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Dedicated March 2020

Tell me your love story!

Danielle, on February 25, 2018 at 12:48 AM Posted in Community Conversations 0 61
Recently, I've noticed I'm too caught up in planning a wedding, that I haven't been paying the same amount of attention to FH. I felt horrible when I realized that! I'm trying to make sure we spend a lot of time together, because he's the only one I want to marry! Has anyone done the same thibg So let's take a minute away from the wedding planning


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  • Danielle
    Dedicated March 2020
    Danielle ·
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    Wasn't done!! I was going to say let's take a step away from the planning and talk about our FH or FW! I'd love to hear your love stories!
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  • Mrs. P
    Devoted May 2018
    Mrs. P ·
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    That’s a great idea! I met my fh at a hospital. My little sister was in a terrible car accident and in the hospital for months. I’d go to the hospital and spend every weekend with her and he was her night nurse. I fell in love with his humor and compassion 💕
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  • Danielle
    Dedicated March 2020
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    That's a great story! And I'm so glad your sister is okay!!
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  • FutureMrsBurroughs
    VIP October 2017
    FutureMrsBurroughs ·
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    Kudos to you for being present enough to realize that you were not focusing on your FH while being caught up in the madness of wedding planning. It is so easy to do, I know I was guilty of it during the planning process.

    I met my DW at work. We were friends first and built strong friendship that developed into love. I’m so glad I took that job offer almost 7 years ago!
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  • Adrianna
    Expert June 2018
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    My FH and I met in middle school. I knew he was the one even then.
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  • O
    Just Said Yes October 2019
    Olivia ·
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    My fiancé and I first started talking online in late September of 2016. When we first met in person it was as if we fell in love kinda instantly. A month after we started dating he was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of terminal cancer. He was afraid I was gonna leave because we were so young (both 21 at the time) and we barely started dating. We were scared of what life was throwing us but I knew one thing was for certain- he wasn't going to face it alone. He endured a full year of everyday treatments in the hospital. It was grueling and a nightmare but we endure the storm together and we came out strong as a couple. Fast forward to August 21st, 2017- the solar eclipse. We went to his brother and sister-in-law's house because they had a perfect view of this rare event. He was supposed to go in for treatment but he skipped so we could see it. Right as the "diamond ring effect" in totality took place he got on his knee, which scared me because he has mobility issues and I thought he fell, and proposed to me. He missed the once in a lifetime phenomenon to ask me to be his wife. Of course, I cried and even now just typing this makes me teary eyed. He has finished all treatment and the cancer is at bay for now; it can't be cured or removed but we are taking life one day at a time; cherishing every second we have with each other. He is my soul mate and I can't imagine life without him. We are unsure of the future and what it holds for us but we are in love and happily engaged. We hope to get married in late October of 2019 if all goes well and according to plan but I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams!
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  • StarJammer
    Dedicated May 2019
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    This is such a good idea! It's so nice to find some positive energy on these forums! Thank you for starting this thread.

    My fiancé and I first connected on OK Cupid. I was dating someone else but still had my profile up because I was looking for friends. I suggested he join us for trivia night at a bar sometime but he didn't take me up on my offer. A couple months later, I stopped seeing the guy I'd been dating and took down my profile. I spent several months by myself, just focusing on school and myself. After a period of time, I put up a new profile stressing exactly what type of person I was looking for... and my future fiancé connected with me again. He described himself and what he was looking for and he seemed pretty interesting so we started texting, chatting and talking on the phone. I was enamored with his sense of humor, intelligence, empathy, compassion and kindness. He seemed like a genuinely nice but multi-dimensional guy. And he was from the east coast too, so he got my biting sense of humor, excessive use of sarcasm and disdain for a lot of sh*t.
    We set a date to meet at a local patisserie for coffee and dessert. I got there first, ordered my drink and treat, found a table and waited patiently. A few minutes later, I looked up from my phone and saw the fellow from the photo looking at me. We clicked immediately. I think it was love at first sight. And he and my Service Dog instantly fell in love with one another. After dessert we went to a bar for a couple of drinks because neither of us wanted to part company. I ended up spending the night at his house (fully clothed) because he was so easy to talk to and such a lovely man. That was nearly three years ago. We've been blissfully dating ever since.
    Then this past November, we got to talking about marriage and what not and decided together that we wanted to. So I ordered him a beautiful gold boutonniere pin with a stag's head at the top (because we both adore deer and love seeing them on and near our property). When he came home from work one evening, I was all dressed up, had dinner waiting, got down on one knee and proposed with the pin. He pulled me up and hugged and kissed me and said, "Yes! Of course! You silly woman, you know I will!" He loves the pin and plans to wear it when we wed. We've been planning our fabulous, eco-friendly, low-budget, unique event ever since.
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  • Lex
    VIP September 2019
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    This is so sweet!
    I met FH on my first day of high school in a new place. I was scared out of my mind and he was the nicest person. We were friends for about a year. Our band took a trip to Disney and we fell in loooove. We ditched our friends to go eat buy ourselves and stayed up talking all night. He asked me out in Japan at Epcot. It was really sweet, he knew how much it meant to me to eat there (I used to live in Japan and quality food is hard to come by)
    We’ve been inseparable ever since, doing pretty much everything together. We even marched by each other in band every year, and with a 300 person band, it’s fate lol.
    Now almost 3 years later we’re engaged, moved out, with a family of dogs and a cat. I’m glad I said yes to the nervous boy in Japan lol.
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  • H
    Dedicated September 2018
    H&MForever ·
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    I met FH on Tinder. After 2 weeks of messaging and talking on the phone for hours we met. 3 years later here we are planning a wedding.
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  • Heather
    Expert September 2018
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    I met him online. My cousin was his fb friend and she tried hooking us up but never got us together. But he friended me and we talked but never met...for a year.
    It turns out we went to the same schools only a few years apart. He remembers me in elementary school even though I don' remember him.
    He lives just a few miles from where I grew up.

