So this is definitely TMI, but…how does everyone else deal with, ahem, farting in front of your fiance/husband/SO?
I ask because until recently, I held in my gas when fiance was around (even though he did not). His farts are like whoopee-cushion sound effects but never have much of an odor. A couple times he asked me why I never farted in front of him and told me that I shouldn’t worry about it because he wants me to be totally comfortable around him. The truth is, I was just trying to let him stay comfortable, because my farts are the opposite of his: silent but VERY deadly. Like, pull-your-shirt-over-your-nose-and-run-out-of-the-room deadly. Anyways, in the last few months since we've gotten engaged, I’ve been more casual about letting loose since I figured he should be aware of what he's getting into. Last night we had to open a window and he hit me with the Ron Burgundy “I’m not even mad, that’s amazing!” line. What can I say? Be careful what you wish for!
I feel like it's such a reversal from the usual stereotypes that I'm the one stinking him out. So, I was curious…does anyone else have the “honor” of being the stinky one in their relationship? And whether you do or not (but particularly if you do), how do you deal with it around your partner?