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Beginner November 2018

Problems with Pre-cana

Stesha, on May 3, 2018 at 9:48 AM Posted in Wedding Ceremony 0 17

Is anyone else having problems (or have had problems) with Pre-Cana? From the beginning we have had issues. First, my fiance is not Catholic and is a widow, but the town his wife died in doesn't have their records digitized. So he had to take off work and go get the death certificate. We had called our parish and they gave us the list of paperwork to track down and said to call back when we had it all. I kept telling them some of it would be hard to find and could we please meet with the priest while we were tracking it down. The parish office kept saying no. So, after a few months and having to take time off work, we get it all. That is when they tell us that they only have mentor couples who speak Spanish and we would need to go elsewhere. I knew the parish was bilingual but it never occurred to me that they didn't offer all of the services in both languages. And this was the case for every parish we called because the side of town we live on is predominately immigrants. (This is not an anti-immigrant post, fyi. My grandparents are immigrants, they just never taught us their native languages.) We finally find a parish that would work with us and assigned us a mentor couple. Only to find out that we did not, in fact, have everything and we still needed the fiance's baptism records (even though we were told we didn't since he isn't Catholic). The problem is the Baptist church where he was Baptized has only 30 members, doesn't have a clerk, and most the congregation isn't on Facebook. Oh, and it is an 8 hour drive from us. So more vacation time has to be taken. Now we are having difficulty with our mentor couple. They never do anything they say they will on time and are constantly canceling meetings and not telling us until the last minute.

This is really long way of asking is there any other Catholic couples that are having these difficulties?

Thanks! Stesha


Latest activity by Marie, on May 4, 2018 at 2:36 AM
  • Morgan
    Devoted June 2018
    Morgan ·
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    We didn't do a Pre-Cana per se, but we did a marriage counseling through the church (church is very modern) and loved it. We didn't have to provide anything. Have you considered going with a non-traditional church?

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  • MrsV1027
    Master October 2018
    MrsV1027 ·
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    Wow that all sounds super stressful! No advice here as we are getting married in Vegas but I hope everything works out!

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  • T
    Super December 2018
    T P ·
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    I hope that you will be able to work everything out satisfactorily and without anymore stress than you have endured. You're almost there! Best of luck!
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  • IGotTheD
    Dedicated April 2019
    IGotTheD ·
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    The issue is all parishes do it differently. I think the mentor couple being flaky is something you could talk to the priest or office about, but this is definitely an individual pariah thing.

    We didn't even have to do pre-cana, to give you an example of what I mean.
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  • Stesha
    Beginner November 2018
    Stesha ·
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    Thank you so very much for your helpful comments. I am asking for advice from Catholic couples not advice on why you think religion is a sham.

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  • Stesha
    Beginner November 2018
    Stesha ·
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    A non-traditional church would mean we would be able to married in the Catholic church. The chapel that we have booked is gorgeous and I have always wanted to be married in it. Plus, getting married outside the Church would mean that I can't take communion until our marriage is recognized. So, no, anything other than a Catholic wedding is not an option.

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  • Going to the chapel
    Master July 2017
    Going to the chapel ·
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    Stesha - does the parish you are working with have a coordinator for pre-cana? If so, contact them and discuss the issues with the mentor couple. Perhaps they will assign a different mentor for you. I agree that it would be very frustrating when the mentor couple isn't following through on what needs to happen. Not very good mentoring, is it?

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  • M
    Devoted August 2018
    Melissa ·
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    I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. Pre Cana has surprisingly been such an enjoyable experience for us. While I can’t offer any advice on documentation I’m wondering if instead of a mentor couple you could do a retreat weekend or take take classes with a larger group. Check the website of your local archdiocese and see if they offer marriage prep. Your priest might be open to accepting a certificate from marriage prep classes instead of continuing with the mentor couple. I know it can seem like a lot of hoop jumping to have a catholic wedding but hang in there!
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  • Stesha
    Beginner November 2018
    Stesha ·
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    We have to do all of the above: they are supposed to be the ones who walk us through the process. I am just really frustrated. I am glad that you aren't having any of these issues. We are getting married in November and I am a bit panic-y.

