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Devoted April 2020

How Sanitary Are Makeup Artists?

J, on January 25, 2019 at 12:05 PM Posted in Hair and Makeup 0 16
Okay so bare with me here - it’ll take a minute to get to my point. And this question refers to respectable MUAs - not dingy ones that are obviously risky. I’m talking renowned ones that are popular and successful. But how sanitary are they ACTUALLY being??

So I know they clearly clean all of their brushes and what not after using them and before using them again (and probably use some disposable stuff too - which I hate but that’s a different issue). BUT what about this scenario...

Fresh clean brush, they swipe it in eyeshadow and then put it on your eye. Now they have to do the other eye - but they’re most likely not going to switch brushes between they double dip in the eyeshadow. So now the eyeshadow itself is contaminated with whatever may be on that person’s skin.

And you can’t clean eyeshadow because that would ruin it. The only way to maybe do that is spraying alcohol on it but, again, that would ruin it. MAYBE shining one of those lights on it? But idk how much I believe those actually work.

So now I’m totally grossed out and freaked out thinking that it’s virtually impossible for a MUA to clean their stuff completely. I have this same thought about nail salons (which is why I would never get the dip powder - I’ve also been warned that dip powder is extremely unsanitary) but I choose to believe that the chemicals in nail polish are so intense that they kill off any bacteria (which I’m sure is just wishful thinking).


Latest activity by Gen, on January 25, 2019 at 3:28 PM
  • Annie
    VIP October 2018
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    I think you're way over thinking this. If you're so concerned with getting your makeup done by a stranger essentially you should look into doing it yourself so you know where the brushes have been. You're more likely to get some sort of infection from getting your nails done than getting your makeup done. I have never met anyone who got an infection from getting their makeup done, but I know people who got some sort of nail fungi infection from a nail salon not being sanitary enough.

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  • Samantha
    Dedicated May 2018
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    Well, I'm not a MUA but I think that everyone washes their face right before the session, and the MUA will also apply a cleaning pad to some areas of the face. If that's not enough, maybe you can buy your own supplies and get a discount since the MUA won't have to use and clean their own.

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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    You actually said exactly what I was hoping for with this post! I was hoping that someone would be like “actually they do this” and there would be some method of cleaning that I didn’t know of. Lol. Which you mentioned with the cleaning pads. The only thing I don’t feel confident in is if people have any bacteria or something that they’re not aware of and isn’t necessarily visible.

    Tbh I’m considering doing my own makeup. I’m really good at it and it would save a lot of money. I just also get myself stressed out when doing my hair & makeup which is why I kinda wanna hire someone. I’m definitely thinking about bringing my own supplies - but do you think that would look rude?
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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    Lol. Possibly. But it’s just kinda gross to me thinking that this stuff has been touching other people’s faces. But yeah ugh the nail salon is gross. I’ve actually started doing my own for that reason. I went one time and the lady cut my cuticle and literally KEPT WORKING when there was blood oozing off my finger. She touched the blood with every piece of equipment and I was just so mortified that I was silent. I should have said something but I was basically traumatized. 😂😂
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  • earias
    Champion December 2017
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    I have been married twice now and both times used a professional HMUA (the same one actually). I have also had professional pictures taken for work and I've had professional makeup applied. They always required me to come with a clean face and then they also cleaned my face thoroughly. I would be surprised if someone had some sort of disease on their skin that they weren't aware of and trace amounts of bacteria left after the bride washed her face would more than likely be removed when the MUA also cleans the bride's face. If any bacteria is left behind then that would be the "healthy" bacteria that we're not supposed to get rid of completely since we need a small amount to help us keep our immune system strong.

    In any event, it sounds like this is something you will need to decide for yourself if you can handle.

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  • Samantha
    Dedicated May 2018
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    I got a MUA for my wedding day and I would totally recommend it if you can afford it. It made the preparation stress-free. It's completely up to you if you want to bring your own supplies but to be honest I wouldn't worry about it. It's so common for professionals to reuse makeup items, everyone you see in TV or movies has had it done. And I haven't heard of anyone getting an infection from it. In the end, whatever your choice is, just be open and honest to your MUA. Any MUA worth hiring will understand and try to work with you. Whether that's letting you bring your own supplies, or reassuring you about their sanitation methods.

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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    Omg that’s so good to know!! That’s why I asked because I didn’t know what MUAs do to make sure things are sanitary so I’m happy to know about the cleaning process.

