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Savvy August 2018

Walking down the aisle alone

A, on December 11, 2017 at 3:38 PM

Posted in Wedding Ceremony 45

Hey ladies how would any of you brides feel about walking down the aisle alone ?? father passed away when I was 8 years old and my mother would move with us a lot so I never got close to any of my uncle and aunt died in May so I asked my mother to walk me she's been indecisive of walking me...

Hey ladies how would any of you brides feel about walking down the aisle alone ?? father passed away when I was 8 years old and my mother would move with us a lot so I never got close to any of my uncle and aunt died in May so I asked my mother to walk me she's been indecisive of walking me because she says that she doesn't want to attend my wedding because she feels fat I didn't feel like arguing with her and telling her that she's wrong I did tell her that she's beautiful regardless and that being fat or skinny I still would want her to do it and that didn't change her mind I'm not going to beg so what are your thoughts ??


  • Bride2B
    Expert June 2018
    Bride2B ·
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    I wanted to either walk alone or with my mom, but my mom wants me to walk with my stepdad. In order to avoid a big fight, I told her I'd compromise and I'd walk with both of them

    I don't think walking alone is weird at all. Definitely a personal decision

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  • B
    Dedicated June 2018
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    I am walking alone. I have several male family members I could ask and my mom will be present and is paying for most of the wedding so she could do it also but in my mind that was a role for my father only. My dad passed away when I was 17 (Im now 30) and I deal with it fine but that is one thing I don't want someone standing in for. I think I will feel a bit awkward and honestly be emotional because I will be wishing he was there but it just doesn't feel right to me to have anyone stand in his place.

    Best of luck to you on making a decision! just do what feels right for you!

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  • Molly
    Beginner September 2018
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    I have had people ask me the question about who will walk me (my dad passed away 15 years ago — I’m 35 now). I say I’m walking alone and some people are appalled and say things like “why not your mom or brother-in-law?” To me, being “given away” is archaic. I wouldn’t mind having my mom do it, but I like the idea of walking alone because a) my dad will be with me in spirit, and b) because I think it’s a truer symbol of moving from my single adult life into a life with my FH. But as someone else said, anything goes! This is your day. You make the rules. Do what feels best to you, do it with pride and confidence, and no one will question it. Enjoy!
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  • Melissa
    Just Said Yes May 2019
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    You don’t need a reason to be independent. I’ll be walking down the aisle alone even though my parents are both alive and well and on good terms with me and each other. When I brought it up, they said they’re not surprised or sad, I’ve always taken care of myself and they’re just happy to be part of it. Dad still gets a dance at the reception, so it’s not like people need to question our relationship. I don’t think it’s right for women to feel pressured to pick a man to “give them away” just because he’s alive and not estranged. I haven’t been dependent on my parents for over a decade, so it just doesn’t make sense in my situation. They’ll be there, and they’re part of the day in literally every other way. It’s sweet to have that aisle moment if that’s how you really feel about them or if you want the support or solidarity, but not if you’re just doing because someone is pressuring you to.
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  • T
    Devoted September 2012
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    If you feel comfortable doing it, then I say “go for it”. I think it’s more than acceptable. Women don’t need to be handed off by their parents. Your journey, your love life, and your choice to marry this man is all because of you Smiley smile
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