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  • Bibi
    Dedicated June 2018
    Bibi ·
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    We did the Pre Cana in Brooklyn, NY and it was pretty straightforward. One Friday evening, I think 2 hrs? And one Saturday from 9? To 3, lunch provided. All the requirements like baptism certificate and all have to be given to priest, all we had to do to register was pay the fee.
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  • A
    Expert January 2019
    Anakaren ·
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    Hi was your fiancé baptized in a Catholic Church because if He was he is considered catholic , all he can’t do at the ceremony is receive the eurcharist because he didn’t do his first communion or confession but the rest can still take place and it’s a fact because I was baptized in a Catholic Church and now as an adult I’m doing rcia to complete my sacraments which I should have done in 3 weeks so find that out and also maybe try another church because each church does things differently
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  • M
    Dedicated June 2017
    Monica ·
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    I agree with PP - talk with the marriage coordinator at your church and ask them to help you. Ours was able to step us through the process. Not every parish or diocese requires a mentor couple, but you can let them know the mentor couple is not not working out for you and ask what else they offer. We had no Pre-Cana issues, but we attend a small parish that only does a handful of weddings each year. If your church does lots of weddings each year, you might be getting lost in the shuffle a bit. It does sound like you have an unusual amount of hoops to jump through - good luck!

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  • Stesha
    Beginner November 2018
    Stesha ·
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    Thank you. I stated in my rant that he is Baptist and not Catholic several times. I am the Catholic.

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  • C
    Master July 2018
    Cuoghi ·
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    Yep. It is very diocese dependent and parish dependent. I had to basically give up my first born to be a godmother at one church, in another state, didn't even need my baptismal certificate
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  • Mrs Robes
    Devoted October 2018
    Mrs Robes ·
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    I’m sorry to hear about all the frustration you’re going through and I wish I had advice for you other than contact your priest. We have had our ups and downs as. It took us forever to find a church that would marry us because we each belong to another already. So many churches in our area wouldn’t entertain the thought of us having our ceremony there (our venue is a hour away from our churches). We haven’t had any issues with the precanna other than getting a hold of the mentor couple. I spoke with the priest and he’s in process of getting a hold of them to schedule our meeting. I was also just told that the priest we’ve been working with for a year is leaving in June and another priest whom we haven’t met will marry us. Fun times. Hang in there, it will get worked out!
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  • Anna
    Savvy July 2018
    Anna ·
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    We haven't been having your problems, but we have been having issues. They call it marriage prep here instead of Pre-Cana, but same thing. We're both Catholics and we lived three hours apart when we met and got engaged and didn't know where we would end up living at the time, so we decided to marry in his church because more of his family was local to it. Now we've decided where to live and he's moved down by me, so all our marriage prep takes place three hours drive away. Not fun, but whatever. When we first decided to marry in his church, he called the parish to see what we needed to do. This was during the time the parish was getting a new priest, so they just told him to look on the diocese website because it has all the requirements. So we do that, see we need to meet with the priest and attend a retreat and take an NFP class. Ok. So we schedule ourselves for a retreat and attend. Then we meet schedule a meeting with the priest. Turns out that in the busyness of getting a new priest the parish never actually made note that we were planning to get married on the day we talked to them about. Eek! Get that straightened out and meet with the priest. Turns out we were supposed to do that before the retreat, but it's ok, at least it's done. Need to get copy of my baptismal certificate. Ok, that's expected. I don't belong to the parish I was baptized in and am in fact in a different diocese, so I find there website and use their contact function. No response for weeks. I then get their email address off their website and try contacting them again. Email bounces back. The one on their website is wrong. I have to pull a bulletin to try and figure out the correct one, but I am able to make contact and get them to send a copy of my baptismal certificate to the parish we're getting married at. Then have to get scheduled for an NFP class. There's only one online option available, and because of the living three hours away thing, an in person class isn't really an option. So I sign up for the online class. I have 120 days to finish it or I have to pay more for an extra 30 days. I am currently unable to get the course to allow me to finish it and my instructor can't figure out why and is having to contact her supervisor. Meanwhile, 120 days are rapidly decreasing. My fiance also works every other weekend, so the days we even can meet with the priest are further restricted.
    The marriage prep is particularly annoying because we both already know what the Church teaches about marriage and believe what the Church teaches about marriage and will practice what the Church teaches about marriage. So it just seems unnecessary. But it's also a lot of work and if a couple is on the fence about getting married in the Church or not, all the work will probably push them off the fence. We wouldn't, because it is very very important to the both of us to have a valid sacramental marriage in the Church.
    I do think it was incorrect of you to originally have been told you didn't need your fiance's baptismal certificate since if he is baptized it is still a sacramental marriage instead of a natural marriage and it also determines what rite can be use. However, it would be incredibly annoying to have all the things you're told you need and then be told that was wrong.
    It's important to me and my fiance to have a valid marriage in the Catholic Church and I can see it's important to you too. I guess with all the hurdles and hoops we just need to remind ourselves that it will be worth it. Should probably try offering it up, but I'm terrible at that.

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  • M
    Savvy July 2018
    Marie ·
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    If you getting married in the catholic church you have to do the pre cana I did mine and they give you a certificate at the end the priest need that I still have one more to do God filled and joy I'm in NJ I'm not sure where you are.
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