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Devoted June 2018

Just For Fun: How did you get engaged?!

Danielle, on September 10, 2017 at 1:14 PM Posted in Community Conversations 0 39

I always love hearing about how people got engaged! Here's our story!

We flew back to Pittsburgh to visit my family for Spring Break (we live in Vegas and are both educators so we get a week off in the Spring). When we got there my best friend was picking us up from the airport and I was really annoyed. Once we got to the house my step mom told me to go check out the furniture in the living room. When I walked in there all my aunts, uncles, cousins, and best friends were there to surprise me (best friend was late to make sure everyone got there on time). I was so confused as to what was happening and I turned around and FH was on one knee! It was perfect!


Latest activity by Sweetness, on June 22, 2019 at 6:13 AM
  • FutureMrsN14
    Super July 2018
    FutureMrsN14 ·
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    My family cruises all the time (they are our favorite vacations). FH had never been on one, so we decided to join my parents on one they planned. The morning we pulled into our first island, FH was all excited and wanted to go up to the top deck to look at the views, that's where he proposed Smiley smile my parents were waiting for us at breakfast to celebrate! It was perfect Smiley smile

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  • L
    Savvy September 2018
    Lydia ·
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    Hi Danielle! I love hearing these stories too! Smiley smile

    3 wks ago, my FH and I took a family vacation (his parents, sisters, niece, nephew, pop, aunt, and her 3 grown kids) to SC. We had this planned for months and shortly before leaving, we learned that SC was one of the top places to be to see the solar eclipse. My FH and I had been dating for 4 and 1/2 yrs. On our way to SC, his older sister and I were giving him a hard time saying how the eclipse would be an epic time to propose. His response was that we didn't give him enough notice. Come to find out, he had been planning the proposal for about 10 wks. The only ones who knew were his mom, younger sister (who took pictures), and my parents (he asked for their permission before we left). The day of the eclipse, the entire family set up a spot on the beach. We watched the eclipse (which was AMAZING) and started to gather for a family picture as soon as it finished. That was when he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I am breathless and on the verge of tears now just replaying the moment in my head. It was absolutely amazing! Wishing you and your FH the best! Smiley smile Happy planning!

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  • B
    Dedicated April 2018
    Brittnee ·
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    One of our favorite places in the world is the gaylord opry hotel in Nashville (especially during Christmas time when all the lights are up). He arranged for us to go the first weekend of December "for my birthday". He got us the most beautiful room with a view of my favorite part of the atrium.

    Our second night there we went for a late walk around the hotel once most of the crowds had left. He led us to an isolated waterfall just before midnight. We sat behind the waterfall for a few minutes as he led up to the proposal, and then he got down on one knee. I couldn't imagine a more intimate, romantic, or perfect proposal for the two of us.

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  • Phae
    Dedicated April 2018
    Phae ·
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    He asked while we were setting up for our oldest daughter's first birthday party. We'd just moved into our first rental house, we were setting up just by ourselves. Which meant we had to wait until she went to sleep lol, or else she'd be all over everything. It was maybe 2am? He was trying to shove all our unpacked boxes out of sight while I was decorating. Out of nowhere he told me hey come look at what's in this box. I'm sure you can guess what it was haha.

    He wasn't exactly the king of romance back then but it obviously worked for me.

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  • Colleen
    Devoted May 2018
    Colleen ·
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    He took me out for my birthday and we went down to the lakefront and walked the harbor walk like we always used to in high school. We stopped by the light house and thats where he began to tell me how much his life had changed since being with me for 6 years, and he got down on one knee to propose. He actually had written out a speech he had mostly memorized, and he framed the paper copy and gave it to me for our 7 year anniversary.

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  • Sara P.
    VIP October 2018
    Sara P. ·
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    Love these stories. Ours is so simple. On a random Sunday morning, FH got up out of bed quickly which I thought was weird but I figured he was going to play video games. About 20 minutes later he came in the bedroom where I was still in bed and told me breakfast was ready. Also strange since I'm always asking him to make pancakes and he never will. So we ate and then I started to clean up the kitchen. He went to the back bedroom and I could hear him rummaging around but only gave it thought for a second. He came back in to the kitchen and put a precious moments figurine down in front of me. Im not really into that but I was oogling this one bc it was a couple watching the Tampa Bay Lightning game and says "Every day is a goal with you." As I was looking at that he put a ring box down in front of me on the counter and I said "wtf is that?" Lol. It was perfect. Quiet, at home, messy hair, no pants, full belly, etc.

