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Just Said Yes September 2019

Splitting Holidays For First Married Christmas

Josie, on December 11, 2019 at 7:21 PM Posted in Married Life 0 10
This is our first holiday season as a married couple and we are beyond excited! H and I have lived together for a little over two years now and at that point, we came up with a good way to split our time on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. We decided to alternate by odd numbered vs even numbered years. So in 2017, we went to my mom’s first and went to his family after for Thanksgiving. Neither of us are as close to our dad’s sides so we save them for Christmas Eve, splitting our time and alternating that as well according to year. For Christmas Day in 2017, we went to his mom’s side first and then my mom’s side after. In 2018, we alternated where we did his family first and then my second and vice versa. Our families live about 30 minutes apart and we are in the middle so although it is hectic, it is all manageable.

My main issue is with my MIL. No matter what we decide to do, she is extremely vocal about not being pleased. We have offered to change this year to eat with her on Thanksgiving and she simply complained that she wouldn’t see us until late on Christmas. So we continued on our routine, which we think is extremely fair by the way. My biggest complaint about her is that she constantly texts or calls my husband asking when we will be arriving to her house.... My family is the “chew and screw” type. We eat early and leave early. This year we started eating lunch on Thanksgiving at 12:30. At 1:15, she was already harassing him. She texted him three times and called him once and because of that, he wanted to leave early to make her happy. This has happened every single holiday but when we go to leave her family, she complains we haven’t stayed long enough and keeps the conversation going to try to keep us longer. This is incredibly frustrating to me because my mom doesn’t behave this way and understands that I have another place to be. I feel like my MIL doesn’t care if I spend time with my family despite knowing how close I am to my own mom.
H and I have discussed this and he acknowledges that it is a problem but we honestly don’t know what to do. I think it’s best if he talks to her first but I’m not sure if that will change anything. Part of me wants to be involved in the conversation but at the same time, I don’t want her resenting me for “going against her”. What should we do?
My question is, how do you handle the holidays now that you’re married? If you have a monster in law, how do you deal with her during this season?


Latest activity by Alejandra, on December 12, 2019 at 6:11 PM
  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    My wife & I are both super close with our families. My family lives about 1.5 hours from us and my in-laws only live about 30 minutes. For thanksgiving, we spent the morning & afternoon with my in-laws then drove to my families house and stayed the night. For Christmas, we will do Christmas Eve afternoon and early evening with my in-laws and my family is coming to our house that night and staying over. Christmas morning and afternoon we will spend with my family at our house, then Christmas evening we will be back with my in-laws. It’s a lot of back & fourth, but it makes everyone happy.

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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
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    He needs to be the one to talk to her and he needs to set boundaries. Your family is his family and vice versa. She needs to back off some and if she cannot then he needs to turn his phone off. Your family is just as important and they should not be the chew and screw. If he cannot put his foot down then he can go and you can spend more time with your family and join later. She has to share.

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    When you're going to her house second, I think you should give her a time and then TURN YOUR PHONES OFF. You will arrive when you said you would, but will not let her interrupt your other plans. When you are ready to leave, you need to get up, say good-bye and then LEAVE. It sounds like you need to be very clear about boundaries with her. Good luck!

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  • Susan
    Devoted October 2021
    Susan ·
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    I would suggest your H puts his phone away. Tell Mom in advance “I’m going to be at my wife’s family’s until 2PM and we will Ben over afternoon that. I will not have my phone on during that time so we can enjoy family time. Love you and see you at all 3:00”. And just don’t answer.
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  • Yoice
    VIP March 2019
    Yoice ·
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    We personally never had that issue and we were always fair to both sides and ourselves. This year as a married couple we spend thanksgiving all together at my in laws house which my parents were invited. For Christmas Eve we would be spending it with my in laws because my parents are out of town and New Year’s Eve with my parents and my side of the family. In the past we usually go thanksgiving with my family or his and Christmas Eve with the other family we didn’t spend thanksgiving with expect those times were we have done it all together. I personally don’t like splitting the holiday and the driving expect Christmas Day which we always go to my in laws for breakfast and my parents for dinner. I look forward to making my own holiday at our house and having both of our families all together.
    I suggest husband talks to his mom first and says she puts him in a tough spot by calling him and asking for him to come over. You’ll show up when you find appropriate to spend enough time with both families.
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  • Eri
    Super October 2020
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    Has she been hosting the holidays for a long time? Do many other people come over to her house for the holidays?

