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Savvy May 2022

Mom & Spending Guilt

Amanda, on November 2, 2020 at 1:45 PM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 14

Hi WW friends,

I'm struggling HARD with all things money. My parents have generously offered to monetarily contribute to our wedding (more than half of the total cost).

(Before you go any further - I've read numerous threads on parents paying for wedding . Read: they get to decide what we spend on, etc. etc. so that ground is already covered). I've been very inclusive when it comes to my mom specifically (dad doesn't care haha). I've been open and considerate of her opinions/wants and she's been generally supportive on what we want even though it's my parents who are contributing.

But what I'm struggling with lately is the guilt over what weddings cost in 2020 and my FH + I wanting to contribute/spend extra to get things that we want and that will make us happy on our special day.

Now, for the situation: our destination wedding hotel package includes basic white chairs, white round tables and white linens. FH and I are not happy with that set up and we still have to rent chargers, table settings, florals, etc. from an outside vendor. If FH + I go with what we want for tables, chairs, etc., we'll be coming out of pocket a few thousand extra in addition to what's allotted in mom's "budget". She's giving me the guilt trip that we shouldn't be spending more than what's in the budget or renting things that the hotel is already providing - as if it's waste of money. ("You're usually more frugal than this" or "None of your guests are going to remember or comment on what fancy chair you got".) Yes, of course nobody remembers those details of the wedding - but it's what WE want.

So, while yes - I agree that it's unfortunate to rent what's already provided in the package - we just simply wouldn't be happy with the items that the hotel provides. AND we're still spending money on additional rentals outside of what's provided anyways. So, why not put that money towards what we want and come up with the whatever additional money is needed ourselves if we can afford it.

I'm honestly completely confused as to where this is coming from . We aren't asking her to contribute more; we're simply saying we'll come up with the remaining funds needed to have what we want (within reason).

Am I missing something? Are we being silly spending thousands extra on things like rentals/florals?

Sorry for the long vent-sesh... but any advice is appreciated.


Latest activity by MOB So Cal, on November 3, 2020 at 10:52 AM
  • Katie
    Expert January 2021
    Katie ·
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    I would stop sharing costs with her other than what she is spending - she doesn't have to know what's coming out of your pocket and where it's going.

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  • Annika
    Expert November 2020
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    From what I can tell from your moms perspective, it seems she is just looking out for you financially, she isn't trying to be mean. She doesn't see the chairs and the table settings as important to your day, even though you and your FH do. She is saying those things as a precaution and probably just wants you to spend your money where is most counts (in her opinon). Most people are not going to have to same priorities as the bride and groom, and while it is frustrating, it is YOUR DAY and no one else can tell you how to do it. Since you are using your own funds, I say go for it if it is important to you! However, maybe look into cheaper options for those items as a possible compromise to her concerns. A lot of times renting is more expensive than outright buying it, and then you can try to sell them for a profit afterwards. Good luck!

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  • Chrysta
    Master November 2022
    Chrysta ·
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    I do not think you are being unreasonable at all. You are not asking your mother to contribute anything additional, and are taking on those expenses yourself. Just because your mother is contributing to the wedding, doesn’t mean she has full authority over everything wedding related. It is nice that you are taking her thoughts and opinions into consideration. But, at the end of the day, this is YOUR wedding and you get to choose if you want to upgrade chairs and linens. I completely understand what she’s saying about feeling it is silly to spend extra money on something that is provided for free- my mother says the exact same things lol And while that may seem logical to an outsider, for the couple getting married it isn’t always about logic. It is about creating your dream wedding. And your dream wedding doesn’t include white linens and chairs 🤷🏼‍♀️ I had the same conversations with my mom at the beginning of planning. What worked best for me was just putting the money down on the things that I thought were important and she thought were “a little ridiculous“. I didn’t consult her about it – I just did it. Which gave her no option other than to be supportive, because the contract was already signed and the money was already gone.
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  • Mrs. Spring
    Master April 2021
    Mrs. Spring ·
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    I agree with your mom, but I'm frugal. If I were you, I would stop sharing info with her about things that will cost you money.
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  • Michelle
    Master April 2021
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    I agree with the previous people. While your mom is only looking out for you (as a mom I know where she’s coming from) this is your day. I wouldn’t tell her what you guys plan on spending for the extras. That’s between you & FH. However, shop around- there can be some pretty sweet deals out there!
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  • T
    Super April 2021
    Tiger Bride ·
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    You seem to be asking two questions here - "Why is my mom doing this?" and "Are we being silly?" so I will try to answer both of them.

