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Expert July 2021

Soldered Ring Wiggle?

Kris, on March 9, 2021 at 11:05 AM Posted in Wedding Attire 0 3

So I had my rings soldered recently, and I noticed this morning that my band has a slight wiggle to it that my engagement ring and the ring for my stepdaughter do not have. It's not enough for it to actually move away from the other two rings, but its enough that I noticed it when I was putting lotion on. Does anyone else with soldered rings have the issue, or do I need to get them re-soldered?

Ignore the color, they need to be cleaned.

Soldered Ring Wiggle? 1

Soldered Ring Wiggle? 2


Latest activity by Michelle, on March 9, 2021 at 9:28 PM
  • Dallas
    Devoted November 2020
    Dallas ·
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    I have mine soldered together, and there is no wiggle. I would recommend taking it to who soldered it, and asking them. I know personally that would bother me, so I would get an experts opinion, because you don't want the diamonds/band to wear out from the rings rubbing together.

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  • Kelly
    Dedicated February 2022
    Kelly ·
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    Yes you should take it back, from what I understand after they are soldered they shouldn't move like that at all. I'm sure whoever did it would be more than happy to fix it for you!

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  • Michelle
    Master April 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Definitely take it back. Once they’re soldered they aren’t supposed to wiggle at all.
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