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Beginner May 2021

Pregnant fsil due very close to wedding

Mw, on October 14, 2019 at 10:03 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 11
So, one of my future sister in laws and her husband have been trying to conceive for almost a year now, and we got news a few days ago that she is finally pregnant! While I am over the moon excited for her, I can’t help but be nervous on how this will effect our wedding. They live 4 hours from where our wedding will be, and she is due June 17th. Our wedding is on June 6th. they are both in the wedding party as well.

I do not care one bit about having a pregnant bridesmaid, but I am worried they will just not come because she will be so far along/far away. Am I overreacting by feeling this way?


Latest activity by Kari, on February 9, 2020 at 5:16 PM
  • Amber
    Master February 2020
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    You're not overreacting, there is the possibility that they may not attend if she's that far along. She may have the baby early, she may be on bed rest due to how the pregnancy goes, only time will tell. But there's really nothing you can do either way, so I wouldn't stress over it Smiley smile

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  • J
    Just Said Yes June 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    Hi! I am in a very similar situation, My future SIL is due mid-april (she's in the bridal party) and I'm actually getting married the same day as you! (6/6/2020)

    I understand your stress completely. She's 33 and wants a family so I'm super excited she's finally pregnant, but I've also spent many, many nights stressing over the distraction of a new (family) baby at the wedding. My future MIL has been DYING for a grandchild for 10+ years so my fear is her parading around her first grandchild during our wedding when its supposed to be about her son and I.

    BUT, I've also realized there's nothing I can do about this, so just to be optimistic and make the best of it.

    So try to make a back-up plan for your SIL in case they can't make it. Could you have pictures of them there? Could you have a guest Facetime them so they can see the ceremony? Also, is there any chance your in-laws might miss as well if she's due to give birth any day?

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  • M
    Beginner May 2021
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    I’m so glad I’m not alone!! That is tough.

    We will have to figure something out for them, I’m just not sure what. I don't think the in-laws would miss if she went close to our day, this will be their 6th grandchild (they have 4 kids) so they would most likely go visit the day after.
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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
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    You can't control it at this point, so I just wouldn't stress. As it gets closer, you can discuss a backup plan with her if she can't make it (livestream the ceremony, etc.)

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    She very likely won't be able to come, Dr.'s don't usually let you travel more than and hour away from home during your last month. It's not something that will greatly affect your wedding though. If the can't make it, they can't make it. Just plan as you would if they can come.

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  • Bella
    Dedicated September 2020
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    Funny story- my MOH just got married and her then future sister in law was pregnant, had the baby the night before the wedding, and still walked as a bridesmaid in the wedding!! We were all shocked! So, anything could happen, but I would try not to stress over it since it’s something you cant control!
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  • MIWM
    VIP June 2019
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    It seems to be that she may not be able to come because her due date is pretty close to your wedding. Just try to stay calm and don't stress and just play It by ear.

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  • Alma
    Devoted June 2022
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    Nothing to add but just exited were wedding day twins!

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  • O
    Just Said Yes April 2020
    Olivia ·
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    I'd for sure have a back up plan but make sure you talk it and arrange it with your SIL so she doesn't feel like she's being 'shoved out' or being replaced before time has been able to tell if she can attend or not. You don't want it to seem like you're assuming she won't be there before she's even had chance to think about itSmiley heart

    It's such a good job she's told you with enough notice as well, lots of women - especially those that have been trying a long time like to keep it quiet and private until a closer date and that's when it could have become a problem. When my SIL got married to my brother in 2018 she had 5 bridesmaids - including myself. We all had matching dresses fitted 3 months or so before the wedding and it was all fine, until one of her bridesmaids dropped out just under 3 weeks before as she was pregnant. Little did my SIL or any of us other bridesmaids know she was actually pregnant the day of the dress fittings and knew she was going to be a lot bigger than measured when she was walking the aisle. My SIL had to pay £150 on top of an already £300 dress for extra alterations that could have been avoided by leaving her dress alterations to a later date when she'd have been a closer size to the one she would be on the day. That was a nightmare but thankfully it was resolved! Smiley ring

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  • Alejandra
    Super November 2021
    Alejandra ·
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    You’re not overreacting, I think it’s normal to wonder how this will affect you. But I also think that you need to realize that none of that is anything you (or she!) can control. Let it happen and if they happen to not be able to make it, then do your best to understand.
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  • Kari
    Master May 2020
    Kari ·
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    If they don't come there is nothing you can do about it. You and your FH just need to be happy for her and her husband and be supportive of them. If they decide it is best for them not to attend your wedding you need to accept that - being pregnant is no joke and her health and safety should come first. It's unfortunate that the timing isn't great, but your wedding isn't going to be ruined in the event that they cannot attend. Just plan as if they are going to be there and keep communication really open between you and them so that if plans need to change they can and no one feels as if they are hurting anyone else by needing to make a decision that is best for mom-to-be and baby.

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