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Savvy November 2019


Imamanda12, on October 3, 2019 at 3:11 PM Posted in Planning 0 10
I just want to vent here because I feel like I can’t elsewhere. These last few months of wedding planning have been hell. First off my future MIL is asking me to pick out what she should wear to both the wedding and the rehearsal. They live in a different state and I don’t even know what I’m wearing to the rehearsal yet. Second I’ve reserved quite a few discounted room blocks since most of my fiancé’s family is from a different state. None of the people who have accepted the Rsvp has booked the rooms at the hotel we are having the wedding at. They booked it at a different one. Which means if I don’t use all the room blocks then I have to pay a fee for not using them. Third my groomsmen attire search has been a disaster because a bridesmaid is complaining about prices of her husbands tux. I still haven’t been altered for my dress because I’ve been stress eating and i think I’ve gained weight so now I’m worried it won’t fit.So now I have 38 days till the wedding, no one has booked a room, still don’t have groomsmen attire, still haven’t gotten altered for my dress and all the final details of the wedding I’m still working on and I’m stressing out bad. Someone please tell me it gets better!


Latest activity by Michelle, on February 11, 2020 at 12:07 AM
  • Cyndy
    Master May 2019
    Cyndy ·
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    Take a deep breath!!!! Now don’t think about anything wedding related until tmw. Give yourself a little break then refocus tmw with a list and prioritize what you have left. You have plenty of time so try to relax. Ask for help where you can but for today take a break. It’s very stressful but it’s almost over. Good luck.
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  • M
    Legend June 2019
    Melle ·
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    Oh my goodness. I know it won't seem like it but things will work out !
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  • Heather
    Expert October 2019
    Heather ·
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    I can’t say it gets better. I’m 9 days out and completely broken out in hives all over my body. The stress is real at this point 😩🤦🏻‍♀️
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  • Jazmine
    Expert September 2019
    Jazmine ·
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    It does! I had **** things happen (like you) for three weeks before the wedding and then it all settled down! I promise in the end it will be worth it!
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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    It gets better. I felt so stressed 2-3 weeks before my wedding. I am now 2 days away and this week has felt like a vacation!!

    Tell your FMIL that unfortunately you are unable to help her with her outfit choices because you have too much on your plate right now, but you’re happy to look at photos if she sends them to you to help her decide between options.
    Tell your groomsmen that they have 1 week left to order their outfits or they will be removed from the wedding party!
    When you find yourself stressing, go for a walk instead of eating. Also, if you think you’ve gained a few pounds, it’s no biggie. Cut back on some carbs and eat some grilled chicken and you can drop it in no time. I would go ahead and get your first round of alterations done though. You want to make sure you have that done in time!
    Good luck and try to breath & remember, it’s all going to work out and your wedding will be amazing!
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  • Natalie
    Devoted January 2021
    Natalie ·
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    Everything will be ok! But go get that dress fitted girlfriend don't worry about what you may weigh you're going to look beautiful. The sooner the better, alterations can take a while.

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  • Cassi
    Super October 2019
    Cassi ·
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    I am 8 days out and while I am stressed beyond belief there are just some things we have to accept we have no control over!

    1.) Tell your mother in law you have no idea ( my MIL tried doing the same thing and I just said my mom is wearing this and I want you guys to be comfortable so pick whatever you will feel best in).

    2.)I unfortunately don't know anything about the room blocks but I would follow up with everyone and reconfirm they will not need your blocks and ask the hotel to cancel asap so they have time to try and find other guests.

    3.)I know its stressful for attire I know this battle all to well. Tell your bridesmaid at this point being 38 days out these are the only ones we can get in time and this is the price. I understand if you can't swing it but unfortunately I can't do anything else. (I read your initial post about this and offered advice on there regarding her concern to just go find something off the shelves).
    4.)get to the seamstress asap girl! Save yourself some money. A lot of people will charge you essentially an expedite fee if you cut it too close because they have to work on your stuff over the other stuff they have there. I'm sure you are stressed about it not fitting but at least if you find out now then you can have it altered or see what you need to do to make it work. (I also read your post about this issue as well). Look into corset backs if it is too tight. You could be stressing over nothing too and it could fit wonderfully.

    I am 8 days out and again I am stressed but all these issues will seem trivial in another month and what will matter is dealing with the small finer details. Good luck and your day will be beautiful!

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  • Kristal
    Expert February 2020
    Kristal ·
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    First and foremost, take a minute to breath. I'm still a bit too far out to say if it gets better or worse but I've had my share of stress outs and i'm still 5 months away.

    1. give your FMIL a color scheme and an idea of how formal to be (we talking black tie formal or business casual sort of formal?) and tell her you need to make a lot of other decisions so what she wears is up to her. She might just want to make sure you dont have any requirements.

    2. It doesnt sound like you'll be able to do much about the room blocks so stressing there wont help you. I realize this is easier said than done but try. Also is it possible that you could tell the hotel to unreserve those other rooms? If they rent them out to other people, could it be possible you could get atleast a partial refund? most hotels will work with you if you give them notice.

    3. for the groomsmen's attire, depending on your situation, could you send them to mens wearhouse and tell the bridesmaid to look at the prices herself? Depending on what you specifically ask them to wear, that might be best.

    4. Get to the seamstress ASAP. Tell them the issue and they will likely be able to leave you a little extra room and talk to you about options. An experienced seamstress can work with you to do things you never thought possible but they need the time to do it.

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  • Brandi
    Dedicated October 2019
    Brandi ·
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    Trust me when I say I feel you...this process has indeed been H E L L. I'm 17 days out, and while mostly everything is done, I'm still dealing w/ family/friends/guest drama. The best advice I can give...or at least what works for to let it out, whether that's on a forum like this, with a friend/coworker, your future spouse, whatever, and then just keep it pushing. And I also try to remind myself that after this is all over I can avoid the people causing me this stress for at least a few weeks before the holidays start up. Smiley xd

    Good luck & I hope you have a beautiful & stress free wedding day!

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  • M
    Dedicated February 2020
    Michelle ·
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    I'm sure everything turned out! Desperately trying to believe that for myself!
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