.

    My sister's wedding was dry and catered by my family (my family had a professional catering business....but still things go wrong. It was raining really bad and bride's dress fell in mud while taking it out of the car. My grandmother fell carrying food into the reception and had to be rushed to ER. My little sister was a bridesmaid and passed out at the end of the ceremony, as soon as the bride and groom were pronounced, kissed, and started walking down the aisle. My older sister, the bride, was so pissed that she stole her attention!

    My cousin's wedding was probably the least enjoyable wedding. It was during the day. They got married on a boat which had a main cabin and a deck upstairs. Not many people could fit in the cabin where they had the ceremony, most people (including me) ended up sitting on the deck upstairs. It was a sunny hot and humid August afternoon so we were sweltering and held hostage on the boat. We heard clapping and someone came up and informed us they were married. The reception was at a country club. There was no seating plan, just tables. No music, not even piped in music, just silence. No speeches, toasts, greetings, etc. No dancing. No alcohol. The meal was a plated dinner, boring baked chicken or beef. Not much to do afterwards, just a little socializing and it was over. So basically a ceremony which only a hand full of guests witnessed followed by a silent, boring blah lunch. At least the lunch was inside and air conditioned.

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  • Lorri
    Devoted November 2017
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    Following, because these are Hilarious!!!

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  • Mai-Tai
    VIP April 2017
    Mai-Tai ·
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    I was invited to a wedding of a coworker, only a few was of us from work was invited.

    She had the long break between ceremony and reception, during the break, coworkers and I went to have lunch and enjoy some drinks.

    Reception was at a hotel banquet hall, there was no cocktail hour, which is okay since we were still kind of full from lunch, but we were annoyed to find out it was a cash bar, we were not told ahead of time. We had to go to corner gas station to get cash from ATM.

    Dinner was average, your typical banquet hall food, they did the cake cutting and we served cake for dessert. After the cake, was the usual couple first dance, parents dance and everyone was then invited to the dance floor which we all did and danced.

    At about 9pm, a large video screen had come down, a short montage of pictures of the couple were displayed. Once it was over they announced that since the couple were a fan of MMA and there was a UFC special fight airing, the couple decided to stream the fight on the screen. Once the fight started, music stopped, the DJ started packing up, and all guests were left sitting at tables to watch the fight. After 30 minutes of just sitting there staring at screen watching UFC, which none of the coworkers I was sitting with were UFC fans, so we decided to all leave and go across the street at a local bar where there was a live band playing and dancing. We had a great time at the bar.

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  • FutureMrs92317
    Devoted September 2017
    FutureMrs92317 ·
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    Attended a wedding where besides being completely over dressed - we went to the church basement for a dry reception. Okay fine. I was starving. No food. I'm hangry by this point. The bride took her pregnant ass to change out of her borrowed dress into footy Eeyore pajamas! (she was proud to share the reason her boobs kept falling out because she didn't have alteration done).

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  • spring 2017
    Devoted May 2017
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    @ALYMEOW what is a "toonie" bar?

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  • Tricia
    VIP October 2017
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    I wasn't there, it was my dad's cousin. Ceremony beautiful, 2 hour gap, but that was common with church weddings, they hung out at some ones house, but didn't eat alot, going to a big wedding. Got there, only cold appetizers. Ok. Sit down for dinner, salad comes right away. 45 minutes pass, nothing, no orders taken, nothing. 90 minutes go by. Still nothing. Bride is yelling in the back, she's being told everything is fine. People are going to McDonald's ( family is largely diabetic). No food is ever server. Fire in the kitchen earlier, the venue though they could cook at another location and get it back, but everything was ruined, like all the food. Bride and groom got ALL their money back for everything plus since they weren't told. And the fire happened at 6 am.

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  • spring 2017
    Devoted May 2017
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    I didn't realize it at the time, but I went to the wedding of a girl who turned out to be a huge psycho. She applied to be on Say Yes To The Dress and was picked. But that meant she had to wrangle up people to go on some random Tuesday afternoon to watch her try on dresses. Only 1 of her BMs lived in town and did not work, so it was mostly her family. The show also wants permission to film your wedding and reception. Her husband and the Catholic church both said "no", so she never actually appeared on the show, but we all heard about it for months leading up to the big day.

    At the reception, it was nice- seated dinner and nice decor. But then, because her family is Polish, they did the dollar dance. The song choice: "Girls, Girls, Girls" by Motley Crue, because, you know, the bride and groom met at a strip club. Hardly anyone outside of her family knew what to make of it and I doubt they got more than $20.

    Best part, they were divorced about 18 months later.

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  • janz
    Devoted September 2017
    janz ·
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    I posted about this in the guest appreciation thread the other day. Outdoor ceremony with no chairs in July. 2 hour break before reception, no cocktail hour because it was a dry wedding. I was 8 months pregnant and miserable, at the reception I was seated in a weird corner that was nearly impossible to get in and out of. When it was our turn to go to the buffet all that was left was corn and rolls. We left immediately and still talk shit about this wedding 10 years later.

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