    I totally get that it's hard to let go of traditions and time with family. I've been with my FH for 5 sets of holidays now, and it's honestly still hard on me to not spend as much time with my family as I used to. But everyone has to compromise - your MIL included.

    My FH is not close with his mom, but he is with his aunt. For Thanksgiving, we spend all day with my family; then we do Thanksgiving 2 on the following Sunday with his family. For Christmas, we generally see my immediate family Christmas morning, then spend the rest of the day with his dad. The Saturday after Christmas, we do part II with my extended family. On Sunday, we do part II with his extended family. It's a lot, and it's significantly changed from when I was growing up, where we'd spend Christmas Eve at one grandparents' house, then Christmas Day at the other grandparents'. But this way, everyone gets a substantial amount of time together.

    Your MIL has to realize that your family has grown, and everyone is equally deserving of your time. Thinking she can text/call and have you guys leave early to be with her is incredibly rude, and can't happen anymore. I would have your H talk with her and set boundaries. As PPs mentioned, have a set time when you'll be there, and don't respond if she texts/calls - that behavior can't be rewarded, or she'll keep doing it.

    Not sure if you guys are planning on having kids at any point, but that's something else that will change the holiday dynamic. I used to see my extended family on my mom's side on Christmas Eve, but when my aunt had my cousin, they asked if we could switch the get-together to the Saturday after Christmas - they live 2 hours away, and understandably wanted my cousin home Christmas Eve to get ready for Santa and such. Even though she's a teen now, we still keep this format because they have their own tradition on Christmas Eve now.

    I hope your MIL comes around!

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  • Anna
    Super August 2020
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    Everyone has given you great suggestions. I have a difficult future mother-in-law who is struggling with seeing her son transition into a new family (he and I). This Christmas is the last one as an engaged couple, and she calls it "my son's last Christmas". As if he's dying. It's so bizarre to me but everyone on their side is used to her dramatics. I wonder if this is a mother/son dynamic more generally. I think the advice people are giving you about your husband turning off his phones and being clear about what time they can expect you to arrive is great. Maybe in the future your husband and you can be the hosts of Christmas or Thanksgiving- that way both of your families can join you in your home.

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  • Jill
    Expert April 2020
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    I have this same issue but with my grandma (she's raised me since I was three). His family is super understanding and lets us do what we need to, but my grandma tries to guilt trip me. My family lives in Arkansas (a 6 hour drive from Kansas City) and his parents live in Florida, so not an easy trip to either. When I told my grandma we weren't coming for Christmas (since we went there for Thanksgiving) she about had a little kid meltdown. I know it's not easy but have him have the conversation with her and like everyone else said, set a time at which you'll be there and don't respond to anything else.

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    I think your H need to grow a little more of a backbone. If you two have decided what is fair and doable for the two of you - he needs to communicate that to his mother and tell her specifics "We will be with Josie's family in the afternoon and will be to your house no later than 4pm. I will let you know when we leave Josie's mom's, so please don't interrupt our family time with them by calling and texting - you wouldn't like it if her mom did that while we are with you."

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  • Alejandra
    Super March 2019
    Alejandra ·
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    My husband and I both came from single mother households, my MIL is now married though. This is exactly how my MIL acts, constantly calling and texting my husband to kind out when we're getting there. The first year it happened when we got to her house she told us "Finally, you got here, I thought you were never coming and I was going to be all by myself" My husband laughed and I (disappointed because we left earlier than I wanted from my family's house) responded with "Well I wanted to be with my mom for a bit and I was not going to leave her early when shes by herself to run over here where you have a full house and party going on" I also told her that it would not be nice for me to pull my husband away just because I wanted to be with my mom, we both need to be considerate of each other.

    If your husband thinks its wrong but can't seem to get the point across I don't see why you can't simply tell them hey were doing our best to see everyone on these special days, going out of our way to drive around when everyone else is at home (because thats the part I hate the most) we'll get here when we get here and we'll leave when we're ready.

    You guys need to have a voice together as a couple, don't let her walk all over you!

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