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Just Said Yes May 2022

Kid dilemma

Sarah, on July 12, 2021 at 10:18 AM Posted in Family and Relationships 0 14

I know, I know, another thread about kids... but hear me out. Two things to keep in mind: 1) FH & I are paying for the wedding 100% on our own 2) we have opted out of bridesmaids/groomsmen - less drama, planning, and money.

Planning has been stress free thus far until a recent 4th of July cookout with some family stirred up some drama. FH's Aunt kept bringing up inviting her 2 grandchildren, who are both under 10. Their father, FH's cousin, is divorced and in a committed relationship/lives with another woman who has 2 kids of her own, also both under 10. For what it's worth, when all 4 are together it's complete insanity and usually ends up with someone getting hurt/crying.

He called his cousin on the phone and said we weren't planning on inviting the kids to the wedding... and he (and his girlfriend) were absolutely FINE with it! But FH's Aunt is taking this extremely personal and is quite ticked about the whole thing, especially because his cousin's daughter is FH's god-daughter. We reinforced that our decision is solely because of the budget and that we're not taking other guests off our list to accommodate 4 children we see twice a year instead.

FH's family is large and is taking up a large portion of our guest list. I literally have 5 family members, 1 of them being my niece. I am very close with my niece and she would be absolutely devastated if she wasn't allowed at our wedding. FH is fine with her being there and not his cousin's kids, especially since he has such a big family compared to mine.

I'm concerned that since I'm not having a bridal party, I can't include her and use that as an excuse. I KNOW there will be bad blood once his aunt sees her there and not her grandkids. Any creative ways to give my niece a role so she doesn't look like the exception to the rule??? Or should we just say F it and not care? She will be almost 12 by our wedding and will be the only "kid" there.

Honestly.... any thoughts/advice welcome! We're really stressed over the tension this is causing, but want to stand our ground. We cannot afford this type of snowballing.


Latest activity by Mcskipper, on July 13, 2021 at 9:59 AM
  • Samantha
    VIP October 2022
    Samantha ·
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    Can you just have her as a flower girl? She doesn't need to really do anything but hold some flowers, so wouldn't have any planning drama.

    But also....I am totally find with having just one kid as an exception. I know it's not the done thing, but everyone *but* your aunt will be glad you don't have four kids that can't keep from fighting at the reception.

    Most people have common sense - if I had four kids that causes a ruckus at every event, I wouldn't DREAM of bringing them to a wedding. I have friends with high spirited kids and knew they would be disruptive at events that required lots of patience, and waited till their kids learned how to behave in those situations. Kids mature at different levels and most parents get that - one friend's kids could sit though an hour long mass as toddlers, another of my friends kids were so loud and squirmy she got a babysitter so she could go to church and relax once a week. Both sets of kids are grown and can attend weddings as adults now LOL

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  • Givemeallthepups
    Expert February 2020
    Givemeallthepups ·
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    You could have her do a reading during the ceremony or pass out programs.
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  • Lauren
    Expert July 2021
    Lauren ·
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    Can you have her be your something blue?

    I don’t think you need to justify your choices to anyone. The aunt should realize that your wedding is not an outing for her and her grandchildren. She will get over it.
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  • Victoria
    Devoted June 2020
    Victoria ·
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    12 is very different than under 10! She’s not a little kid, or child in remotely the same sense.
    If it’s just the one aunt then I would just ignore her and reiterate ‘no kids’ every time to her. Your wedding, your guests!
    As for your niece, she’s probably capable of doing a reading, as well as flowers or ring bearing. Can she be an altar server? I did that for my aunt. Can she play an instrument or sing a song? Or maybe just help you with your train or holding your flowers but not standing with you the whole time.
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  • Sarah
    Master September 2019
    Sarah ·
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    If she’s comfortable in front of people, I’d ask her if she’d do a reading- maybe a small poem or something. Also, for what it’s worth some people are just grumpy about everything. My ex-husband’s grandmother got so mad that we weren’t inviting some of his first cousins (huge age gap meant some of his cousins were under 10 at the time) and even threatened to bring them anyway even though their parents were 100% on board with them not being invited. We stood our ground and they didn’t come- his grandma did leave early though.
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  • Stacey
    Super May 2021
    Stacey ·
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    If you're fine with it, your FH is fine with it, and their parents are fine with it, just let the aunt be pissed. You can't make everyone happy, and you don't need to defend or explain your guest list to anyone else. One other option is for the cousin to tell the aunt they just want a adult night out for themselves, without the children.

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  • C
    Super July 2020
    Cool ·
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    I don’t think it needs any justifying. First, 12 is a lot different than under 10. Also - the kids parents don’t care (probably excited for a night off). His aunt is being an a hole for now reason and lots of people are like this. There was just a similar thread actually. I would not mention anything about it to her or anyone for that matter, your guest list is only you and FH business. If she has the audacity to make a big deal of it on the day or after she’s the only one who looks bad.
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  • M
    Expert September 2021
    Marianne ·
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    I like Stacey's idea of asking FH's cousin to tell his mom that they don't even want to bring the kids and have an adults-only night. Otherwise, I also like the reader or flower girl ideas - I don't think it would be odd to have a flower girl but not a wedding party, since they don't stand with the couple or anything during the ceremony.

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  • Yasmine
    Master October 2020
    Yasmine ·
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    My husband and I did the same thing. The only kids allowed at our wedding are our 2 kids & my niece/nephew. We didn't have any problems though we simply said that it is an adult only wedding and the only kids in attendance will be the ones in our bridal party.

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  • Sarah
    Just Said Yes May 2022
    Sarah ·
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    Thanks for the ideas AND boost of confidence! You ladies rock!

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  • Katie
    Expert August 2021
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    I agree with this. I'd just say f it to the aunt and let her be the miserable person she seems to be. You would probably never please that one anyway.
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  • E
    Super July 2023
    Eniale ·
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    Did you tell people it was a child-free wedding?

    If so, I have no advice, because your wedding is not a child-free wedding and therefore Aunt would be right to be offended. A 12 year old is still a child. A niece you are close to is still a child. A flower girl or ceremony reader is still a child. Child-free should mean child-free without exception.

    If, however, you did not say it was a "child-free" wedding and were simply upfront about the fact that these particular children are not invited, then Auntie can just sit with her panties in a wrinkle. Or perhaps she should decline attending and babysit her grandkids, since their presence is so important to her, and their parents would surely love to not have to pay for a babysitter. If you did not explicitly say it was a "child-free" wedding, meaning that age specifically excludes certain guests, then the children are like any other person in your lives that may or may not be invited, and in this case, they did not make the cut.

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  • Viviana
    Dedicated October 2022
    Viviana ·
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    I say F it! You don't need to give anyone any explanations for your actions - it's YOUR wedding! IF the aunt gets mad, then oh well! It's not even her kids!! You do you girl!! You don't even have to find a job for your niece if you don't want to - less stress too!

    Remember, you can't make everyone happy!

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  • Mcskipper
    Master July 2018
    Mcskipper ·
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    To me, this is circles. We included our niece, because she is our own niece ! She’s the only one in that circle: we included our own siblings children, and that’s it for children. We did not include our cousin’s children. That a whole nother circle, and for us one that is both huge and distant. There’s a distinct line. …that doesn’t mean your aunt won’t be annoyed and annoying about it, but you can’t please everyone
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