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Savvy April 2021

nj & Covid Wedding Anxiety

Maggie, on December 5, 2020 at 6:02 PM Posted in New Jersey Planning 0 4

So, my FH and I originally booked a venue for March 20, 2021 for around 60 guests. We put our deposit down, but with the way things are going we decided to cancel that event before losing any additional money. Instead, we booked a new venue for April 3, 2021. The new venue is a barn with lots of air circulation (the barn opens on three sides, so it's more or less outdoors). The new event is only going to be for 25 people including myself and FH. I am also planning on putting in as many precautions as possible, like masks and hand sanitizers as wedding favors, etc. I am still really anxious about the whole thing and worry that our wedding will accidentally be the cause of someone getting covid. Many of our guests are older and/or at higher risk, so I am hopeful that at least they will be able to get vaccinated before the date. My fiance is really positive and thinks that we are being as safe as we can be and that everything will be fine, but I can't help but to catastrophize. We probably should've postponed to at least next fall, but well, we're on the older side (I'm 37, he's turning 42) so we would rather just get it done and move on with our lives. Is anyone else in a similar situation? Does our new smaller wedding sound like it will be safe enough?


Latest activity by Lynnie, on December 7, 2020 at 3:03 PM
  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    I think so. To ne honest if a guest gets COVID, it was their choice to take that risk unless they were attending your wedding against their will.
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  • Eri
    Super October 2020
    Eri ·
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    We got married in October, and even with all of our precautions, I was a nervous wreck — and it showed in a lot of our pictures. Fortunately, no one got sick, but I spent weeks being anxious.

    The truth is that there will be some level of risk, but your plans sound as accommodating as they can be.
    We didn’t want to postpone for a lot of reasons, and I am at peace with our decision, but it wasn’t an easy one. For what it’s worth, we still had a beautiful day and are relieved/happy to be moving on with our lives.
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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    As long as you take proper precautions, that's all you can do (which it seems like you've done by lowering the guest count, switching to a more outdoor venue, providing masks and hand sanitizer etc).

    Obviously there's risk, but your guests are taking that risk by attending your wedding. As long as they take the proper precautions as well, everything should be fine.
    Our big wedding is March 27,2021 and I'm not stressing about it at all. Our venue will take the proper precautions, and if anyone doesn't feel comfortable then they can decline I won't be offended
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  • Lynnie
    WeddingWire Administrator October 2016
    Lynnie ·
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    I think it sounds like you're taking every precaution you can!! Smiley heart

    I think you're taking this seriously and making sure that this event will be as safe as possible! It's also the decision of your older and immunocompromised guests if they want to attend and if they feel safe doing so!

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