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Just Said Yes October 2018

Parents not coming to wedding

N, on September 25, 2018 at 4:42 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 16

TW: Abuse

I've lived in California for about 7 years, my family lives in the midwest. Long story short, my parents and I don't have a good relationship. I was abused by my brothers and my parents were kind of absentee parents. My mother was particularly terrible and stood by my abusers rather than me. We have an on-again/off-again relationship, and she has for no reason at all decided she isn't coming to my wedding. She hasn't even bothered to tell me herself, but has communicated it to me through my dad (who she recently divorced with my help) and through my sisters. I have spent a lot of my life helping her with everything, as she is really codependent. As painful as it was to learn this I am a bit relieved as I don't have to worry anymore and can just deal with it. I didn't expect my dad to come to my wedding for a long time as our relationship can be tough, and there was a long time when we weren't speaking. But since he and my mother divorced my dad seems to have turned a page and become much nicer. About 5 or 6 months ago he started talking about wanting to come to the wedding, and about bringing one of my brothers with him (my good brother who has issues with disabilities and needs assistance getting here, not one of the abusers).

My dad has now, 30 days to the wedding, started backtracking. He is now saying he doesn't have the money, and part of me just doesn't buy it. I know that he recently purchased a plane ticket for my absuive brother's girlfriend who lives in Vegas to visit my brother (who is in prison in the midwest). I know that he has spent a lifetime spending money on girlfriends younger than me while he was married. But he's a nicer, old man now and I am starting to feel intense guilt because though I technically can afford to pay for his plane ticket I don't want to do it. He was always the better parent (terrible husband to my mom) but I guess that doesn't say a whole lot. He is much better now than he ever was as a parent, but again that doesn't say much. My FH and I are paying for the wedding ourselves, my parents have not visited me once in 7 years (I've visited them many times despite all our problems), they one time were supposed to visit and when I called to confirm when I was picking them up (had taken time off work etc) they said they forgot to tell me they weren't coming anymore. This is how it's always been with them, either they're literally gone, or they make big plans and then forget about them. It's a constant emotional rollercoaster and it's exhausting. They forgot to pick me up from school, didn't come to my high school graduation, etc. They fly to Vegas all the time, they used to fly internationally all the time, but not once to visit me. I guess I just am looking for validation, that it's OK if I don't pay for my dad to come to the wedding or to pay for him to be here. Everything is made more difficult since my mom isn't coming, my FH's family is traveling from the UK to be here and they haven't met my parents. I know that my sisters are my real family, and I've explained this to his family but it can be hard for people to grasp this. I've been an emotional wreck and I just am tired of dealing with a lifetime of pain from them and now more of the same. I'm embarrassed that neither of my parents will be at my wedding and I'm mortified at the thought of having to tell anyone about it. Anyone else in a similar situation? How are you coping? Would you pay for a parent to be there so there's some representation or not bother?


Latest activity by Taz, on July 13, 2019 at 1:15 AM
  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
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    I'm so sorry for what you are going through, and I can't imagine the pain and stress. To be honest, it sounds like your father is causing you way too much stress and heart ache. It is 100% okay you don't pay for him to attend our wedding. You need people surrounding you that support you and your fiance fully and love you unconditionally.

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  • N
    Just Said Yes October 2018
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    Thank you for that Smiley heart I think this is finally the end of my relationship with mom, I just hope I can keep it together on my wedding day. I probably will feel less stressed knowing he won't be there...

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  • MrsD
    Legend July 2019
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    Of course! I'm sure your wedding day will be amazing. Just remember to put you and your fiance first! Self care is everything!

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  • Kristen
    VIP August 2018
    Kristen ·
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    I'm sorry you're caught in this situation :/

    I think you definitely should not pay for your father's plane ticket. Firstly, it seems like he has the money and just won't spend it. Secondly, if the main reason you'd want him there is just so you can have more family represented then I don't think he is needed. You have family. Your sisters, and now you will be joining a brand new family - your FH's!

    It is a hard subject to talk about but if they ask you just have to tell your in-laws your parents won't be attending. You don't need to give any explanations.

