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Beginner March 2020

Not feeling excited/feeling overwhelmed

Claudia, on August 18, 2019 at 10:33 PM Posted in Planning 0 4
Hi all,

My fiance and I had originally planned to get married December of 2018. However, we went through some tough times last year and finally decided to postpone the wedding until things got back to normal and we were finally able to save money again.

Cut to now August 2019, I really want to start planning again as I don't just want to be engaged forever and want to finally be married. When I was planning the wedding the first time I was very excited and happy to plan all the details. But this time around I am finding myself feeling overwhelmed and not too excited to do anything. We want to set the wedding for the beginning of 2020, March ideally. My fiance said we should wait until we actually have all the money saved to start planning, but that wouldn't give us enough time to plan. If we continue saving at the rate we have now we will have enough for March.

Anyways, sorry for the long rant but I'm just not sure where to start again and how to feel excited again. We have a venue picked which allowed us to change the date of the wedding, which was great since we had already paid the down payment. The venue already comes with photographer, florist, cake, food, and DJ. I also already have a dress purchased. So while it feels like everything is already done, I also feel like I still have a lot to do.

My questions are/things I would like some input on are: have you experienced postponing a wedding and then not feeling excited after? What can I do to feel good about planning again? What should I tackle first so I feel like I'm on the right track?


Latest activity by Claudia, on August 20, 2019 at 7:14 PM
  • Cheryl
    Expert November 2020
    Cheryl ·
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    I'm going through this right now, so I'm commenting to follow along. We were supposed to get married in June 2020, but life took several serious downturns. We postponed to October of next year, but I'm afraid we decided this morning to postpone indefinitely. Things have not improved much and I just feel like we need to be a bit more stable before we can focus on that. I used wedding planning these last few months to distract myself and focus on something good, but now it just makes me sick to my stomach. Maybe think about how far you guys have come and start putting together ideas for everything without spending anything yet. I hope you can get excited again soon. You can use it as a way to celebrate how far you and FH have come.
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  • D
    Super July 2020
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    Although I have not postponed my wedding I was wondering if you had any ideas of what you'd like to do differently from previous plans? Maybe change up color schemes or decor ideas. Something new or different can add a spark of excitement. Kind of like rearranging furniture to make a room look fresh and exciting. Don't overwhelm yourself but help get the creative juices flowing and give you an energy boost about planning.
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  • Claudia
    Beginner March 2020
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    I'm so sorry you're going through a tough time, I hope things get better soon. I think that's definitely a good idea, putting things together on paper without paying for anything yet. Maybe you can do the same. I can definitely relate, I go through ups and downs in the wedding planning process. Sometimes I get a burst of energy and start putting things together. But I find it hard to plan without contacting the vendors and having a clear deadline. I'm a bit of a procrastinator so it's always helped push me when I have something scheduled. I think I will focus on really detailing the wedding budget, guest list and look for the wedding over the next couple of months. And if by then we're more set financially, we will start setting a date. Thank you for your response and best of luck to you!
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  • Claudia
    Beginner March 2020
    Claudia ·
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    Thank you so much for your response! I have given that some thought, and I think it will help to think of some new ideas. One thing I was thinking of changing up was the color scheme. Although I really loved the colors I had previously selected, they were more of a winter look (burgundy, navy blue, and gold). Since we're now looking at possibly a Spring/summer wedding, I wanna see if I can use some lighter colors. Maybe a blush pink and navy blue.
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