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  • Ashley
    Dedicated March 2020
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    I met my FH online playing a video game called Gears. He sniped my head and I couldnt believe that he got me so I had to message him saying nice shot lol. We were friends for two years and by the end of that grew closer. We both happened to be in NY but he was 8 hrs away. He actually had family that was 30 min away from so he came to visit. Its funny cuz I told him online dont fall in love with me and laughed like ok sure. We flew to see each other every 2 months. Now here we are. We've been living together for 2 years. He moved 8hrs away for me and is my best friend. Is hard to believe all of this bloomed from a head shot!
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  • Jessica
    Devoted June 2019
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    We went to the same college. He was dating someone, I started dating someone. Every time I was around my FH I got this feeling, I was so drawn to him. He was so cool and engaging and smart and personable- I knew I had to keep my distance to protect the relationship I was in. Funnily enough, the bf at the time didn’t feel like protecting it, apparently.
    He and his gf broke up, my bf and I broke up 6 months later. We talked a little when we ran into each other, nothing crazy.
    One day, he posts something on twitter about how he had eaten Taco Bell and I jokingly (sort of) responded that he should bring me some since I missed lunch hour. At this point in his life, he had been living in his own apartment feeling very lonely for almost three months, so he messaged and asked if I wanted to come over and get a hot dog or something. I shied away, made an excuse about needing to do work in the library and he showed up with his backpack- pulled out two hot dogs, two buns, two plates, some ketchup, some mustard, some water bottles.
    We had Hot Dogs in the Library and talked for five hours.
    It didn’t end there, though- we talked some more, watched a movie with some friends, and then during Spring Break I went to CO (6 1/2 hours away). My ride back bailed on me due to car troubles and I needed to get back to KS by the next day for class.
    He offered to pick me up. He left at 4, showed up at 10:30, and drove me back through the night to KS. When we got back, we stopped to watch the sunrise and he had to work for 13 hours right afterwards, and he was so tired, but he still brought me a pizza after he finished at work.
    We hung out every single day through the end of the semester and he asked me to be his girlfriend that summer.
    2 and a half years later, in Old Town in Wichita; he asked me to be his wife. (:
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  • Rachel
    Beginner May 2019
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    We met on tinder almost 4 years ago. We dated a year, broke up because he wasn’t ready for marriage. We went without taking for few months... then we started texting again, seeing each other... a year later we got back together. After over a year of being back together... yesterday he popped the question while on a mini vacation at the beach 😍
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  • Jessica
    Devoted June 2019
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    That’s amazing! What a cool story!
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  • D
    Devoted October 2018
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    I’ve been doing the same thing. I’m feeling bad about it too. So I’m more aware and trying to do it less. He’s the most important thing about this wedding. Anyway, I went to church with my FHs parents. He lived in Los Angeles and I in Michigan at the time. His mom wanted me to meet him, so I agreed. A few weeks later he was in town and came to church. As soon as I laid eyes on him I about fell over. He was so handsome. I fell in love with him very quickly but didn’t say anything. He told me he loved me after 3 months together. We did the long distance thing for 3 years and he finally moved back to Michigan. We have been together for almost 8 years and he just asked me to marry him in December. He’s my true love and was worth waiting for.
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  • Ashley
    Dedicated March 2020
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    Love your story! Its funny how things just fall into place. I was actually dating someone else at the time my FH and I were talking. He waited patiently until I was available and was just a supportive friend until then.
    Love how he brought the food to you! Very caring and romantic. Food always wins lol. Happy for you two.
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  • Shannon
    Expert October 2017
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    We met on plenty of fish. We messaged each other for a few hours and then he called me, I think we were on the phone for about 6 hours. We just clicked. We decided to go to dinner that next night. They practically had to kick us out when they closed. He says that he knew when he called me that first night. Everything happened so fast. We were looking at engagement rings after just 2 weeks. I moved in with him within 3 months. We got engaged just over a year. And have now been married since October. And now we are buying a house together.
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  • Jessica
    Devoted June 2019
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    Food ALWAYS wins. I think the first picture we ever took together was a picture of us with some breadsticks he bought me 😂😂
    And thanks. It worked out the perfect way. There’s something about “the one before the one” that prepares you for the real one person, I think. Wouldn’t you say?
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  • Jessica
    Devoted June 2019
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    That’s amazing!
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  • Erica
    Expert August 2018
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    Short version.
    Please no negative comments.

