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Just Said Yes July 2023

Sister doesn’t like my wedding date

Liberty, on July 28, 2022 at 5:34 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 19
(Adding screenshots for reference.) I’ll try to make this short. I need advice on how to handle this. my sister got married July 24, 2021. I didn’t remember her date because it wasn’t a significant date for ME. I’ve been planning my wedding for the summer of 2023 and chose July 22. I’ve had this date chosen for over a month now and my sister just asked me why I picked a date two days before her wedding. And her husbands mom said to them “there are 365 days in a year and they had to choose that day?”

I don’t see what the problem is. I was there for her big day, and mine isn’t even going to be ON her anniversary. My wedding date falls on Saturday and their anniversary is the following Monday. Trying not to let this make me angry but the more I think about it the more mad I get.

Sister doesn’t like my wedding date 1

Sister doesn’t like my wedding date 2


Latest activity by Valerie, on August 1, 2022 at 8:58 PM
  • Jacks
    Champion November 2054
    Jacks ·
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    There's nothing wrong with the date you chose. Your sister is acting really entitled by expecting you to change your whole wedding around her schedule. I would think she'll see reason in a bit and realize she could literally go to Mexico the day after your wedding. I would not get drawn into conflict and avoid discussing this further.

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  • Cece
    Master October 2023
    Cece ·
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    I don’t think there’s anything else you need to do. You handled it perfectly. You explained why you chose your date. You explained that you didn’t realize it was close to her date. You explained that everything is already booked- contracts are signed, deposits have been placed. And you let her know that you will not be moving your date, and you will be bummed if she doesn’t make it, but you will completely understand if they choose to go to Mexico for their anniversary instead. It’s pretty much on your sister to make a decision at this point. Hopefully she will be understanding and they will take their wedding anniversary trip the weekend before or the weekend after.
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  • Liberty
    Just Said Yes July 2023
    Liberty ·
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    Thank you for your response. It is helpful for second opinions. I appreciate it!
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  • Liberty
    Just Said Yes July 2023
    Liberty ·
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    Thank you for taking the time to answer!! I appreciate your response! xx
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  • S
    Devoted September 2022
    Sara ·
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    I don't know why your sister would care? It's not like you guys would celebrate your anniversary together every year and steal each other's thunder. I would think they could skip one trip to Mexico to attend your wedding. You handled everything perfectly and she should be happy for you. I hope she realizes this.

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  • R
    Rosebud ·
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    You are being way nicer about this then I would be. Unless it was the same year she has nothing to be upset about here you can get married any date you choose, even the same dang day, they don't own a date. I ve never heard of someone being upset because a wedding is too close to their anniversary and to actually bring it up to the bride is beyond over the top to me. Personally I think she was wrong to send you those messages If I were I wouldnt give this another thought and if they decide not to come that says a lot about them. Good luck to you and enjoy planning your special day.

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  • M
    VIP August 2021
    Michelle ·
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    Sounds like her husband didn't participate in their own wedding planning or he would know what contract penalties are involved in changing dates. Messing with your birth control methods is overreach as well. Good for you for sticking with your plan and voicing your reasons.

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  • Michelle
    Champion December 2022
    Michelle ·
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    Stick to your guns. If sister doesn’t want to attend and can’t be happy for you, that is an issue she needs to deal with on her own time, and she can politely decline in the meantime. Don’t change anything for her if this is what you and fiancé want and you have everything booked already. Learn to set and maintain boundaries with fiancé as a united front. Do not let her or anyone else guilt you to do anything you are not comfortable with.
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  • Sarah
    Super September 2022
    Sarah ·
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    I could understand if you and her were both getting married in the same year 2 days apart but like WHAT?! She’s already married why the heck does it matter ? Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it lol … you definitely handled it much better then I would have.
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  • Kay
    Beginner June 2024
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    Not taking any sides but it could bother her because they are still considered newlyweds so anniversaries they want to go above and beyond the first maybe 5 years. But also like you said it wasn’t intentional and you would like for them to come but keep your date as scheduled and keep them on the guest list and even if you like explain to her how important it will be to you for them to come as she knows how it feel to be in your shoes as well and to understand your feelings and what you are going through to plan everything in advance
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  • Ashley
    Dedicated January 2023
    Ashley ·
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    Your reasoning is perfectly fine and your sister is being extremely petty. In a few years these anniversaries will stop being so scared and it will not matter. She already had her day, so why should she care if yours is close (but not the same!).
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  • Orianna
    Devoted December 2022
    Orianna ·
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    You're being waaaaaay nicer than I would be. She's literally asking you to screw with your birth control to make sure she can go on a trip? As someone who does occasionally use the pill to change the date of my cycle - there's risk. Including, but not limited to, it not working effectively.

