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Dedicated May 2008

Irritable Anyone?

sockfuzz, on March 31, 2008 at 1:55 AM Posted in Planning 0 9

I'm finding myself in an unusual situation in these last couple of weeks before my wedding. My fiance and I have had very few arguments throughout our entire relationship, and when we disagree, it's normally quickly and easily resolved. These past couple of weeks, we have really been getting on each others' nerves and I feel like every little thing he does irritates me! I don't know if it's stress, nerves, fatigue, or what. We are not living together until after the wedding, but I spend the weekends up at his house. That means that Sunday nights are really hard, because it means that I have to go home! The weekends are also getting harder because it seems that they're filled with errands, duties, planning, etc. Anyone else experiencing this same type of thing? I know that this too shall pass, but man is it frustrating!


Latest activity by Catherine, on June 19, 2008 at 9:10 PM
  • J
    Savvy November 2009
    Julie ·
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    Both of you are stressed. The time is rapidly approaching, and your time has been filled with nothing but wedding errands, wedding chores, and wedding talk..right? you're like weeks from the there ONE evening that you two can have a nice quiet dinner...even if its in jammies watching movies...and make a rule...absolutely NO wedding talk for the evening. Relax, talk about when you first met, the fun you had getting to know each other. Have a glass of wine(if that's your thing) give each other a massage...even a good foot rub is nice. Just have some quiet time to remember why you're putting yourselves through the chaos....laugh about it!! Sounds like you'll survive!! Best wishes!!

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  • B
    Devoted December 2011
    Breidie ·
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    Hi sockfuzz,

    I agree with julsdanne. You guys need to get away from the wedding business and have fun. Get out on a date, go out for a few beers and shoot pool or something really light and casual. But not a something together that's completely carefree.

    Keep us updated!


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  • mrsattaway2008
    Dedicated July 2008
    mrsattaway2008 ·
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    I know the feeling!!! My fiancee and i have been together for a little over 3 years and we have fought more in the last 3 or 4 months then we have the whole time we've been together. Its probably just stress, and it is really frusterating. My fiancee and i are fighting over where to have our ceremony, but once the day comes everything will be fine and all the stress will be gone!!

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  • F
    Just Said Yes June 2008
    Freemom ·
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    Thanks for confirming my feelings! I am sooooo irritable. The man I love is bugging me so much. And it is the little things like the way his allergies make him stiff all the time, or the way he drags his feet when he walks. I know this is completley my issue and he is a wonderful man. I think I am just letting my anxiety get the best of me. You are right when you say this too shall pass, but I am contacting a marriage councelor because it has been so bad. It's like continuous PMS!

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  • B
    Devoted December 2011
    Breidie ·
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    Hi Freemom,

    I think you need to figure out why you are closing your heart to him. Is it fear?

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  • sockfuzz
    Dedicated May 2008
    sockfuzz ·
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    Thank you all for your comments! It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this. Last weekend we went camping with the family, and had a very fun and relaxing family weekend. Bike riding, pool, etc. It was nice to just spend time with the kids and have a good time, and we relaxed a little bit and had some fun. It's not that all of our time is being consumed by wedding stuff, it's that it seems to be consumed with EVERYTHING. Kids, work, juggling our houses, etc. It's getting better, thankfully, and I hope it does for all of you too!

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  • Chermaine Castillo
    Chermaine Castillo ·
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    i specialize doing slideshows. It is a great entertainment idea and will keep your guests in aw for atleast 15 minutes. =) visit for more info.

    i was pregnant the last time we argued and i was SUPER irritated like that. lol. he was always the only person in the WORLD that could irritate the crap out of me.

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  • Meghan
    Savvy June 2008
    Meghan ·
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    I see your big day is comming up! I too have been on edge during the whole wedding process. I get irritated when anyone challenges my ideas- despite the fact that I am fully aware some of my ideas are bad ideas. To make matters worse, my fiance is just as stressed as I am, although he shows it differently. One thing I can definitely say is, I hope our sex life returns to normal after the wedding! It's hard to be romantic when we're both exhausted and stressed out. Good luck with your wedding! Congrats!

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  • C
    Beginner May 2013
    Catherine ·
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    Well, you guys did it! So how are things now? I am going through very similar stuff with 4 months until the wedding date. When I think about the fact that I want to marry him because he is my best friend and we love each other it's easier. But seems like the constant PMS, as someone said, whenever we talk about the actual day. I get moody, or he gets scared of me getting moody...

    Why am I so moody? That's what I'd like to know. I found the website, which talks about common issues of engaged and newly-married couples. I found it helpful, but it's still hard. Sometimes I wonder if I even want to go through with it...there I said it. It just seems like such a pain, and scary to me to think about making such a huge and powerful decision...and all those people. But then I watch him do something or hear something he says, and I remember why I love him and want to be with him. So confusing this time... I don't envy any bride-to-be.

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