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Just Said Yes June 2021

Guest List Guilt - Picking & Choosing Friends

Bridget, on January 30, 2020 at 9:19 AM Posted in Etiquette and Advice 0 10

I'm struggling with intense guilt over the guest list. My partner and I decided we wanted a smaller destination wedding. We both sat down and wrote out who were most important people to us either lifelong friends or couples we're super close with - that also meant we wrote a "B" list with people we were friends with but who didn't 10000% have to attend. My biggest guilt is over a group of girlfriends. We've known each other for 6 years and used to work together. We no longer work together so we have a group text chat and we get together about once a year for dinner to catch up. There's 8 in total. There are 2 girls in this group that I am incredibly close with, I see them much more frequently and my partner & I spend time with as a couple. When we wrote the guest list, I immediately wrote down those 2 girls... the rest of them I put on the "b" list. I think I honestly thought that I would be able to invite them.

This group of girls are fun to be around, we always have a good time catching up in person annually. What I'm struggling with the most is that they ALL expected to be invited to my wedding, I am invited to one of their weddings a month before mine!! We all just got together last night for our annual dumplings dinner - first time seeing everyone (except the 2 i'm close with) since I got engaged before Thanksgiving - NONE of them congratulated me or commented on the ring. I know that sounds silly but another girl is engaged and has been since last summer, they kept asking about her ring, which we all saw back in September. I just left that dinner feeling so hurt and tried to put on a smile, I almost felt like I had to cover my ring.

While all that was happening our guest list kept getting bigger as we realized we needed to invite my partner's family (about 30 people) so our guest list is now 84. Our venue can only hold 90. My parents are graciously paying for the wedding and now have asked to invite some of their friends to the wedding. So i'm in pickle and feeling guilty because as of right now we a) can't afford to add more people to the guest list and b) my parents are inviting their friends. We've sent out almost all of our STDs to the super close friends & family and this girls group found that out before I was able to talk to them and let them know the situation.

I didn't want to tell them as a group over dinner, I felt that would be a crappy thing to do since 2 of the girls there are invited. But now I'm just at a loss.

I brought this up to my best friend last night, she said that real friends wouldn't be angry with me for not being invited if I told them the situation with the budget/venue size. I think I'm just looking for an outside opinion because this feeling is not fun and I'm upset. I think it's also, I'm a people pleaser and don't like the idea of hurting someone's feelings deep down (even though I'm 30!) Thoughts?


Latest activity by Desiree, on February 2, 2020 at 4:23 PM
  • Amber
    Master February 2020
    Amber ·
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    Your best friend is right. If you explain the situation to your friends after they ask why they weren't invited, they should be understanding of that. Our original guest list was about 150 and we cut that in half due to budget/venue restrictions. I've had near strangers asking if they're coming to the wedding, which is so rude in my opinion. But I've also had some distant friends wondering why they weren't invited. My MOH explained our situation to one very estranged family friend who seemed upset that he wasn't invited and he seemed to understand. Weddings are expensive and complicated and unless someone is contributing financially, they don't have the right to complain about it.

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  • B
    Just Said Yes June 2021
    Bridget ·
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    Thank you for responding and sharing your experience with me. Smiley smile

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  • Jennifer
    VIP August 2021
    Jennifer ·
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    I agree with Amber, if they are true friends, they will understand. They may be a bit hurt at first, but they will understand why!

    Plus, they didn't even ask about your wedding? That would hurt my feelings if it were me too! I wouldn't feel that bad about not inviting them after that, but that's just me haha! Good luck! Smiley smile

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  • L
    Lady ·
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    I would feel worse if someone went out of their way to explain why I was not invited to something. Don't invite them, that's all you have to do. If they ask about your wedding, feel free to chat about it. If they don't, I wouldn't bring it up a ton. People know that not everyone you know can be invited to your wedding, and I'm guessing it' not a surprise that you're much closer to the other 2 girls. I understand feeling conflicted, but this doesnt' need to be a big deal.

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  • Desiree
    Super March 2020
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    Wow, I can't agree with this enough!

    I am also a people pleaser, Bridget. At first, I felt a little cowardly, how could I possibly tell people no, you can't come to my wedding? But I will be honest, my situation forced me to learn really fast. Our wedding was only supposed to be immediate family, and then enough friends for a bridal party. (30 People - Very intimate.) Well, needless to say, I've had coworkers, strangers, and even invited guests asking if they can have Plus 1's. At one point, I was having a party, and a girl straight up just took a wedding invitation off of my coffee table and ASSUMED her and her boyfriend were invited. (Who does that?!) A wedding is VERY expensive, hard to plan, and overall just plain complicated. But I will be honest, most people were very understanding. I promise, you're more nervous than you need to be. Just takes some getting used to. Smiley smile

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  • J
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    Judith ·
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    How much money and time is involved for their travel to your destination wedding? If it is multi-day, or traveling far, by itself that would likely eliminate people you only see once a year from wanting to go. The ones who see you more regularly would be the only ones who would find it reasonable. You may have been getting a " freeze out,", let's not discuss her wedding, because some resent your choosing a destination wedding, which might automatically shut out most of them. And they agreed not to let it overshadow your once a year get together. The group is probably aware of which members see each other more frequently, who if invited, would never say so in front of others, as a matter of good manners. So, no references to your wedding at all may be an effort not to make an issue of things. Surely those you do see more regularly already commented? Many people resent destination weddings for the limits they put on guest numbers, by design, or by expense and time they cost attendees.
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  • B
    Just Said Yes June 2021
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    Thanks for the note, I appreciate that point of view especially with destination. It's not too far but logistically it's tough, it's a drive then a ferry then another taxi ride to the hotel venue so it's complicated and not inexpensive either. The ones I see regularly, celebrated my birthday right after the engagement so we've all seen each other since. Smiley smile

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  • B
    Just Said Yes June 2021
    Bridget ·
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    Thanks for replying! I feel like they just avoided the topic because they know 2 of the other girls got their save the dates already.

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  • B
    Just Said Yes June 2021
    Bridget ·
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    Oh man! That is tough with people straight up asking! I haven't had to deal with that yet of anyone asking but definitely tough to get used to having that conversation. I always thought other aspects of wedding planning would be tough but this has been the hardest so far!

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  • Desiree
    Super March 2020
    Desiree ·
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    I would totally agree with you. I thought figuring out logistics, budgeting, etc would all be harder. But the social aspect of having the wedding has been the toughest thing for us so far too.. I feel like I just need to vent all the time lol.

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