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  • Trish
    Devoted November 2017
    Trish ·
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    Love these stories!

    It was on July 4th- we were watching the fire works from the local park which is behind our house. We were trying to keep our corgi pup from getting anxious (it didn't work). We'd moved from the great room up to our bedroom. I put a classical music station on the TV to try to help calm the dog. While we were both cuddling the dog and watching the fire works, he went into the closet. When he came back, we sat and cuddled some more while watching the fire works. Then he starts telling me how amazing I am, how much loves me and how lucky he is. Then he got down on one knee and proposed- all with the fireworks going on outside behind us. I felt like I was in a movie Smiley smile

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  • MrsGtoBe
    Dedicated May 2018
    MrsGtoBe ·
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    My FH and I went on a double hiking date (or so I thought at the time) with my sister and her husband. FH wanted to hike the same place that we did our first hike as a couple over 2 years prior. I thought it sounded like a fun double date because we love to hike! Little did I know that when we got to the top he was planning to propose! So we made it to the top and had an incredible view. He sat next to me and told me so many sweet things about how he feels about us and then before I knew what was happening he was down on his knee asking me to marry him! I was completely shocked! I'm a hard one to surprise but I LOVE surprises so it was perfect! Also, he had planned this whole thing with my sister and her H and they wanted to be secret photographers/videographers so the whole moment is captured foreverSmiley smile the photo is my "oh my gosh is this really happening!?" face Smiley smile

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  • Kerry
    Dedicated May 2018
    Kerry ·
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    Awww I love these! So cute!

    Last August, we went on vacation to Okemo Mountain in Vermont. Since it was summer, there were a lot less people there and we could do more fun summer activities. On the second night, we got dressed up and went to dinner in the nice restaurant in the hotel. After ordering our drinks and food, FH suggested we take a selfie. I thought this was weird, because I'm always the one wanting to take pictures, and we just took one in the hotel room, but I just went with it. I set up my phone for the picture, and he came to my side of the table and kneeled down next to me so he could be at my level sitting (he's tall!). He held out my phone, but instead of taking a picture, he started recording a video. I looked at him confused, and asked what he was doing. He said something like "I think you'll want everyone to see this." I said "See what?" He told me to look to my left, and he was holding the ring around my shoulder and I didn't even notice it! The whole proposal is on video. Smiley smile

    This picture is me looking at the camera like he's an idiot and doesn't know how to work a phone lol. You can see him holding the ring, and I didn't even see it in the camera screen!

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  • JJAF
    Super October 2019
    JJAF ·
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    There was a sushi restaurant downtown that I had been dying to try. FH told me to save Saturday open because he had made reservations for an early dinner there. I was super excited because we had not had a date night in some time, so we got all dressed up. After the sushi, he recommended we walk around downtown. We ended up people watching by a fountain (which I later realized he was trying to wait for the proposal set-up to be finished so he was trying to waste time!). Eventually he suggested we walk along the riverfront, so we did. As we reached a more secluded path along the riverfront, I noticed a large group of people crowded around an area and wondered what was so interesting. FH held my hand and led me over there, and as we approached I saw candles shaped into hearts, pictures of our memories scattered throughout, and a box of roses as people began cheering. He led me into the larger heart-shaped candle set-up and got down on one knee. He must have said some great things (which for some reason I cannot recall now because that day was such a blur!) because I said yes and we've been engaged for a little over a month now. What made things even better was that our families were hiding behind us the whole time and when I turned around, they were all there! FH knows me so well - sushi & anything romantic/sweet = I will say yes haha.