    Why does your mom care? - I have two thoughts on this. One is she thinks you're wasting money, the other is that she was hoping that her contribution would have been enough to cover the venue and the rentals and so she feels either pressured to contribute more or have her pride hurt. I'm guessing it's probably a bit of both

    Should we spend thousands of dollars extra for upgrades? - Honestly, I vote no. I don't know what kind of chairs your venue has and which ones you want, but our choices were basically metal/plastic chairs for $1/each, wooden chairs for $3/each, or Chiavari chairs for $10/each. For 150 guests, that would be $1500 just on chairs. (We picked the $3 ones, which looked better than the metal but were still in the range of affordable)

    I'm not saying you should pick the cheapest options for everything, but maybe try to find some middle-of-the-road options (like the $3 chairs). I wanted "real" silverware, so we are going to buy the cheap kind they have in diners from a restaurant supply store. Maybe you could use the white napkins but buy colored tablecloths, or vice versa (look on Linen Tablecloth and Facebook Marketplace for linens). I would skip the chargers.

    It's your money so you are of course free to do what you want, but *jmo* if it's something your guests won't even notice, I would think twice about how necessary it is before shelling out $$$$ for it.

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  • J
    Master 0000
    Judith ·
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    Before you turn down the white : Have you looked at runners, cloth or lace overlays, or squares on point over the basic white? Any color or fabric can be used , inexpensive, provided there is a properly absorbent, stain releasing tablecloth underneath ? Look before you turn down these functional pieces. Layering, with different colors, some prints, or laces , or textures, can be very attractive.
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  • M
    Super October 2022
    Michele ·
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    Both sides are valid. Sounds like she's looking out for you to not go into debt which alot of couples do. Plus many details like chairs, table settings and other decor only a bride in planning. Most of the brides when they come back say they weren't as important as they thought. But you know what your priorities are.
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  • Samantha
    Expert October 2021
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    I agree with this. I too think that your Mom may have thought that their contribution was enough and also saving you from having to dip into your savings. She may now feel that it's not good enough.
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  • Sharon
    Super September 2021
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    There's probably a few reasons Mom doesn't want you to have to pay out of pocket. One being that she wants you to be able to save your money for your future, which may not seem important now but it really is. The other thing is if those items are included and you don't use them that's a waste of her money. Once you decorate the tables and use lighting to your advantage no one will notice the white tablecloths.
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  • I
    Expert August 2021
    Ingrid ·
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    I have to say as a guest of many weddings the chairs and linens are something I look at and think are important as well. I'm sorry you are getting guilt trips from your mom, but I think it is coming from a place of concern only in terms of budget. There could very easily be a different thing that she feels is important and would spend more on than you see as important. Share only what is needed and I wouldn't share what you and your FH plan on paying out of pocket yourselves. Have you asked the venue if there is an option to have better quality chairs and linens? My mom said she didn't care what it costs the linens will be really nice quality, so if its not in my budget she is going to make it happen. Good thing my mom and I are on the same page with some of these kinds of things. Good luck to you and I'm sure your mom is not trying to make you feel bad, just wants you to think about it as wedding expenses could get out of control real quick.

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  • Future Mrs.Randolph
    Dedicated February 2022
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    I am in a similar situation as yourself and I totally get it. I can understand mom's side about wanting you to save your money and possibly being concerned about your finances. I can also see your side of it since it's not like you are asking her for more money. I'm going to take the advice of the other poster as you should too. Whatever your mom is not helping you pay for then maybe keep those prices to yourself. When I go dress shopping finally I'm keeping my budget between and my consultant because I don't have time to be judged on how much I want to spend unless my parents decide to pay.

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  • Meghan
    Master October 2019
    Meghan ·
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    If you are paying for the extras then why even bother sharing that with your mom? She really does not need to know what you and your FH spend your money on.

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  • MOB So Cal
    January 2019
    MOB So Cal ·
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    As a mom, I think Tiger Bride raises really good points to consider, both about why your mom may be taking this approach and about the choices you ultimately make. And, she's right that you've asked two very different questions.

    Yes, as the B&G, I think wedding choices should be yours to make. If you have the money and are in an otherwise good financial position, you are certainly free to spend money on whatever you want to. However, if you could legitimately put that money toward something that's potentially a higher priority (e.g., building up long-term or emergency savings, your future living situation, etc.), then I'd think about what those decor items are really worth to the two of YOU compared with other uses of the money. I get having a "wedding vision," but at the same time, if you go back and read BAM posts, one of the common themes is "don't waste time and money on details that won't matter to anyone, including you." One "bright side" (if there is one...) of the pandemic is that most BAMs these days have a message of, "our wedding ended up being smaller/simpler/much different/etc. than we originally planned, but it was perfect." This is really about your priorities. If spending additional money on "extras" is what you truly want, then do it. But in most cases, I don't think it will have any or much impact on your guests, and it's possible in the future, with hindsight, you might wish you made other choices. Maybe that's what your mom is encouraging you to consider. Good luck!

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