    So back in 2010, I was a teen mom and a senior in high school. I started working at amusement park. May 8, 2010 was my first day and that's where I met my fiancé. He was one of the supervisor for rides. We became friends. May 28, 2010 was one of the day he kept asking me out. I eventually said yes. Nit because he force me but because I believed I was ready and he was my best friend. Plus I had feeling for him. June 2 is my birthday and we shared our first kiss. He even went to my prom on June 12, 2010.

    We eventually ended up breaking up but only because he decided to join the air force and we didn't want that for my two years old.

    We stayed best friends. We talked for weeks straight. He dated people. I dated people. We didn't like it but we wasn't around each other. He finally came home and out of the air force. He physically home but mentally he wasn't. Back in June 2016 we started talking more and more. We realized we still had feeling for each other but wanted to wait because he didn't want to put my son through the outcome of the the air force. (-- sorry if that doesn't make sense. I'm trying to find the right words). We still talk almost every day. We hung out here and there.

    Now my son means the world to me. Back in 2010, he was great with my son. My son use to run up to him before his aunt and uncles. So, I was concern but when we hung out we played board games and talked. Sometime when my son and him talk it was like I wasn't there.

    January 2, 2017 we shared our second first kiss He kept teasing why I didn't give him one on new year eve. I told him because he didn't stay for the ball drop. From there on we always together (my son, my fiancé and me). We talked about getting back together. January 11, 2017 we actually talked about the past, present and future. We do regret breaking up but we though it was best for my son. He officially asked me out. January 24, 2017 we officially told each other that we love each other. Maybe it was to soon for everybody else. But to us we been there the whole time. No one knew we stayed in contact. But when we told people we were back together. Some wasn't happy but the ones that knew us said we will be engaged by the end of the year.

    June 23, 2017, I was having a rough day. I worked my one job 6:30am to 3:30pm then went to my other job 5:15pm to 11pm. Now my one job is retail. The boss sometime do nothing and you will never see them because they always in the break room playing ping pong. Now, during the non busy season we are always short handed. And this day we was. Anyways my fiancé texted me telling me he was hanging with Andrew and my family. He ask me how was my day going. I said rough. He said he'll cheer me up and take me out for a late dinner I said no. He picked me up and ask if I was hungry I said yes, but I want to go home. He didn't listen. He took me to buffalo wild wings which is one of my favorite places. He started a conversation about our future. He asked "if i were to ask you to marry me would you say yes."

    (We had this conversation before and I told him it depends. I said he had to get permission from my son, my parents, and his parents. Yes usually people just ask the father. But l don't want to marry into family that might not want me. I want to marry someone that my family like specially that my son likes).

    I told him "yes, only if you got the permission from our family". He then says "Erica, will you do me the honor and marry me?" I stood there shock. Because at the same time he ask he pulled out a ring. I said "are you serious is this real." He said "yes I'm serious and this is real". I ask "so what about our family." He said "I asked my parent and they say yes as long as I'm happy. I spent the whole day with yours showing them the ring and ask for permission and they said Erica makes her own decision and as long as you both are happy. So Erica would you do me the honor and marry me" I said "of course, yes" I was shaking and I couldnt believe it was real. A seven years friendship grew to an amazing relationship that I can not imagine my life with out.

    It was a long time coming and now we have less then six months until we become husband and wife.

    August 18, 2018❤
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