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  • Rachael
    Devoted September 2019
    Rachael ·
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    My FH and I were young when we got engaged. He proposed to me at graduation. We walked together to get our diplomas and he pretended to fall. I came up behind him I was so worried he was hurt. I was going to help him up and then he came up on one knee. He proposed to me. I said yes of course I couldn't have been happier. We have been together since we were 15. We will be 23 when we get married. We have had somewhat of a long engagement because we were young when we got engaged. I still wouldn't change it for the world. He is my best friend I have loved him since day one. Also congratulations on your engagement! I wish you and your FH the best. Smiley smile

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  • L
    Savvy September 2018
    Lydia ·
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    Omgsh, I love love love all of these stories! We are some lucky ladies!!! Smiley laugh

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  • Toline
    Dedicated June 2019
    Toline ·
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    My FH and I were on a post-graduation trip around Europe together this summer. Apparently he had a plan to propose to me later (not on that trip) so he didn't have a ring, but we were having such a great time that he decided to just go ahead and ask me! I was thrilled, and we got to go ring shopping together in Florence later that day Smiley laugh

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  • Kerry
    Dedicated May 2018
    Kerry ·
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    @T - omg, that is so adorable!

    @Rachael - what a day to remember!

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  • A
    Just Said Yes July 2018
    Alicia ·
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    My FH and his family and I were in Yellowstone. We drove three hours to grand Teton national park. We were at the church of transfiguration. We all took couples pictures in front of the mountain backdrop and when it was our turn he picked up a box on the church stage and proposed. Smiley smile it was beautiful!!!! I loved it!!!!

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  • Emilie R
    Dedicated September 2019
    Emilie R ·
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    Every year FH and I attend a 4 day car show in his aunt's hometown. We're really into geocaching and the morning we left we were all packed up to leave and he said he heard there was a geocache down by the baseball field he wanted to grab before we left town. Our best friend who attends the car show with us had left half an hour before we did, so he could head home. We went down to the baseball field and there was a small handmade wooden box, he handed it to me and asked what I thought was inside, I opened the box and when I looked up he was on one knee. Right after he stood up he pointed to the baseball dugout...our best friend hadn't gone home, he went in town, hid the ring, and his car and then hidden himself in the dugout to take pictures of the whole proposal, it was perfect!

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  • gator744
    Beginner May 2018
    gator744 ·
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    I proposed to him. FH moved to a different state for work about five months ago. During his first visit back with me, I made him breakfast and pulled out a love letter he had written to me early in our relationship. After reading it to him, I asked if he felt the same now as he did when he wrote the letter. Then I asked him to marry me. =]

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  • FutureMrsBoo
    Devoted September 2018
    FutureMrsBoo ·
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    I knew it was going to be that weekend and wondering it it would be Friday, but got home to an empty, messy apartment. I texted my FH to let him know I was home, and he replied to go to the kitchen. Then our Echo started playing. He's a radio producer and he made a little story for me using some audio we recorded when we first started dating and he took me on a tour of his office. The end told me to go to my aunt's building, and a sign on her door told me to go to the roof. The hallway to the roof was lined with candles and momentos of our relationship, and when I opened the door he was there in a suit with a ring and champagne! He even got a sign printed! My profile pic is right after the proposal because one of my aunt's neighbors was able to come up and take a few pics. Then we went to dinner at our favorite restaurant where my very excited family called ahead to have a bottle of champagne waiting for us. It was a very special night!

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  • Kerry
    Dedicated May 2018
    Kerry ·
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    @gator744 - that's adorable! <3

    @FutureMrsBoo - wow! so romantic!

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  • Amanda
    Expert October 2022
    Amanda ·
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    I was with him doing our daily routine of going to the gym after a rough day of classes and stepping in dog poop. After we were almost done he told me to follow him as I was on my last two machines. I followed him with a confused face into the attached mall. We walked down the long mall hallway and I thought we were going into game stop or the book store (his two favorite stores there) but then we took my hand and brought me to the jewelry store! I had hinted to him many times but the finally just stoped and then BAM! I was so surprised! He had designed a ring with the jeweler for a few months and wanted me to decided for myself if I like it or wanted something else! I stood in surprise for a sold 3 minutes and at first thought maybe I was dreaming! We then spent and hour in the store looking and I finally decided on the ring he designed! Three weeks (the ring was suppose to take at least four to five) later he proposed in our bedroom with our dog and flowers after I got home from class! We then went outside on our balcony to take this pic!

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