    Whats so bizarre is I’m like the furthest thing from a germaphobe! Which I’m sure no one will believe with this post. Haha. But I’m really not. I’m just so freaked out about my eyes & skin because I have so many issues (which is another reason I’m hesitant about a MUA because i don’t like trying to product because there’s such a good change my skin will freak out).
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  • Alyssa
    Master December 2019
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    I will never get professional makeup by anyone other then my friends who are certified using newly bought products (as I don’t own any of my own to bring) after reading your post...

    i never have had it done and will pass on wedding day too because I’m sure to be teary that day so it would be ruined anyway but I am definitely germ phobic and this thought process is horrifyingly real

    i think maybe you should consider having a friend do your makeup if possible, using your stuff

    or a family member if you can’t find a friend

    or do it yourself because you know you do a great job and aren’t contracting anything

    im sure people have absolutely passed around pink eye, the common cold, and stomach bugs during incubation periods through makeup artist

    i doubt youll get anything serious or noteworthy though
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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    Hahaha THANK YOU now I don’t feel so crazy. I’m glad you also pointed out the incubation period. But yeah pink eye is exactly what made me think of it because I’ve had pink eye before and every time the doctor said “throw away any makeup you’ve used in the last few weeks” and I’m like “why? I stopped using makeup when I noticed something was wrong with my eye?” And they’re like “because the infection may have still been there before their were symptoms.” But yeah I honestly might just do it myself. I’m a bridesmaid in two weddings before my own so those will be great practice runs for me too because I can see how my makeup photographs and fix anything if necessary.

    If I do decide to get it professionally done, I’ll probably bring my own stuff I’d just feel rude. But I also own a lot of expensive makeup anyways so I could literally just be like “I need an excuse to actually use some of this stuff.” 😂
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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    Also I’m glad you mentioned having a friend do it because the only reason I was thinking a professional is because the only area I still struggle a bit with is eye makeup but my sister is really good at it and she’s my MOH so I’ll just ask her! Haha.
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
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    I’m freaked out by this too especially because I have extremely sensitive skin and there’s only 1 brand of makeup I’ve ever found that doesn’t make my skin break out. I’m having one of my bridesmaids (who went to cosmetology school) do my makeup and she’s using all my own products
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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    Lol I’m glad I’m not the only one! But yeah I have issues with stuff too. For me it’s that my skin gets extremely itchy with some products. In theory, a makeup trial should answer whether or not the products will be okay for me. But I need to use a product consistently for a while to know for sure. Plus makeup trials are expensive.

    Thats another reason I’m considering DIYing this is because it could save a nice chunk of money.
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  • Gonnabeaburch
    Super July 2019
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    I'm providing my own make-up for the MUA to use for many reasons, this being one of them. I know it's extremely unlikely for a horrible infection to happen from professional makeup, but it grossed me out enough for me to want to use my own. I'm not really concerned about eyeshadow, but eye liner and mascara I couldn't get past. As for nails, it really freaks me out, so if I can get over that and get them done professionally I will look for a reputable salon with an autoclave where I can ask them to provide freshly cleaned utensils and trust that they are being honest. I will not go anywhere near one of those foot baths though! I'll be doing my own toes at home.
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
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    I totally agree. I honestly just don’t like the idea of people touching my face in general to begin with, i’m a little germaphobic. I’m really lucky that my friend is actually professional because I’m definitely much more comfortable having her do it and using my products. Though if I didn’t have a professional friend I would either be having a non-professional but talented friend do it, or just be doing it myself....... a professional would do it better but honestly I can do makeup well enough. To me it just isn’t something that is worth the expense/the fear of breaking out/the not liking strangers touching my face haha.
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  • J
    Devoted April 2020
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    I agree! I’m still not 100% decided if I’m gonna hire a professional or not. But as of right now I’m leaning towards not. I also had a friend who got her hair & makeup professionally done and she hated how she looked so much because she didn’t feel like herself. She literally did not post a single picture from her wedding and she said she hates looking at them. So I also agree that, in theory, a makeup artist would do better, but I know I do well enough and I trust myself more. Lol.
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  • Gen
    Champion June 2019
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    Yes exactly. I understand why people want them but to me I just wouldn’t. Honestly every time I get ready for a night out and do my own makeup I look in the mirror and I’m like you know what..... if this was how my makeup looked on my wedding day that would be absolutely fine 😂
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