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Mrs. C
VIP September 2013

Lame Excuses For Why People Aren't Going to Your Wedding...What Did You Receive?

Mrs. C, on September 3, 2013 at 9:51 PM

Posted in Do It Yourself 47

We've started contacting people about RSVPs, and I've gotten some pretty lame excuses so far. I'm not going to complain because our count is high enough at this point. Here are mine so far: "Sorry I can't make it. I have too much to do around here." "We're going to be working in the field that day."...

We've started contacting people about RSVPs, and I've gotten some pretty lame excuses so far. I'm not going to complain because our count is high enough at this point.

Here are mine so far:

"Sorry I can't make it. I have too much to do around here."

"We're going to be working in the field that day."

"Sorry we can't make it. That is my weekend to work."

Save the Dates were sent to these people...they've known for 7 months.


  • Mrs.J
    VIP June 2013
    Mrs.J ·
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    Here are the top three I received.

    1. I don't have anything to wear.

    2. I can't afford to come. ( What???You don't pay for anything) LOL

    3. Why did you have it in New Rochelle when you live in Manhattan, it's too far.

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  • LaurenVictoria
    Super October 2013
    LaurenVictoria ·
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    If people don't rsvp at all to your wedding and then show up, what will you do? I feel like I'd really want to tell them tough luck, you didn't rsvp. But I'm too nice and would probably try to accomodate them against my better judgement. Actually what I'd really do is let my coordinator handle it, because he's kind of intimidating lol.

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  • Daniela
    Beginner November 2013
    Daniela ·
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    I need your opinion...My fiance's is not jewish or practices it but his MOTHER married a Jewish man and now practices Shabbas religiously. She said she cannot not make it to the wedding because it's on a Saturday. I did some research and they can come out of their world when sun sets on a certain time. She said that the day of my wedding she would be able to come out at 5;16pm. My wedding starts at 4pm and its a beach wedding. After is all set and done reception should start at 5:30. I think she's making an excuse for not coming..How lame is this? It's your SON wedding! I don't want to be that daughter-in-law, but what should I do????

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  • LG
    Master October 2014
    LG ·
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    Daniela - the sabbath is our holy day. It goes from Friday sun down to Saturday sun down and your not supposed to partake in anything non religious. That's how it goes...nothing you can do about it. Your wedding is in November, so good news, the sun goes down earlier. Maybe monitor the time it starts setting a few weeks before hand and gently bring this point up to her as the seasons change.

    I had originally planned to get married on a Friday but I had to change to a Saturday because half of my side wouldn't show up otherwise...its a bit of a bummer but again, if they practice, nothing you can do about it. Jews traditionally get married on Sundays because of this.

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  • Daniela
    Beginner November 2013
    Daniela ·
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    Thanks Truffle. I know, and I didn't know that she was really into it since i don't talk to her on the regular. I totally understand peoples religion but its such a bummer to see this unfolds. I don't want to bother him with it but it is bothering me. Too late to change the date since I already booked the venue..

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  • L
    Master February 2015
    LetItSnow ·
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    I'd say who cares what excuses they have! People have all kinds of reasons they don't go to weddings.

    If they don't want to come, then I don't want them to be there! I want to be surrounded by people who are legitimately interested in celebrating and supporting us. Besides, I secretly like RSVP rejections because I can see the money coming back into my bank account! haha. Those who should be there, will be. Everyone else just misses out on a great night.

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  • P
    Just Said Yes June 2016
    Patrick ·
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    A friend from since I was little said he couldn't come because he got tickets for his gf to see the Red Sox. He then said she really doesn't care for the Red Sox. He could have just said he couldn't make it. I didn't need the extra info. Oh, I had to hound him for the rsvp too.

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