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Dedicated December 2021

Sister lost my wedding dress..i'm devastated

Jaclyn, on January 22, 2022 at 6:03 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7

Hello all,

I just need to rant and get this all off my chest because I am trying so hard not to overreact and be understanding that accidents and mistakes happen but I am just so ANGRY.

I got married on December 4th and my husband and I left for our little mini-moon on December 6 and were gone for a week. I left my wedding dress with my mom. But apparently, my sister took it and told my mom that I asked her to drop it off to be sent out for the cleaning and preservation that I had purchased from David's Bridal with my dress. I did not ask her to do such thing. Why she felt the need to lie about that? IDK maybe she was trying to do something nice but it back fired.

When she took it to get sent out she didn't know my address so she asked my mom and she gave it to her. HOWEVER when filling out the address she put in the wrong zip code and accidently put in her zip code. And for some reason put my mom's number and email for status updates and notifications to be sent and not my information. Again IDK why she would do that instead of just asking me what my address and email was. She also didn't tell my mom that she put her contact info instead of mine.

When we got back from our mini moon is when my mom told me that my sister sent out my dress. So I was like ok cool! That was great and very nice of her. Then holidays came around and then my family and I got sick and my mom takes care of my grandma with dementia so she was too busy to check her emails. But earlier this month she saw that she received a notification a few weeks ago saying my dress was delivered. Confused she calls me and asked if I ever got my dress and I said no... and this is where all hell breaks loose. I check the tracking and it says it was delivered in the end of December in the city where my sister lives. I called my sister and asked if she had it. Se said no. I called David's Bridal, the gown preservation place, and UPS to see what the heck happened and where my dress is! That is when they told me it was delivered to some residence in the city my sister lives in because of the zip code. I asked them why it wasn't shipped back to them since my address was filled out correctly minus the zip code and if the city and zip code didn't match wouldn't they have sent it back?! Apparently not...

I told my sister of her mistake and she does feel bad and apologized and I am trying to be understanding because it was an accident and not like she did it on purpose (i would hope not.. but she was butt hurt when I made our other sister MOH but that's another story). But I just don't understand! Why did she lie and tell my mom I specifically asked her to take it to be sent out? Why would she put my mom's contact info for status updates and notifications? Why would she not call or text me to let me know she was doing this and confirm my address with me or double check what she filled in?! I am still so very very angry and upset with her and her stupid, simple mistake. And not only that, I saw a copy of the form she filled out and didn't think to pay the extra $5 for the insurance and needing a signature to delivery the dress. If it were me, I would have tripled check the address and paid the extra to make sure it required the signature for delivery for something so sentimental because I know packages get stolen every day, but ESPECIALLY during the holidays.

So my dress is missing and I may never see it again. I filed a claim through UPS and the gown preservation place said UPS will attempt 3 times to retreive the dress from the residence it was delivered to but that's about all they can do. I have also joined community pages on FB in the off chance that whoever may have my dress will see it and will be a good person and reach out to me, but that is a long shot. I can't even get financial reimbursement since it was an error on her end, and my sister hasn't offered any help to find it or anything (i wouldn't take her money but it would be nice if she offered some sort of compensation for HER mistake and she is not poor.)

I will have to get over it eventually and I will forgive her, but its just going to take some time and a little distance from her right now.


Latest activity by Samantha, on January 24, 2022 at 8:41 AM
  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    Can they tell you what address it was delivered to? If so, I would recommend Googling and seeing if you can find the contact info for the person/people that live there and reach out to them.
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  • Mcskipper
    Master July 2018
    Mcskipper ·
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    I was going to say the same. Or even just mail a letter addressed the same way and hope it goes the same place. It’s a long shot, but most people who receive something like that wouldn’t throw it away but also wouldn’t know what to do with it. If I received it, accidentally opened it and realized it was important, I wouldn’t necessarily presume to drop it back at the post office knowing they only knew as much to leave it with me in the first place, so I’d probably hang on to it for a bit in case someone reached out. I had a package once sent to a different address, a gift from my mom and she inverted the numbers in the address. So I went to the house where it got delivered, left a note in their mailbox, and a few days later they had dropped it on my doorstep! It may well not be that simple (someone might just discard a box not addressed to them , and actually what most would do is do a return to sender — so keep tracking with the post office and David’s bridal) but still worth a shot. or it could even already be being returned to sender and it will just take time to catch up to you.
    It does sound like an honest mistake and trying to do a nice thing, just an unfortunate twist Smiley sad
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  • Jacks
    Rockstar November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    Oh man, that's too bad. Weird that the people that received the dress didn't make contact with the delivery company. If I received a wedding dress in the mail I'd try to get it to the owner, or at least point out the error.

    I hope you get it back soon.

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  • Candace
    Super March 2022
    Candace ·
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    If UPS delivered it, then they have the address where it was delivered. It's in your sisters city, so tell her to go to the address and get it. This is all her doing so she should make the effort to find it
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  • Jaclyn
    Dedicated December 2021
    Jaclyn ·
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    I did try to get the address it was sent to..unfortunately, no one would give me the address since its a private residence. but I did look up some addresses that are similar to mine and will be sending out a letter to them explaining the situation and keep my fingers crossed. I didn't just want to show up at these houses and feel like a creep lol. but that is my next step. I am also going to follow up with UPS and see if they have gone back yet or if whoever received it sent it back. thanks for reading my post and hearing me out. wish me luck! 😫
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  • Candace
    Super March 2022
    Candace ·
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    I'm so sorry you're having to do all that. What a pain! I hope you find your dress.
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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
    Samantha ·
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    Awful to think someone would do it, but maybe keep an eye out on facebook and such sites for someone who might try to sell it. Understandable that you are devastated! I obviously don't know your sister, but sounds like she was just trying to surprise you with something nice.

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