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Savvy May 2022

May 28th wedding with Covid-19

Sara, on March 23, 2020 at 1:37 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 1

This may be a rant more than anything, I'm just very stressed out. So I emailed my venue on Friday and our event planner got back to us today that said "well we don't know yet but you can change your date with no fee" and I don't know what to do. On one hand changing the date would, hopefully, be at a better time, on the other, my FS is in college right now and will likely have a class on Fridays. She didn't say she would honor May pricing if we picked a later date. The etsy shop I'm hoping to get flowers from needs them ordered 8 weeks before our wedding which is the first week of April. Should I order them? Should I wait and if we don't have to change the date have no flowers?


Latest activity by Laura, on March 24, 2020 at 11:55 PM
  • Laura
    Champion June 2010
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    Hi Sara! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. It's such a crazy uncertain and emotional time! It's really good that the planner and venue are willing to reschedule with no fee. Is there a deadline for you to make that decision, or do you have a little time to wait and see how things develop over the next few weeks?

    Are the flowers you're wanting to order fresh flowers or are they a type of flowers that would hold over until your new date if you order now but end up having to reschedule?

    As you're making these decisions, it may be helpful to visit our COVID-19 Wedding Support Central , where we are gathering helpful resources for couples.

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