My partner and I live together and have been together for 3 years. The couple getting married have been his close friends for years and I knew the bride before but we weren't close, but since being with my partner, we visit them regularly and hang out, they're our main other-couple-friends. The bride and I talk about mom things together while the men hang out and do whatever.
Several months ago they asked my partner to be a groomsman, while I was at work and he was visiting alone. They gave him a little card and small gift. He was thrilled. He's going on the bachelor trip in a couple weeks and looking forward to that.
He didn't ever receive an official invitation though and so I don't know if I, or a plus one, am even invited. It's really uncomfortable when we go there now and they're all talking about their plans together and I feel pretty left out. My partner thinks I'm being rediculous and I should just show up, which I have said I believe is terrible etiquette and we should at least ask them if I'm expected/invited. And I'm quite anxious about the day itself, because I don't know any of their family and friends, I'm imagining I'll be sitting with strangers while he's at the top table, is that how it would work? How should I go about this? My partner thinks it's rude and unnecessary to ask them if I'm invited but I think it would be much ruder to just show up, plus that would make an already uncomfortable situation even worse.