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Savvy November 2011

How many pro photos did you get from your photographer?

Ashlee, on December 4, 2011 at 9:29 AM

Posted in Married Life 35

Just wondering how many pro pics you all got?

Just wondering how many pro pics you all got?


  • MrsO
    Master May 2012
    MrsO ·
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    I understand that but I still believe that by being more specific in her questioning she is more likely to get more of an explanation as to why they were not included in her package.

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  • LadyL
    Super October 2012
    LadyL ·
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    It depends on your photographer. Our photographer is giving us all of the shots. For our eShoot alone, they gave us over 140! Smiley smile

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  • A
    Savvy November 2011
    Ashlee ·
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    Thank you for all of your advice unfortunately I have tried all of this to get no response.

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  • Tamara
    Devoted August 2012
    Tamara ·
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    My photographer says that for 5 hours of work he averages about 250 photos. He is excellent and I can't wait to see what our engagement photos as well as our wedding photos will look like. He isn't charging us for the e-photos but I believe he is giving us 10 enhanced photos plus the others that are still generally edited. For our wedding he is giving us 30 enhanced photos with the others that will be generally edited. Smiley smile

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  • L
    Just Said Yes November 2017
    Lauren ·
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    I made the mistake of not hiring a professional photographer. And even though there was no package agreement, supposedly for the 9 hours she did pictures, Im only entitled to 150-170 that she picked out. I have none of my wedding party walking down because supposedly the lighting was "too low" or they were all blurry. Photographer stated that she takes lots of photos that she will put on a CD(s), which she never did. But yet when i go out and buy a $40, 128 gb flashdrive and ask if she will put the photos on there then she basically tells me no because it wasnt part of my package and photographers dont give clients their "raw photos". I only paid $300, which was $100 more than the original quote even, and I had paid for her hotel room because it was an out of town wedding. Most of the pictures are good but there are plenty that i am not happy with which is why it would have been nice to see them before she decided which ones i wanted to see. I am just so frustrated with everything with this, it has been like pulling teeth to even get the photos i have and its been 5 months. Of course its a very very basic contract which states nothing about time frame either. Ugh! I hope no one else ever has to deal with this. Sorry for venting but thanke for listening.
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  • J
    August 2019
    Jenna ·
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    I just used George Street for my photos and got a whopping 6,000 pictures for an 8 hour day. I love that I have so many, however, it is a pain having to go through everything. 2,000 of the photos were edited and useful, while all the rest were variants of different poses/shots. I think its a great mix of quality and quantity, just be prepared to spend a week going through the ones you like!

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  • C
    Devoted September 2019
    Caitlyn ·
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    I had 2 photographers for 8.5 hours and we got 660 photos.

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  • A
    Alyssa ·
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    For a photographer, I give around 200 images for an 8 hout day. I have ZERO duplicates. ZERO super similar images. They are all different but tell thr complete story of the day. Details, getting ready, ceremony, couples photos, bridal party, family, reception ect. I dont stay gor a full 6 hour reception because like someone else only need so many dancing photos. Often times no one even dances at the weddings I attend. I dispise the whole....800+ photos. No one needs that many photos. I feel like with that many photos the brides are getting duplicates and the same pose at every possible angle. In this digital age....obly about 100 can be put into a pro album and only the absolute favs will be printed or sharef on social media. At some point the disc or usb gets lost and all they have left are their absolute favs they had printed in the album. I feel like a skilled photographer will either NOT spray and pray (shoot everything that moves to end up with 10 copies of everything) and will be more deliberate with their photos. Or they will have a much more critical eye when selecting the images for the final gallery. Over the years ive become more deliberate with my shots which has seriously cut down my images taken from 4000 to about ****. All just by getting rid if tons of duplicates. say someone didnt deliver enough isnt always true. A seasoned photographer will be able to beautifully tell the story of your day with fewer photos. Someone with less experience (or confidence) will deliver all photos or tons of super similar images. Those images are nothing more than gallery fillers or "idk which they will like more" images. If you GENUINELY get to know your clients before the wedding you will KNOW what they will love.
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  • A
    Alyssa ·
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    I wish I could edit that ^^
    Fat fingers and small phone = typos. I apologize.
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