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Just Said Yes November 2019

Uninviting My Father to my Wedding

Keli, on May 30, 2019 at 5:02 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 5
I've always had a bad relationship with my father (he's narcissistic and very sexist). I had a celebration lunch after we announced our engagement and my father completely ruined it. He was so rude to everyone, including my fiance, that the day ended with me crying. I was angry for months afterwards. I try my best to avoid seeing him, but on the rare occasion that I do he goes out of his way to be disrespectful to me or to upset me. We are having a destination wedding in the bahamas and I feel like allowing my dad to come is taking a huge, huge chance that he will purposely do or say rude things to upset me and ruin my wedding like he ruined our celebration lunch. I want to write him a letter telling him why I am uninviting him. The problem is, everyone I talk to in my family about this issue are all concerned about how it will affect my mom to come to my wedding without her husband and they guilt trip me about it. After he ruined my celebration lunch, my brother was completely supportive of me not inviting my dad. But now that many months have gone by his anger toward my father's behavior that day has faded and I feel I have lost his support. Should I just take the chance and allow him to come so that my mother is not upset and I can "keep the peace"? Has anyone else been in this situation?


Latest activity by Vanessa, on May 30, 2019 at 10:41 PM
  • Amber
    Super September 2020
    Amber ·
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    Bottom line is can you see yourself getting married without having your dad there? If you can answer yes, then go ahead and not invite him.

    Also, you'd think your mother would be more concerned about your feelings than her own.

    I wouldn't write a letter I would just flat out tell him that you rather not have him apart of your big day due to his behavior n it's not fair to you n your FH and all your guests so you rather him not coming.
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  • Summerbride77
    VIP July 2019
    Summerbride77 ·
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    I agree with this. How is your relationship with your mom? Is this something you could talk to her about?
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    You don't need to have toxic people at your wedding, even your dad! Meet up in person and firmly tell him how you feel and it's best if he didn't come. Your mom should understand and be considerate of your decision! If she isn't, give her the option to not attend. Nobody deserves hate and negativity on their wedding day!

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  • Kelly
    VIP October 2020
    Kelly ·
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    Don't bother writing a letter, if he ruined your celebration he won't have the empathy to understand a letter
    I personally don't think you should invite him if it makes you this uncomfortable. Frankly your mother should know this behavior is unacceptable and shouldn't be surprised if it's a long standing Issue
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  • Vanessa
    Expert September 2019
    Vanessa ·
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    This breaks my heart because we are in a similar situation with my fiancé’s father. They don’t have much of a relationship... well my fiancé tries to but his father doesn’t make time for him he puts his gf first. (He has a new gf every 1 1/2 to 2 years and moves them in right away lol really not kidding). His parents are divorced. His dad doesn’t like his moms father because if past issues that his father can’t get over and is so petty. I feel like he will be a big issue at our wedding and start drama. Since my fiancé’s grandfather is marrying us we were told by his dads mother (my fiancé’s gma) and his father that they will not be attending the ceremony because his other grandfather (his moms dad) will be marrying us. So at this point..... I’m about to tell them to save me a headache and don’t come at all. Like how can they do this to their Grandson and for his dad, his own damn son. His youngest is getting married and he won’t come to the ceremony?

    im so sorry this is happening to you, it helps when you have family on your side to support your decisions. Sorry my post is long I guess I just needed to vent as well! Good luck xoxo do what your heart tells you. It’s YOUR day.
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