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  • N
    Just Said Yes October 2018
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    Thank you KristenSmiley smile You're right, my sisters are my family, and FH's family is great. I maybe will ask FH to talk to them just because emotionally it's hard for me to keep my composure and talk about it--I don't want to cry like a baby in front of everyone! And I do think my dad has the money, the more I think about it I think he's just playing games because he can't help himself and I'm falling into being gaslighted/manipulated once again.

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  • F
    Dedicated September 2024
    Future Mrs. Weaver ·
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    Dont worry about them you have your happy big day without them no need to be stressed i wouldnt pay for it eithet!
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  • R
    Devoted November 2021
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    As a fellow survivor of abuse, I understand completely. I actually have no contact with my parents or 7 siblings because of the toxicity i grew up in. You need to do what is good for you, my dear. It is perfectly fine that you don't pay for your father to attend. What matters is having the people you KNOW love you there.

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  • M
    Devoted October 2019
    Melodie ·
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    I agree with what others have posted, and I just want to say that it sounds like you have a great family in your sisters and future husband (and his family too!) I’m glad that you have them to support and lift you up.
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  • N
    Just Said Yes October 2018
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    Thanks all, it means a lot to hear this and have support from complete strangersSmiley heart more than my own parents could give me. This has really made take a step back and realize what both my parents are doing, same thing they’ve always done which is manipulate me. I’m glad I found a loving partner and have my sisters.
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  • N
    Just Said Yes October 2018
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    Thanks Rachel...I know it takes a lot to talk about it at all so I appreciate you. I'm settling into the idea that not having them there is better for my sanity and well-being. It's tough because there can be so much social pressure to have family/parents involved and I'm always glad to see acknowledgment that some of us have chosen families that are more loving and supportive than the ones we were born into.

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  • Mrs. J
    Expert October 2018
    Mrs. J ·
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    I'm really sorry for all of the pain you've experienced, and that despite this, you were able to have a happy and loving relationship with your own FH.

    On that note, I think it boils down to will you wish he was there? If not, then do not stress about it, do not pay for it. Those are only accommodations to be made for someone you could not imagine your day without. You don't owe them anything, and you deserve to be stress-free and happy on your day.

    I wish you a lifetime of happiness and healing Smiley heart Congrats!

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  • C
    Savvy March 2019
    Caitie ·
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    I'm so sorry you are dealing with this. Parents not acting like adults is so frustrating. I'm in a similar situation with my parents. They do not like my choice of a spouse and have repeatedly called me horrible names and said horrible things to me. Like you, I had to realize that this is MY choice and MY life. You shouldn't live your life for anyone but yourself. Like you, I am going to enjoy my day whether or not they attend. I try to not let my parents control my emotions or decisions. It's always hard to break off from your parents, but when it is in the best interest of your mental and emotional health, sometimes it is necessary. Wishing you much joy and happiness with your new family Smiley smile

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  • N
    Just Said Yes October 2018
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    Ah I just saw your other post Caitie! I fully support you too, it IS your life and YOUR choice. It's not fair or OK for your parents to treat you like garbage, to not respect you and walk all over you just because they happened to give birth to you. None of us asked to be born, they made the choice and I know it's not easy to be a parent, but it's not hard to show love to someone (especially a child). Especially being a survivor of abuse it is doubly insulting to hear people say "they're your parents you should invite them, you'll regret not inviting them blah blah". I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders since I decided that not only do I not care if my parents don't come, but that I don't even want them there. We all have our own lives to live, and you're embarking on a huge journey with another special human that you've connected with. I hope you find peace with whatever you decide, and I'm sure you'll have a beautiful wedding day to remember forever.

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  • C
    Savvy March 2019
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    You as well N! Thank you for your kind words Smiley heart

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  • T
    Just Said Yes July 2019
    Taz ·
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    I'm going through the same thing pretty much. Mom never told me shes not coming, my son is calling a week before with money excuses but is paying for my sisters to go and their hotels. I dont have positive advice just wanted to say you aren't alone. I'm sad in my heart when I think about walking alone down the aisle and am embarrassed to only have 2 family members at my wedding. Stay strong and enjoy the people who ate there for y'all. Sorry you're going thru this too. Xoxo
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  • T
    Just Said Yes July 2019
    Taz ·
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    Dad not son

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