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Just Said Yes November 2019

Our Wedding was Ruined and i am Devastated

Weddingwoes, on November 27, 2019 at 11:28 AM Posted in Community Conversations 0 12
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share some of my feelings with you after our wedding was unfortunately ruined by unforseen problems. I'll try not to get too emotional here but I'm really heartbroken. We got married last Saturday in Tokyo, Japan after being engaged for 14 months and meticulously planning every minute of our special day. My husband is from Japan but grew up in America and I'm half Japanese-American. We decided to have our wedding in Tokyo because he grew up there and I always loved the city myself.

We were staying in a huge hotel in the heart of the city. That was also where our venue was. On the day of the wedding, right before we were supposed to get ready, the power went out throughout the entire building. I was with the bridesmaids and my fiance's sister and little cousin at the spa getting facials and mani-pedis before we got our makeup done. The spa was at the top floor of a twelve story building and the elevators weren't working so we were stuck there in our robes until the power went back on. At first we figured the power would be back in soon, but we kept waiting and waiting and nothing happened. An hour passed and it was still dark.

Then the makeup artist called to inform us that she wouldn't be able to get there because of the weather (we were supposed to be getting our makeup done a half hour before that.) My fiance was able to reach us at the top floor after climbing twelve stories on the emergency stairs. Apparently they let him use the stairs after he told them it was his wedding day. They finally got the power back on after two hours of waiting so we rushed to the elevators to try to get back to our rooms with enough time to get ready. When we got to our floor we were informed that the power outage fried the server that controls the locks on the doors so there was no way to get into our rooms. With the wedding starting in 5 minutes and guests starting to arrive, all we could do is go to the bathrooms and try to get ready the best we could without our stuff.

Thankfully we had the hotel hold our dresses so we could at least have that. The rings, our shoes, our jewlery, and a bunch of other stuff was left in our rooms so we had no access to it. Oh, and we couldn't get to our makeup bags so we were all 100% barefaced. Beauty standards are really stressed in Japan so this was obviously uncomfortable for us. My fiance's 14 year old cousin cried because she couldn't cover her acne, and I felt like crying too by that point.

We entered our wedding room twenty minutes late and only half of our guests were here. A bunch of guests assumed that the wedding was called off and didn't show up. My sister was stuck in traffic and completely lost so she wasn't there either. I really tried to put everything aside and have a good time, and for a while I did. I tried to have fun and enjoy the guests that could be there. The food was delicious and our room was beautiful, I even started to forget that my hair was a mess and I was wearing spa slippers instead of wedding pumps. We were all having fun and then it happened again

The beautiful red lanterns suddenly went dark and everything stopped. My Uncle had served in Vietnam and was apparently terrified of the dark. He started having a panic attack in the middle of the room when the lights went out suddenly, at this point I was in tears. My family tried to keep the wedding going even without power or most of the guests but I was totally done at this point. The singing grou they had tried to cheer us up by continuing their performance acapella in the dark, but without music or lights the song was as naked as my makeupless face.

I told my husband I couldn't take it anymore and the wedding was over. After all the time I spent looking forward to this and all the sacrifices people made to be there, it all fell apart and there was nothing we could do. I wish I could say that we pushed through everything and ended up having a great wedding but that's just not the case. I'm so humiliated and upset. I'll never get this day back. My Uncle ended up being ok after a few minutes and returned just in time for us to tell him the wedding was over. I feel like I put my entire family as well as my new family through hell for nothing. I feel stupid and selfish for even trying to go through with the wedding when it was clear the bridesmaids were uncomfortable going the way they looked. Just thinking about that night makes me sick.

Anyway, I'm sorry for this jumbled up mess of a rant. I just felt the need to get my feelings out on here so I apologize it it's too much drama. It just goes to show that no amount of planning can account for some things.


Latest activity by Barbara, on December 7, 2019 at 6:51 AM
  • Carly
    Devoted October 2020
    Carly ·
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    I am so sorry to hear this happened to you. I think this is everyone’s worst nightmare. But, like you said - there was nothing you could do about, I certainly wouldn’t be embarrassed. I’m sure your family (old and new) understand that this was all out of your hands.
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  • M
    Expert September 2020
    Marcia ·
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    That awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But no one can, or should, blame you. It was beyond your control.

    Would it make you feel better to have a simple ceremony with your closest friends and family at another time? It won’t take away your feelings but it may help you make some new, better memories.
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  • Anna
    Super August 2020
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    Oh my goodness... I am SO SORRY this happened. I don't even have any advice... just that you are 100% entitled to your feelings and don't feel bad for being so upset about how this all played out. I hope that one day, in a few years, you can look back at it and laugh at the craziness of how that all played out. It's uneblieveable.

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  • Sherry
    Master September 2019
    Sherry ·
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    Oh my god, I am so sorry! You are entitled to feel emotional. I don't think there is anyone that wouldn't feel the same in your shoes.

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  • Jasmine
    Master August 2021
    Jasmine ·
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    That's very unfortunate! That was definitely something you had absolutely no control over so there's no need to be embarrassed or feel stupid or selfish. I understand why you feel the way that you do but hopefully one day it'll just be a thing of the past.

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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I agree with Marcia. Is there any way you could have a small get together with friends and family to celebrate your marriage. It won't change what happened already, but it will enable you to make new better memories. It sounds like the venue really should have been more helpful. I don't understand why you and your bridesmaids couldn't use the stairs like your husband did. Also, I'm guess this venue didn't have a back up generator or something. I am so very sorry.
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  • V
    Champion July 2019
    Veronica ·
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    I would also see if you could get your money back from the venue because it isn't your fault the power went out. They should have been better able to handle the situation.
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  • Yoice
    VIP March 2019
    Yoice ·
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    This is so sad. I’m sorry this happened to you. I think at this point there’s nothing you can do but you deserve a celebration even a small one at home with your guest. Put on your wedding dress and some make up and celebrate your marriage!
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  • Cher Horowitz
    Master December 2019
    Cher Horowitz ·
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    I'm so sorry all this happened to you! As PPs said, you deserve to have a vow renewal or celebration at some point if you'd like that. Sending hugs Smiley heart

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  • Jmz
    Expert July 2022
    Jmz ·
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    I am so sorry. I'm sure none of your guests could blame you for attempting to continue the wedding despite all these setbacks. I think it was good of you to try and I'm sure other people felt the same. You're entitled to your feelings also, so don't feel guilty about your emotions. It's true you can never get that day back, but I can only hope at some point in time (and no rush) it can be a memory you can look back on in a different light and laugh.
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  • Kristen
    Master November 2020
    Kristen ·
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    I am so sorry that all of that happened. It was your not your fault and you did not deserve it. I would try a vow renewal. Even if just you two and your parents.

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  • L
    Super October 2020
    Leslie ·
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    Omg. I feel for you. I would want a do over. Maybe have something on your anniversary next year?

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