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Devoted February 2022

Mother in law ruined our wedding

Chloe, on February 6, 2022 at 6:47 PM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 7
We got married this Saturday. It was a wonderful, small ceremony with only 15 guests - we had to keep it small because of local covid guidelines, and postponed the party until this summer. We invited our few guests for dinner after the ceremony and then for a few drinks in our hotel suite. During those drinks, while everyone was having fun, my now-husband's parents asked him to follow them outside and then started to complain about different issues, starting with how we didn't involve them enough during planning, and ending with how we didn't spend enough time with them during the day. He was sad and hurt and couldn't sleep that night - they completely ruined what should have been (and was, until that point) a very happy day.

Now, he didn't tell me the details, but BECAUSE he didn't I know that they blamed me for everything. I had a good relationship with his parents until my mom died a few years ago. They behaved awfully during the funeral, always pushing to stand in first row with closest family, and his mother said a few things that hurt me very much at that time. She probably meant well, but telling someone "at least she's not suffering anymore" and "you should be glad, she wanted to die at the end" while you're all raw and hurting is just awful and our relationship never recovered after that. During wedding preparations, she kept asking me to involve her with choosing my dress "because my mom isn't here anymore". I very much wanted to tell her that she'll never be able to replace her, but held back for my husband, smiled and pretty much changed the topic. I never showed her my dress before the wedding. They also offered a few times to help us with preparations, but due to the wedding being so small, there really wasn't that much to do, and other people already offered to help with specific things, not just the general "tell us if we can help".Then the next conflict situation arose, about me getting ready this Saturday. I wanted to get ready in peace with only my best friend in attendance, but the mil kept hinting about being there, so I invited her to join me early for a glass of champagne before my makeup artist arrives. She came in all huffy and an hour late, with husband's two aunts who I don't really know that we'll in tow, they sat down, drank the champagne and left... I didn't really pay much attention to them because my makeup was being done, and they felt like I ignored them. Then, during dinner, I sat next to my dad and some friends who speak my dad's language, because he was emotional and I didn't want him to feel lonely since the rest of my family all couldn't come because they have covid (my husband's parents only speak German and my dad doesn't, they communicate sometimes through online translators and stuff, but it's exhausting), so again I was accused of ignoring husband's family. Which I suppose I was doing at this point, because I was so happy and didn't want the confrontation I knew was coming to destroy my good mood. I know I'm not blameless in this whole situation, because I feel a lot of resentment towards his parents that I have never addressed to keep the peace and it sort of festered, but what sort of mother confronts her son on his wedding day about her feeling underappreciated and sad, making him sad in turn? I am so angry at them right now for making him feel hurt and even cry, that I can't even think about confronting them about it. If I did, it would all just flow out and probably destroy that relationship forever. I also wonder how much worse it would have been if we had been able to organise our original party with 120 guests and even less time to babysit the in-laws.I guess, at the end, this post has turned out to be more of a rant than a question, but I really need someone who isn't invested in this situation to help me deal with it and how to move forward, because my husband has a good, loving relationship with his parents and I'm hoping I'll never have to make him choose between me and them. I just don't want him to hurt even more.


Latest activity by Chloe, on February 9, 2022 at 2:35 PM
  • K
    Dedicated May 2019
    Kylie ·
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    A few things:
    No one who has a good, loving relationship with their child treats them the way your inlaws treated your husband.
    Your husband—and everyone—gets to choose how he reacts to situations. The most emotionally healthy way to respond to people behaving like they did, and how you can and should choose to respond in the future, is the second they start berating you is to say “I am not going to participate in this conversation” and walk away. When you cry and allow other people to hurt you, you are giving them power—and toxic people will continue their bad behavior because they get exactly what they want out of it.I strongly suggest a cool off people and avoid your inlaws for a few months. They should need to earn yours and your husband’s energy by treating you both with respect.
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  • Samantha
    Super May 2022
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    This is so awful, I can't stand parents who make everything about them. There's no law that you have to be besties with your MIL, so I would just try to spend as little time as possible with her, and when you are together, keep the conversation generic. If she says something out of line, respectfully tell her that's not appropriate. Husband can still go spend time with her on his own (which after the way she treated him at the wedding, I wouldn't blame him for distancing as well). Bottom line, you and your husband are your family now and nurturing that relationship is #1. Not mom's issues. Just try to move past it by focusing on your new marriage and upcoming reception Smiley smile

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  • Shannon
    Super July 2022
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    What they did by intentionally ruining your wedding was beyond disrespectful and selfish. I’m not sure I could recover from that. You say your husband has a loving relationship with his parents but something is seriously wrong there, as they felt it was okay to behave that way. They lack respect and boundaries.
    I would take time away from them and focus on your new marriage. They’ll have to prove to you that they won’t act like this at your summer reception because with that behavior, they don’t deserve to be invited.
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  • Chloe
    Devoted February 2022
    Chloe ·
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    Thanks everyone who responded for confirming that I'm not crazy for thinking that they went way overboard with what they did! Thing his, husband blames himself and any attempt at explaining to him that, even if their feelings were valid, it was wrong of them to announce it on his wedding day, is like speaking to a wall. We never had this sort of problems before, no idea how to deal with it.
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  • Chloe
    Devoted February 2022
    Chloe ·
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    Also, as everyone said to distance themselves from them ... There is nothing I would like more than to cut them out of our lives, but I think everyone knows that it's easier said than done.
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  • Jessi
    Super October 2022
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    You are definitely not crazy for thinking they went overboard! There is absolutely no reason for them to need to air their grievances to a groom at his wedding, whether it's their son or not. Do you know if his parents have acted similarly throughout his life putting blame on him for things they did? Either way, counseling may be a good idea if this continues to bother him and makes him blame himself. It might seem extreme, but a very heavy emotional thing happened and something like that is usually pretty hard to work through by yourself so a professional might be able to help.

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  • Chloe
    Devoted February 2022
    Chloe ·
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    I'm pretty sure they never did something like this before, it was always more like he could do no wrong in their eyes, he's their favourite child and their "perfect boy". Luckily he's a normal guy, not one of those spoiled mommy's boys, but this is probably the reason why it hit him so hard.
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