    You're not getting married on her anniversary. Asking you to change all of your plans because her husband doesn't want to spend their anniversary in the location of your wedding? She's asking you to pay penalties and make changes to your healthcare because they don't want to "have to" leave right after the ceremony? These are choices. Not things she has to do. They don't have to go to Mexico. They don't have to leave right after the ceremony. These are choices they are making because they feel you are inconveniencing them for something you didn't know was an issue.

    Your wedding date is a full year away. Which means it will be their second anniversary. This also means they have an entire year to figure out what they want to do. I don't know anyone who has plans for the second wedding anniversary days after their first.

    Stick to your guns. Be a united front with your fiancé, and don't let your sister, or your brother in law, control your wedding. If you change this one (MAJOR) thing about your wedding to accommodate them, they'll continue to try and force you to make changes for them. What happens if she gets pregnant between now and then and is suddenly due that same week? Will she expect you to change the date again? They'll continually try and get you to mold to what they want. This is your wedding, not theirs. They had their day, you get to have yours.

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  • Taylor
    VIP October 2022
    Taylor ·
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    There’s nothing wrong with what you did. You do not need to plan your wedding or your life around your sister and her schedule. I couldn’t imagine being upset if this was my sister. I know for a fact my fiancé and I would just celebrate our anniversary either before our after your wedding if there’s something we really wanted to do. Things happen in life. There’s been plenty of times my fiancé and I had to celebrate an anniversary not when our actual anniversary was. She’s being very entitled and I’d let her sort herself out over it
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  • Bailey
    Expert October 2023
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    I know you already have so many comments on here, but I'm DYING. Does your sister really think that that....week? belongs to her? Is she aware that thousands, if not tens of thousands of people share her wedding day? My sister is my best friend in the whole world and I do not remember what her exact wedding date you said, it isn't a significant date for YOU. And tbh, how dare she tell you to "take a pill" and skip your period, so you can change your date for your wedding?! I'm stunned. Literally stunned. Keep your date. Let her decide what's most important to her.

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  • Carlin
    Dedicated September 2022
    Carlin ·
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    Well I can see where she is coming from, I have a cousin who planned his 6 day before ours just out of no where they dropped the bomb on everyone. We ended up declining because like my fiancé stated we need that weekend to do stuff and not to mention Cambridge Maryland and I assume Delaware are having a triathlon. So yeah hopefully you will work something out.
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  • Erin
    Super May 2022
    Erin ·
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    Nothing wrong with the date you chose and yes, sister is acting entitled. She doesn’t own the entire week around July 24th, she can go to Mexico after your wedding, and you’re not obligated to plan your wedding around other people’s vacation desires. I salute you for responding as maturely as you did. Hopefully she will come around and realize she’s acting petty, but if not, try to get yourself to a place where you take stock of those that actually are caring, thoughtful, and supportive of YOU during this joyful time. Best wishes!
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  • L
    Lady ·
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    They're being super annoying about it. They can go to Mexico the next weekend? It doesn't have to be the weekend before their anniversary....the special day isn't even over the weekend.

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  • Valerie
    Dedicated April 2023
    Valerie ·
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    Anyone who thinks other people are gonna remember THEIR wedding date is a narcissist or a crazy person LOL. I don't know ANYONE'S wedding dates in my family. For reals, like BE EXCITED for your sister getting married and celebrate your friggin anniversary a week later. It's not like you're going to die...

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  • Valerie
    Dedicated April 2023
    Valerie ·
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    Sorry, realizing I gave you zero advice. I have none, because I would just laugh at someone like that Smiley surprise

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